
That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime In Naruto World

While a soul was crossing through the dimension in direction of the cardinal world. a certain Manas took interest in that soul named it and changed the course of the soul to a random world, and gave it some false memories, all in hopes to surprise its master in the future Read how that soul overpowers the world where it fell the Naruto world OBS: AU. new OC´s and powers. DISCLAIMER: I do not own Naruto or That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime. only my OCs

Joao132135 · Anime & Comics
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179 Chs

58 -=Favored by the universe=-


A/N: Read 10 chapters ahead in my P a T r E o N



Kaede talked a bit with Sasuke and went to a clearing close to the village

"yah, Sasuke... did you call Naruto or is he being a creep behind that tree?" Kaede pointed to a tree, she only didn't mention that Kakashi was there as well with the unconscious Luna behind him

"Damn... you found me..." Naruto went out of his hiding place, at Kakashi's orders

'What are you playing at Kakashi?' Kaede thoughts ran at high speeds

"What are you doing here anyways?" She asked Naruto, Sasuke was by her side looking at Naruto with a strange face

"I came here to ask you to go back to the village" Naruto said, trying to not give away Kakashi's position as well

you have no idea how many times he had to hold himself to not just reveal him, a side effect of overusing his [plot armor] skill

"Sigh... wait here a bit Sasuke, I need to put some reason on that empty head" Kaede said as she walked towards Naruto

"Hn" Sasuke nodded as he crossed his arms to watch the possible show

"So? how you are going to get me back? staring at me to death?" Kaede asked Naruto who didn't do anything yet

"I'm trying to talk with you before doing anything drastic" Naruto said, apparently he practiced this phrase beforehand... strange

"Drastic? like headbutting my hands until you fall unconscious like last time?

that surely was effective" Kaede mocked

"So... you decided then?" Naruto asked making a seal for his only jutsu, shadow clone

"Yeah, what are you going to do about it?"

"Shadow clone jutsu!"

*poof poof poof*

"Right, more of the same, huh?" Kaede said disinterested on those clones

"You made me do this! I am sorry Kaede!" Naruto said as he and his clones jumped at Kaede

Sasuke lamented that he didn't have a bag of popcorn, because even though he knew tge results of thus fight, it would be entertaining to watch nonetheless

"Sigh... why do people keep sending kids to do an adults job?" Kaede asked as she looked at Kakashi's location

*Bang pooof*

Kaede smashed Naruto and his clones at the ground with telekinesis and watched as Kakashi walked out of his hiding spot

Kaede leaned backwards, looking like she was going to fall, then she extended her leg quickly and boosted herself to Sasuke's side

Kakashi looked at this with narrowed eyes, but didn't say anything

"Sasuke, keep your sharingan open and watch closely, this is a rare fight to see, ok?" Kaede said and immediately flickered to the middle of the clearing

"Let's go Kakashi, I have more things to do after that" Kaede taunted, is wasn't effective but Kakashi prepared himself to fight

Kaede made a strange move with her arms, and suddenly threw a ball of chakra at Kakashi

"Rasengan?' He asked himself, surprised

*Boom* The ball hit a log he substituted with

"Sharingan!" He said for some odd reason as he pulled forehead protector from his eye

"Oh, right!

I forgot you had that... another reason to beat you up" Kaede muttered, preparing to fight

Kakashi who just entered his serious mode ran around Kaede in fast speeds, but...

Kaede accompanied his movement with her eyes

"Trying to out speed me? are you out of your mind?" She asked appearing right behind him

'When?' He asked but immediately distanced himself

"I really don't see why you of all people think you can beat me...

knowing that permanent sharingan thing was just a lie, and that I had enough chakra to keep ot open all the time for years, you of all people should know what this meant"

"I know" Kakashi answered plainly, albeit he thought of that as impressive, that isn't impossible, especially since Kaede apparently did not have the same exaggerated chakra consumption that he had


Kaede stopped a kunai from hitting her back

"Rude... anyway, since you don't want to talk, I'll just be done with this" Kaede said as her eyes changed to a new form, like a fusion of her mangekyou and Fugaku's

"This eye..." Kakashi muttered in surprise, he knew what a mangekyou could do, having experienced Itachi's tsukuyomi himself

'You're lucky I am not at full power or I would just vaporize you, but my clone is more important than you' She thought

"Rasengan" Naruto appeared out of nowhere and tried to hit Kaede with a rasengan but obviously failed

"Nothing personal kid" Kaede appeared behind Naruto and using the infamous NO U, she rasengan'ed Naruto in the back


Naruto hit the ground violently, but Kakashi used that time to charge at Kaede with a Raikiri in hands

*Chiiiirp* *Slash*

Kakashi's eyes widened as Kaede was hit and the image of Rin overlapping with Kaede's made him freeze

'Heh, knowing how to make them freeze is just unfair' Kaede though as her hand shot at Kakashi's sharingan

*Ripping disgusting sounds*

"Agh" Kakashi recoiled a bit, but immediately got ready for a new fight, his carelessness allowed Kaede to do that


"Hoo? nice" Rimuru immediately got to know about the feat and leaving a shadow behind to change places with later, he used [Shadow exchange] to change with the shadow Kaede prepared



Looking at the new blue haired man in front of him Kakashi had a serious expression

Different from Kaede who changed clothes, Rimuru still had his akatsuki cloak on

"The Akatsuki?" Kakashi said

"Yah, the fake uchiha? fancy seeing you here" Rimuru said

'Who is this guy?' Kakashi tried to find out the identity of Rimuru, but unfortunately he had already left Konoha with team 7 when Konoha got the news about the bijuu slayer

"Anyway, I can't keep you company, need to do my job so... Arise" Immediately 20 shadow warriors rose from the ground and dashed at Kakashi


Detected unhatched hero egg on individual Naruto Uzumaki>

'Hooh? it is so nice to have the universe favor you, isn't it? he just can't loose something without gaining some bs power, can he?'



'Ehh, lets just end him before he turns into a treat then'

"[Bijuudama]" Rimuru launched a bijuudama at close range to end Naruto


Smoke arose as the attack exploded

"Who's there?" Rimuru asked with a bad expression

the bijuudama should have dragged Naruto away before blowing up, and also should have made a way bigger explosion

So obviously something interfered

"Hello anomaly, we finally meet!" glowing orange slitted eyes greeted Rimuru as the smoke started to dissipate and a tall man silhouette showed in front of Naruto

"Anomaly? also stranger, why are you defending that brat? are you one of those justice freaks?"

"Hehe, the brat here is you, slimy bastard

I had enough trouble to make this unhatched hero, and won't let you just destroy it

And who am I? hahaha, tremble before my presence insect, for I am the one and only protector of the sky, Dygan!" Dygan said as he made a strange pose

'Who is he?' Rimuru asked his trusted skill


Individual Dygan is a true dragon>

'... you joking that the universe ACTUALLY sent a dragon to save that brat?'


it seems so>

"And? what are you going to do about that?" Rimuru asked as he prepared to fight in case it was necessary

"Ah? of course I am going to remove the anomaly and save my future true hero, since those are useful against the otsutsukis" Dygan said as his eyes started to glow again

'That's unfortunate... anyway' Rimuru lamented that he made a true dragon enemy but... why would he care? sooner or later he would end up fighting those type of enemies anyways

"Since that is it, then..." Rimuru disappeared and appeared behind Dygan with a bijuudama in hands, rasengan style



This time Dygan wasn't prepares to defend, and albeit he didn't feel the attack, je was launched back

he stuck a arm to the ground and stopped his movement, smiling madly he decided to attack as well

"Ultimate attack: CLIFFHANGER"