
Join Or Die

Shadow POV

I smile as I look at Bellamy and he quickly catches me staring which causes us both to laugh. "It's been an hour since we passed the airplane wreckage" Jasper tells us. "Seeing as we're using a map with any distances, it could of be days before we reach Luna's village" Jasper tells Monty. "At least we know we're going in the right direction" Bellamy tells them both. "Were running out of daylight. We should stop in the sun and recharge the battery" Jasper tells us. I look out the window "What sun?" I asked him. "We keep going until it dies" Clarke tells everyone. "We keep going until we get to Luna" Octavia corrected Clarke. The tension was so strong in the Rover you couldn't cut it with a sharpest blade. "This her?" Jasper asked Octavia as he holds up a picture Lincoln must have drawn. "Yes" she responded to him. "What do you think she's gonna say when we show up asking to put an AI in her head?" Jasper sighed. "Lincoln said she helps those that are in trouble. She'll help us too" Octavia nodded, already convinced Luna will help. Suddenly Bellamy slammed on the breaks and I gripped onto the dashboard in front of me as my heart dropped. The Rover skidded before coming to a full stop. "You think she can help us find a better map?" Jasper commented as I see the fallen tress in front of the Rover. "Backtrack. Find somewhere that the trees aren't so bad" He ordered everyone. Octavia jumps out of the Rover. "Hey!" Clarke tells at her. Bellamy sigh "Guess we're going in foot" I tell him as we all begin to climb out of the Rover. It's lightly raining and the water soaked the ground. The leaves and mud squish underneath my boots as I put my gun strap over my shoulder and grab Bellamy hand. "Anyone gear the part where I said it could be days?!" Jasper called out behind our group. We all take turns stepping over the large trees. Octavia suddenly halted to a stop. "Stop" she called out. We all stood still, quiet and the sounds of a waterfall came to my ears. "Hear that?" Octavia asked as she turned to me. "Water" I responded. I let go of Bellamy hand and take off running up the hill with Octavia. "Eyes Sharp! They could be hostile!" Bellamy called out after us. "They're not hostile. Out the guns down!" Octavia shouted as everyone followed us. We reached the outrageous flowing river and run along it, following Octavia in a hurry. We reached an ocean when we all stopped and looked out into the water. "Uh...where's the village?" I asked. Octavia opened the journal "No. No. No. It can't be" she whispered before taking off towards the stones. We all run with her, reaching the stones stacked one another and looked around. "The village it's just a bunch of rocks" Jasper tells us. "She's gone..." Clarke whispered. "Clarke. What do we do now?" I asked her. Bellamy and I share a glance before I see Octavia walk over to the edge of the cliff and scream into the air. Her scream echoed off the rocks as she sits down. This was our last chance to beat Alie, we're all so drain and each one of us sees it.

I watch Octavia make a fire, teaching Jasper how to start one. Bellamy brought the wood over. I stand to my feet "It will be dark soon. We need to talk about what we're gonna do" I tell everyone, catching their attention. Bellamy sets the wood down and joins me by my side. "We wait until first light and then we split up and search the shore in both directions" she stated before blowing on her hat before placing it underneath the wood and blowing more. The flames come up and begin to burn the wood. "I agree" Bellamy responded. "Lincoln wouldn't out this spot in the map unless it was important" He reached down to pick up the journal but Octavia is quick to snatch it from him. "Don't touch that!" She hissed out. We all glanced at one another and Bellamy kneeled down next to his sister. "Come on, O. How long?" He asked Octavia. She breaks a stick as I joined next to Jasper, warming my hands up on the fire. "I don't know" she tells him. "I can't even look at you" she says harshly. "Because Every time I do, I see Pike putting that gun to Lincoln head. I hear the gunshot...I see him fall" she says through her teeth as she looked into the flames. "I didn't kill Lincoln" Bellamy reminded her. She shot up "No. But he is dead because of you" she choked out. He stands up with her "I came to you. You didn't take my help. If you had just trusted me, I..." He was cut off when she tossed the sticks down in the ground and sat in front of the fire. Bellamy sigh before walking off, causing me to stand to my feet. "Yes. Go follow him. Make him feel better about all the people he's killed" Octavia hissed out. I turn on my heels and slowly approached her before kneeling down to where she's sits. "I know you hate him now. But take it from someone who knows Octavia. One day he might not be here and all the things you could've said or fixed won't matter because he will be gone..." I choked out. "I lost the chance to say everything I wanted to my sister..." I reminded her. "We all make mistakes...at least Bellamy has owned up to the ones he's made" I stand up straight. "Have you?" I asked her. Jasper throws something into the fire and it sparked before turning green, causing us all to jump back. "What did you do?!" Octavia asked him. "nothing I just threw this into the fire" he explained as he holds up a branch with green leaves on it. Octavia opened the journal. "What is it?" Clarke asked her. She takes out a pine leaf and tossed it into the fire. It burned green once again. "Signal fire. He's was trying to tell us" Octavia says. "This is how to contact Luna" she smiled. I couldn't help but laugh at the obvious answer. "I'll go get more" Jasper runs off. I look over my shoulder to see Bellamy walking along the sand by the ocean. My heart sinking in my chest as I felt his pain.

