
That Time I Seduced a Vampire

Jake Landrum is a down and out veteran with no prospects. But his life is about to change when his application to be someone's roommate (on Craigslist no less) gets accepted by the most unlikely of potential candidates, a vampire princess.

JDLinderman · Fantasy
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14 Chs

An Awakening

Jake held Mara close to him on the couch. "It's just, I feel like I have been looking for someone like you all my life. Does that make sense?"

Mara smirked. Her eyes twinkling with something that could almost be described as excitement.

"Well, if that's the case…" she trailed off coyly. "I think our arraignment just got a whole lot more interesting. Don't you?"

Shifting closer to Jake, her cool fingers started tracing idle circles on his thigh. "But you know the rules, roomie." Her voice low and husky. "You are mine to do with as I please, and if you cross me… it won't end well for you." Mara leaned in to whisper in Jake's ear. "But I think you knew that already. Didn't you."

There was something playful in her tone. Sinister, but playful. Jake's head was spinning. There was no way this could be real. No, he had to be dead. He had jumped off the building and he was dead. That was the only logical explanation. "Well, if I am dead or dying, I might as well enjoy myself." he thought, as he smiled at Mara. Her bright blue eyes twinkling with excitement.

"Give me one good reason why I should cross you." Jake poked at her. "You don't scare me. Not even a little. In fact… I think you are amazing."

Mara's lips curled into a wicked grin. "Oh, I am not trying to scare you, roomie," she purred in his ear. "I just want you to know who is in charge here."

Pulling back, she gazed into his eyes coolly. She studied him for a moment, looking for a reaction. Jake just sat there, grinning like an idiot school boy with a crush. She cocked her head to one side, tapping a slender finger on her chin.

"As for why you shouldn't cross me? Let's just say I know how to keep people like you in line," her grin took on a wicked countenance. "And trust me, you don't want to find out what happens if you disobey."

Jake could hear the warning in her playful tone. There was a hint of danger behind her words, and that sent a thrill up his spine. He decided to go all in and see how far he could push this fantasy before it ended and reality came crashing back down.

"If you keep cooing at me like that, I will make you beg me to be YOUR master." There was a wicked glint in his eye. Something inside him felt primal. He let it take control. He stopped trying to censor what he said or how he acted. He had an overpowering urge to dominate this delicate creature before him. No. Not delicate, she was a vampire. And it excited him.

Mara smirked, arching one delicate eyebrow at him. "Is that so?" she said, a challenge to him in her voice. "I think you are forgetting who is in charge, roomie."

She leaned even closer, her hot breath ghosting over his skin. "If you think you can handle being my master…" she let out a chuckle that was soft and melodic. "I might give you a chance."

Mara watched him for a moment to see what he would do next, a mixture of curiosity and excitement in her eyes. Jake couldn't help but stare into those blue orbs. The way they twinkled in the soft candle light that surrounded them.

It was in that moment, something inside Jake snapped. He HAD to dominate this beautiful creature. She wasn't controlling him. If anything, she had been trying to exert her will to make him compliant, but now he was wise to that trick.

His hands moved in a flash as he embraced her. With one hand he held her close. With his other hand, he grabbed a handful of her hair and forced her head back, exposing her neck. "Two can play that game," he thought.

Mara gasped at the sudden and forceful nature of his actions. She saw him swoop in towards her neck and a shiver ran down her spine as he opened his mouth. Her eyes widened in surprise when instead of biting her, he started to softly kiss her on her neck.

She submitted to his grasp and tilted her head to one side, allowing him easier access to her neck. A soft sigh of contentment escaped her lips as her eyes fluttered closed with ecstasy at his kiss. She gripped his shirt as she reveled in his lips on her skin. A thrill ran through her. A rare moment of being vulnerable. A huntress of the night, being turned into the prey. A soft purr emanated from her throat.

Jake let go of her hair, and pulled her close with both arms. Her frame was small, but he could feel her muscles under her skin. No, he could never overpower her if she didn't want him to. Emboldened by this thought, he pressed on. He gazed once again into her eyes and leaned in for a passionate kiss.

Mara stiffened at first, surprised by his boldness, but soon she melted into the embrace and returned his kiss with equal passion. In that moment, nothing else in the world existed for them. The only sound was the beating of their hearts in unison. They both wanted the same thing.

Each other.

Mara's mind flashed. She pulled away from the kiss, panting and looked up at Jake through half-lidded eyes.

"Well, roomie…" she purred at him. "I see you are full of surprises."

Jake grinned wide, belying the raging, predatory torrent inside him.

"Oh, I have a lot more in me," his voice was husky. "But I am going to make you wait."

Mara grinned at him mischievously, her blue eyes sparkling with amusement. "I wouldn't expect anything less from someone who means to dominate me." she cooed. "Don't forget, I can be a very patient predator. The chase is half the fun." Mara leaned in and gave him a playful kiss on the lips before pulling away again. "So, if you are going to make me wait, what should we do now?"

Jake caught on to her little game and decided to tease her. It was his fantasy after all. Why not have a little fun. "We could make some garlic bread." his voice was jovial.

Mara rolled her eyes playfully. "Garlic bread?! Are you serious, roomie?" She shook her head at the absurdity of the joke. "How about this instead. The night is still young. Why don't we take a trip down to the city?"

She smirked at him as she got up and walked over to the closet. Jake leaned over the back of the couch, watching her. He loved the way she moved. It was hypnotic. She pulled a black leather coat from the closet and slid it on over her form fitting dress. She glanced over her shoulder at him coyly.

"Are you ready, roomie? Because tonight is going to be a wild night."

Jake stood up from the couch and stretched. "One condition."

"Oh?" Mara couldn't suppress her curiosity. "I am all ears." Crossing her arms expectantly, she waited to hear his condition.

Jake rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "When the time comes…" his voice trailed off. "When the time comes, I want you to turn me into a vampire too."

Mara chuckled as she walked over to him. She gently placed a hand on his cheek. "It seems someone is getting awfully brave." Her eyes narrowed, studying him closely. After a moment she shrugged.

"I suppose I could turn you into a vampire." she says finally. A look of serious concern crept into her eyes. "But this is not something to be taken lightly. Do you know what you are asking for, roomie?"

Jake smiled easily at her. "I do. For now, I am content to be your human companion and provide for you. Even if it is only my blood. But there will come a time when I will want you to turn me. So we can be together… forever."

Mara leaned in closer to him, her blue eyes sparkling. "Forever, huh?" An indulgent smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "Well, if that is what you want, roomie, I am sure we can make it happen."

As much as I want to keep going, I am going to make you wait. But don't fret, my little reader. I'll give you what you keep coming here for. Eventually.

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