
That Time I Seduced a Vampire

Jake Landrum is a down and out veteran with no prospects. But his life is about to change when his application to be someone's roommate (on Craigslist no less) gets accepted by the most unlikely of potential candidates, a vampire princess.

JDLinderman · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Hunting Lesson

Jake followed Mara out of the apartment complex and into the cool night air. Even at this time of night, New York was a buzz of activity. They walked side by side as she led Jake to the nearest bar. Mara started scanning the crowd as they walked in. Jake was amazed she could see anything through the dim light and haze.

Mara moved effortlessly through the crowd, her expression alert and predatory. After a few moments, she spotted a likely target - a young, well-dressed man sitting alone at the bar. She signaled Jake to wait at a nearby table and she moved into action.

Jake watched as Mara approached the man, her smile sweet and persuasive as she got him talking. It took her only a few moments to have him eating out of her hand. Jake could see the hunger in her eyes as she leaned in close and whispered something in his ear.

Jake looked away. He knew what she was going to do, but what he couldn't figure out was why it stuck in his craw so bad. He had a brief thrill at the thought of being the hunter one day, but right now… "Am I feeling jealous?" he thought.

Jake flagged down a waitress and ordered a beer. He watched as Mara started flirting with the young man. He was definitely jealous. The way she touched this guy. The way she whispered into his ear. Jake started to feel a primal possessiveness welling up within him.

Jake took a swig of his beer. There was nothing he could do about it. Mara was a vampire after all. Her very existence personified dominance and control. He shrugged it off.

Her melodic laugh found its way across the bar, and Jake almost flipped. "Some fucking fantasy this is turning out to be." He ordered another beer and tried to ignore how jealous he was becoming.

Jake sat there, fuming. He chanced a glance over to Mara and her gaze flicked over to Jake, and in that moment. He could see the hunger in her eyes. And just as suddenly, the moment passed and Mara went back to flirting with the young man.

Jake finished his drink, lost in his thoughts. He needed a distraction. He needed to get his mind off of Mara. Jake noticed the pool table was open, so he moved to play a few games.

He broke the rack and sank a few shots when the hair on the back of his neck stood up. He chanced a side glance over to where Mara sat, and noticed she was watching him. He shrugged it off. "Let her have her fun." he thought as he lined up his next shot.

"Hey, roomie…" Jake did his best to hide how startled he was that she was suddenly standing next to him. "Wanna play a game?"

He glanced over his shoulder at the young man. He lowered his voice to a whisper. "Trying to make your prey jealous?"

Mara's eyes brightened as she giggled. "I just thought it would be fun to beat you," she lowered her voice to a whisper. "But if it's jealousy you want, I can certainly oblige."

Jake grinned at her wolfishly. "Oh… I am going to take you down a notch. I'll even let you break."

Mara chuckled, amused by Jake's sudden bravado. "You're on, roomie."

Jake's competitive nature took over. "To hell with chivalry and letting the lady win. I am going to beat her so badly she might cry." he was careful to mask his thoughts as Mara broke. Donning his best game face, he went to work.

The game was intense and highly competitive. Jake finally got his opening and sunk the 8 ball. Jake stood there, grinning like an idiot. He looked over at Mara who was gently applauding his victory, a sly smile on her lips.

"Not Bad, roomie…" she says, as she leaned in close. "But if you ever want to see the light of day again, you'll do well to remember who is in charge."

Jake looked at her with a smirk. "Pssht… I know you let me win. Besides, you… "date" is eyeing you. I think you made him jealous."

Mara's gaze flicked over to the young man she had been chatting up. "Well, it seems I have a reputation to maintain." she says, her tone playful. "I wouldn't want to disappoint my adoring public."

Mara glided over to the bar, her movements smooth and calculated. "Excuse me, darling…" she says, leaning in to speak to the young man. "No need to look so dejected, I was just playing a game with my roommate."

The young man just glared daggers at Jake, who just smiled and shrugged in response. Mara grinned slyly at the exchange. It would seem Jake's bruised ego had been repaired. She said her goodbye's and slid back over to Jake.

"Shall we be going home then, roomie?" she says with her hand outstretched to Jake. "I have a feeling tonight is going to be quiet… eventful."

"Sure thing, roomie." Jake shot back, emphasizing the pet name. He smirked as he saw the young man go back to his drink with a sour expression.

As they walked back out into the cool night air, Mara chuckled. " "You're getting quite bold, roomie." The walk back was spent mostly in silence. Jake started to wonder if he had soured her mood by spoiling her hunt. The ride up the elevator was likewise in awkward silence.

As they enter the apartment, Mara spun about and pinned Jake against the wall. "I think I will have to punish you for testing my limits." she leaned close, her hot breath against his ear. "But for tonight… I will let you have your fun." she backed away from him, and regarded him coolly. "I'm feeling generous."

Jake walked over to the couch and slumped down on it. How could he have blown it so badly? His own fantasy no less. He wished it would all end. "Just let me die already. Why is this dragging out like some damned soap opera?" he thought as he wallowed in his self pity.