It had gotten dark before I worked up the nerve to approach Bellamy. I wanted him to calm down a little. He glanced at me before looking back at the water. "Let me guess, you came here to fix things" he stated with a hard tone. "Gona Wamplei, the peacemaker" he sarcastically says fully his arms against his chest. "Came to see if you were okay" I say. "Shadow...I've lost her" Bellamy tells me. He looked into my eyes as I turned to him. "Give her time, Bellamy. There may be blood on your hands, but it's not Lincoln's" I shake my head. "Some of it is" he choked out. "No you didn't want that to happen. You tried to stop it" I reminded him. "Octavia will forgive you eventually. The question is, will you forgive yourself?" I asked as he lowered his head. He looked back at me "Forgiveness is hard for us" he responded. There was a moment of silence before he spoke again. "I was so angry at you for trying to kill yourself. I don't want to ever feel that way again" he shakes his head. He wipes the tears that fall down his cheeks. I grabbed a hold of his face and placed my lips onto his before slightly pulling away and lowering my voice. "I love you Bellamy Blake and nothing is going to change that" I say to him. "Octavia will eventually forgive you, you have to hold onto that" I whispered. "What would I do without you?" He asked me before wrapping his arms around me and hugging me tightly as he buried his face into my neck. "I love you Shadow" Bellamy whispered. Suddenly as Bellamy pulled from me I was yanked to the ground and I looked up to see a bunch of men around me, spears aiming at me. I then look over at Bellamy to see the same. The tie us up and gag our mouths before picking us up and dragging us over to the others and shoving us in the sand. Octavia rose from the ground. "Who are you? Why did you signal?" The colored man asked. "I am Octavia. Of Skaikru and I seek safe passage" Octavia stated. "Skaikru, bringers of death. Why should we give you safe passage?" He questioned. All there weapons were pointed at us. "Lincoln" Octavia says. He glanced around at us. "He sent us..." She lied to them. "Remove their gags and free their hands" he ordered his men. They cut us free and I didn't hesitate to rip off my gag. "What's going on?" Bellamy whispered as we both stand to our feet. "I don't know" Octavia whispered back. The colored man approached Octavia and hands her a vital. "What is that?" I asked. He then hands me one "Safe passage" the colored man responded before handing Bellamy one, then Clarke and Jasper. "What does it do?" Jasper asked. He didn't answer and Jasper nodded, taking the vial from him. Octavia is the first to open hers and down it. "No! Octavia!" Bellamy shouted. "I trust Lincoln" She says, sighing. "If only she drinks it. Only she goes" The man tells us. "See you on the other side" Jasper tells us before opening and drinking it down. Suddenly Octavia eyes rolled into the back of her head and she collapse to the ground. Bellamy tried to run for her but was stopped by the colored man. "Oh. Crap" Jasper sighed. He began to stumble. "Oh God" he says before his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he collapses as well. "Last chance" The man warned us. I looked at Bellamy and then Clarke. "Together" I tell them. We all nodded and opened the vials before drinking them down. "Signal the boats!" The man called out as Bellamy and I laid down with Clarke on the sand. Suddenly everything was fuzzy and my eyes felt heavy then my body fell backward before my eyelids shut, everything going black.

My eyes slowly opened and I look around, quickly sitting up to see everyone still out cold next to me. There's holes in what looks like a storage bin they put us in. Bellamy and Octavia wake up next "Where the hell are we?" Bellamy asked. The hot sun shines just through the holes. Jasper then wakes up "My sword it gone" Octavia says as she stands to her feet. "Gun too" Jasper commented as he stood up last. Clarke quickly checks her pocket to see the AI still inside her case and sigh. Bang! Bang! I jump at the sound of sounds of banging on the metal of the container. The doors opened up and the light almost blinds me. A woman with bright red frizzle hair walked into the container. "Luna..." Octavia spoke. We all approached her and she knit her brows together. "Where's Lincoln?" She asked. "Lincoln is dead" Octavia tells her. She closed her eyes for a moment and I changed the subject. "Lincoln said you would help us" I spoke. "Did he?" She tilted her head to the side. "Luna. You're the last of your kind. The last night bloods" I informed her. "So, Lexa is dead as well." It sounded more like a statement than a question. "Her spirit has chosen you to become the next Commander" Clarke spoke up. "Titus entrusted me with the Flame to give to you" Clarke tells her. "Then he should've told you that I left my conclave, swearing to never to kill again" She tells us. "You don't have to kill. To lead is your birthright, how you lead is your choice" I spoke up again. "Here" Clarke takes out the AI and extended it to Luna. "I recognize this symbol but what is that?" She asked Clarke, examining the chip in Clarke hand. "This is the Flame" Clarke tells Luna. "It holds the spirits of the Commanders, of Lexa" she informed Luna. "Will you take it and become the next Commander?" Clarke asked her. We all waited for her response. "No..." She folded Clarke's hand. No? What does she mean no? She turned and began to walk out of the container. "Hey! Wait!" I called out to her as I followed her but I'm stopped by the smell of salt and look around to see that we're in the middle of the ocean on top of a huge building. "Where the hell are we?" Bellamy asked again. That was a good question...