
That Devil

Yeong Ja a young beautiful girl striving to be loved only to be betrayed by someone she thought would get married to her. Life kept playing a crucial joke on her because almost immediately she lost her dad whom she considers to be her everything until all hope was lost. She became a low life although she was to inherit all of her dad's wealth which was also being snatched from her. When will all of this endless trouble finally come to an end? She was in Coma for 4 years of her life and after that, she met Dal Chan. He was rumored to be the devil. Yeong Ja thought that she would never find love until she met this devil. Even her relatives who she thought were good turned out to be after her life and father's properties. Eun and Haneul! These two were hellbent on making Yeong Ja loose face to the world, but all it took for them to be annihilated was just by a snap of the finger. ----- Guilty4 on Facebook! On Instagram!! Join my private group "DaoistLv Official Readers" You will get information about me and my other books on other platforms!!

Peterson_89 · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Pure Madness

At JoH's

Yeong Ja slammed her feet to the brakes, as the car she drove screeched to a perfect halt in the compound. The black jet car she used was Dal Chan's so she had no fear whatsoever that Eun might try something ridiculous. Well, she knew Eun really well because that was her character. Most especially Eun wanted her dad's properties ever since he lost his life that faithful day in the hospital. Those memories still clung to her like bad dream. Those events was still striking a bright red on her vision, maybe it was fate that had her dad dieing early. Shaking her head of the sad thoughts she smiled, yet again she had lost another important person in her family and it Li Haneul. Her death came as a shock to Ja that morning after Haneul had gave her that call, she had instigated earlier when she saw his ID that he might have a plan up his sleeves but when she picked up the phone, things suddenly changed that instance when she heard his voice. He was sad an heartbroken about the incident. Ah! Geez. Yeong cursed inwardly, this was really hard to take in. Li Haneul was her favorite amongst them. She was the only reasonable person been brought up by Haneul and Eun and Li was someone she had wished was was her sister and not Hana's, because unlike Hana's bad character. Li Haneul was one of the most prominent person when it comes to kindness so her sudden death was shocking to her. She couldn't help but wonder how In the hell she fell off the terrain, was it a shear accident or an intentional act? Or did Li Haneul try to end her life?

Giving it a careful thought, she finally stepped out of the car as she made her way into the house which was strangely quiet, she stared at the empty but large antique parlor which held most of the scenic spot of this family, the cushions was well fabricated and it held a stair interlocking at it's center of the parlor as it ascended with Grace in a twirly style. Fascinating though but she was not here for all this, immediately she ascended up the grand stairs every steps calculated as she took this stair. Every emotions she felt at the moment was overflowing with prowess. Immediately she jammed faces with Hana, it was weird though but she felt that force of darkness gripping her soul as she watched Hana stare at her with intense hatred.

"Hana, what happened to Li? How is it so possible? Tell me wh...." Ja wasn't done talking and a loud resounding slap reverberated on her cheeks which Ja never expected. She wasn't done recovering from the slap and the next thing that followed was a harsh push and that one shove was enough to make her descend down the stairs, but she missed her step by 2 steps and was able to maintain her balance and stamina.

"You threatened Li Haneul to commit suicide right?" Hana asked and Yeong Ja's eyes narrowed in confusion and at the same time blazed with unending anger that she was being slapped and also pushed to the extent that if she hadn't been careful, she may have tumbled over and maybe slightly get injured or something. "Hana, why would I advise Li to commit suicide? Besides I haven't seen her in what seems like ages so how is that even possible? Ja asked but instead of answering, Hana lunged towards Yeong Ja and again being thrown backwards 2 steps which coagulated with her stamina and almost dragged her down the stairs. Why? Why was she so engrossed in getting her thrown off this stairs? Why was she doing this? Yeong Ja couldn't help but ask these questions. Hana was intending to push her off the stairs and anytime she was pushed, Yeong Ja always ended up being lucky but for how long will she remain lucky? Isn't it just a matter of time that her luck would run out right?!

"Listen Hana, I did nothing" Ja said as she slowly brought herself down step by step to avoid another ferrous push that might cause a fatal damage and finally she was at the base of the stairs and Ja's eyes glinted in anger at the girl who suddenly looked vicious at the moment. Immediately Hana shoved her with a force of so many men that Yeong Ja went flying and she crashed on an iron cupboard and the thick metal cupboard bended to Hana's detriment and shock. Yeong Ja grimaced as the pain circulated her whole body. This was pure madness and it gats to end! Letting herself stand freely and sharing a deathly glare with Hana eyes drowning in the tide of it's crimson color weighing meticulously an inconsiderable amount of power. Ja immediately lifted the cupboard weighing a ton and that and that with her single hold. Hana's eyes widened slightly.

To Hana, she felt that Ja was lifting some light object, because with the way she acted holding up the heavy metal cupboard, it seemed as if it was the lightest thing she was holding akin to that of a light feather. This was bad, to Hana's thought. "Mom was right, Ja is a witch" She muttered not taking her focus on the angry girl just some steps away from her. Suddenly she saw it coming, Ja threw the cupboard her way and it reached her head only by a hair's breadth. The heavy cupboard would have smashed her head into a puddle of blood if she hadn't acted fast, all Hana screamed in her mind was "what the fuck!!!

Realizing what she did Yeong Ja slowly exhales as she walked over to the girl who was suddenly scared. If only Hana hadn't tried to be rude by accusing her of the cause of Li Haneul's death, maybe she wouldn't have acted vile or vicious! She just lost control at the thought of Hana been stupendously accusing this was wrong so wrong!!