
That Time I Seduced a Vampire

Jake Landrum is a down and out veteran with no prospects. But his life is about to change when his application to be someone's roommate (on Craigslist no less) gets accepted by the most unlikely of potential candidates, a vampire princess.

JDLinderman · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

A new Roommate

Stepping out of the elevator, Jake was shocked by the opulence of the penthouse. It was dimly lit by candles, and smelled faintly of jasmine.

"Come in, don't be shy."

The voice was soft and melodic. Almost hypnotizing. Before Jake realized it, he had walked deeper into the penthouse. There was a flash of movement off to his right. He turned to look, and he thought he saw glowing eyes in the dark.

"Yup. I'm drunk as hell." Jake thought as he shook his head to clear it.

"You must be the applicant, Jake Landrum."

Jake spun, the voice had been right behind him. But when he turned, no one was there.

"Stop playing games and show yourself." Jake called into the darkness.

"My, my, my… but you are a brash one."

Jake couldn't believe his eyes. She seemed to fade into existence from the darkness. He was struck by her beauty. Her long, flowing black hair. Bright, glowing blue eyes.

"Wait. Glowing eyes?!" Jake thought as he tried to suppress his sudden shock.

She moved closer to him with an elegance and a grace that seemed supernatural. "No. I am just really drunk." He thought to himself.

"Hello, Jake. My name is Mara. Come with me to the kitchen. We can go over the contract there."

Jake's head felt funny. He was following her to the kitchen, but he couldn't stop himself. "Dafuq is going on?" He thought to himself as he railed against whatever was making him move. It was like fighting his way through quicksand. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Falling back on his training against interrogation, he was at least able to make himself stop walking, even if he couldn't turn around and run out of the penthouse like he wanted to.

Mara turned to regard Jake coolly. "You are strong. Stronger than any that have entered my lair before."

"What did you do to me?" Jake stood his ground defiantly. He wanted to die, but he was going to be the one in control when that happened damnit.

"I told you in my email. I am a vampire. I simply used some of my power to compel you to move." Mara grinned at him wickedly. "But your will surprises and interests me. Maybe I will keep you alive for a while."

She entered the kitchen and a light came on. Jake couldn't help but be fascinated by this woman. Was she really a vampire? He slowly made his way to the kitchen. Mara was leaning casually against the counter.

"So, are you ready to go over the contract?" Her voice was like a purr, and he felt drawn to it like a moth to a flame.

"This is definitely not a drunken hallucination." Jake thought.

"So… an actual vampire? Blood sucking, fangs, the works?"

"Yes, silly. Was I not clear enough?"

Jake walked over to the counter and saw the contract laid out. He read over it while Mara hit the highlights. At the bottom, there was just a small box. No line to sign on.

"Okay, so where do I sign?"

Mara grinned wickedly. "You simply have to prick your finger and sign in blood. Do you agree to my terms?"

"Yeah. I guess I do."

"Perfect." Her hand was a flash. He almost didn't register the movement. He looked down and saw his finger was cut open.

"Don't stand there gawking. Place your finger on the paper." Mara quipped as she licked his blood from her nail.

Jake pressed his bleeding finger on the page wondering what he had gotten himself into. "I should have known… in this city bargains come with strings attached. This is what I get for using Craigslist." Jake thought to himself as Mara handed him a bandage.

As he used the bandage to stop the bleeding she moved closer to him.

"All right roomie… here are the rules. First, when I ask you for your blood, you give it to me. With out question or hesitation. Got it?"

Jake just nodded, dumbfounded.

"Second, do not ever try to escape. If you do, I will kill you. In every way you fear. Do you understand?"

Jake could only nod.

"Now, no offense but your blood is a little thin for my taste. Are you hungry?"

Jake nodded. "I could eat. I want my blood to be to your liking."

Mara's eyes widened a little. "I knew you'd come around roomie." Holding out her wrist, she flashed her hand across it, her blood flowing freely. "Drink up, roomie. It's time you taste the real deal."

Jake wasn't sure what came over him. He half lifted her bleeding wrist to his mouth and half plunged in. He sucked hungrily from her offered wrist. Mara watched through half closed eyes as she relished the feeling of Jake feeding on her. Jake pulled away from her wrist with a gasp, wiping the blood from his mouth. Mara smirked.

"Feeling better now, roomie? You look like a man who has finally had a full meal."

Mara winked at Jake, her blue eyes glinting in the soft light. He couldn't help but feel a surge run down his spine.

"Now, what do you say we watch a little TV?" Mara gestures towards the living room.

For some reason, Jake started to feel sober. Sober enough that his wits started to return to him. The reality of where he was and what he has just done started to sink in. But her warning was fresh in his mind, so he decided running away is out of the question. In the end, he decided to just roll with it.

"Ooo… snuggles on my first night? I must be in heaven."

Mara chuckled. "I wouldn't call it heaven, exactly. But I will admit I do love having such a cute human to snuggle with."

Mara led Jake to the living room and they both sat on the softest couch Jake had ever encountered. Mara pulled a cozy blanket from the end table and draped it over both of them.

"There. That's better." Mara cooed as she snuggled up to Jake. "Now, let's see what is on TV?"

They sat there, watching a show that Jake wasn't even paying attention to. This woman, cuddled up next to him, something about her drew him in. Her scent was like exotic spice and cherry blossoms. Jake put his arm around her and she snuggled up to him even closer. His heart was racing. No woman had ever had this effect on him before. Without thinking, he started to stroke her hair. Mara just nuzzled against his chest.

"You have such a gentle touch." She purred. "It almost makes me forget that I am only keeping you alive for your blood." She chuckled wryly, but there was something affectionate in her voice.

Jake continued to stroke her hair and thought, "Well… in for a penny, in for a pound." He shifted his position and Mara looked at him quizzically. Jake leaned his head to one side, wordlessly offering his neck to her.

Mara lifted her head in surprise by his sudden gesture. She studied his face for a moment, then glanced down at his neck, considering.

She leaned over, her warm breath against his skin. "Are you sure?" Her voice is soft and almost hypnotic. "You don't have to offer yourself up to me like that. I actually just got back from a hunt before you arrived."

Jake didn't move. The feel of her breath on his skin was erotic. "I am sure. I want you to do it."

Mara's eyes flicked to Jake's, seeking confirmation. Jake just nodded at her. Mara didn't hesitate any longer. Her lips parted, revealing her fangs as they extended out of her mouth, glinting in the soft light of the room. In a flash, she sank them into Jake's offered neck.

There was a moment of sharp pain, and Jake tensed. As quickly as it started, it faded into a feeling of pure bliss. Mara's blood lust was fully awakened now as she drank deeply from Jake, her eyes half closed in ecstasy. To Jake's surprise, he was starting to feel aroused by her sucking. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her against him. When Mara had her fill, she pulled back with a soft sigh.

"Thank you." She murmured. "That was… beyond words." She softly kissed the wound on his neck. A gentle flick of her tongue and the wound healed. Leaning back against Jake, she settled in, a dreamy smile on her face.

Jake held her close as the ignored TV show continued to play. "Mara, I have a confession."

Mara cock her head curiously, "Oh? What is it, roomie?"

"Having you feed on me like that was not only very intimate, but… it also turned me on in a big way."

Mara craned her neck to look up at Jake. "Well, well…" she cooed teasingly. "I didn't know I had THAT effect on you, roomie." She sat up and leaned in closer. "If you are into that kind of thing" she purred, "I am sure we could… explore that further."