
That Devil

Yeong Ja a young beautiful girl striving to be loved only to be betrayed by someone she thought would get married to her. Life kept playing a crucial joke on her because almost immediately she lost her dad whom she considers to be her everything until all hope was lost. She became a low life although she was to inherit all of her dad's wealth which was also being snatched from her. When will all of this endless trouble finally come to an end? She was in Coma for 4 years of her life and after that, she met Dal Chan. He was rumored to be the devil. Yeong Ja thought that she would never find love until she met this devil. Even her relatives who she thought were good turned out to be after her life and father's properties. Eun and Haneul! These two were hellbent on making Yeong Ja loose face to the world, but all it took for them to be annihilated was just by a snap of the finger. ----- Guilty4 on Facebook! On Instagram!! Join my private group "DaoistLv Official Readers" You will get information about me and my other books on other platforms!!

Peterson_89 · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Freedom At Last


Kit Ji sighed on the paper for her discharge as Givvel lurked around her, making sure that she had sighed on the appropriate place his eyes gleaming excitedly at his new style of teasing the girl. Kit Ji's expectations was focused on what will happen once they leave the so called hospital but this man kept on with his annoying clarification. It was either he was showing her the right place to sign on or he was teaching her a complete ethics on good writing, definitely insinuating that her writing was bad.

"Sign - here! No not there; look at the headings" Givvel said like he was being considerate about her but the truth of the matter in Kit Ji's own opinion was that he was trying to mock her and getting a hint of his nonchalant attitude she glared at him blankly.

"Oh - I see it alright" Kit Ji hissed in annoyance. Well she realized that Givvel wasn't even interested in finding out how she felt about his attitude and that was one of the thing driving her insane. She wanted him to ask if she was ok with his corrections or if his words and mode of correction angers her in any form, because right now to Kit Ji that was the case. She continued her signing as she felt the insane man looming behind her. If she was gifted with the strength of ten men maybe Givvel Chan would have been her lieutenant by now. Her would have respected her a great deal. No amount of fun would be enough to disengage that form of respect ignited in him so Kit Ji only wished which of course wasn't going to come true. Finally, she handed the discharge papers to the hospitals receptionist. The young lady smiled wryly as she collected the paper which she made a copy of it using the photocopy machine. After that the receptionist handed over the file back to Kit Ji as she held onto the other and Kit Ji took the paper. They both headed out of the hospital block. It was a great relief at least no more lying in bed all day. No more ...uh eating vegetables? Ok yeah and the color white and blue is not coming to her view for now. Well not exactly because the color white and blue is actually a random color so they might run into it at anytime, but at least it wouldn't be at dull as that of the hospitals, yuck!

"Oh - my! Freedom at last" Kit Ji said and the man turned to face her. Kit was being extra... super duper excited about leaving the arch walls of the boring hospital. It was like the hospital was a place made for boredom reapers or was it?!

Givvel Chan stared at the excited girl and his lips curved up into a faint smile. Things were already getting brisk between them well if that was the case to him because he actually felt that in just less than five days it was like they had known each other since ages.

"So you're happy?" He asked.

"Uh... Should I cry? Of course I got to be happy. You know, in my own opinion, hospitals is considered as hell and I don't want to go through that he'll again" Kit Ji said as they neared the black car parked by the inert section. Givvel was saddened by what he heard her say that he was unable to control the flow of his own word.

"Even my hell?"

Kit Ji grew confused to the extent of wondering why he had said that, is he being serious or is there another meaning to what he just said? If there is he better enlighten me! Was the thoughts running through Kit's mind.

"Your what?" She asked back and that was when Givvel Chan's eyes widened in realisation. I ain't meant to say that! I fucking shouldn't have! Damnit!!!! He needed to do something to divert her attention so quickly he said the right set of words and that was all it took to do the trick.

"No um I mean, let me call Ja and ask if she was free"

Kit Ji's mood immediately turned sour as she realized that Ja hadn't called her one bit but then realized that she was phone less at the moment so technically it was no one's fault.

"Where's Ja? Have you been lying to me about her? Is there something wrong?" Kit Ji bombarded her questions and Givvel smiled. "No! I haven't been lying to you. Ja is absolutely fine I will call her now" Givvel Chan said and opened his phone as he hit Yeong Ja's contact icon.

"It's ringing" He uttered as they stood by the black car. Givvel couldn't help but smile to himself, he had just risked his secret and that isn't what he wanted. His mind couldn't stop screaming of Joy loudly and his smile grew wider untill Kit Ji noticed and called him a dimwit. After so much waiting, the call went through with Ja and Givvel's voice threw In the question.

"Where are you Ja? I am bringing Kit along with me"

His voice was a little bit teasing but Yeong Ja was in no mood for all this so she rolled her eyes as she exhales deeply. "Listen Givvel, my cousin sister just lost her life. She fell from the terrain and died. Right now am on my way to JoH's please bring Kit with you" Ja said and the line went dead immediately. Hearing that Ja lost a cousin to death, Givvel Chan's face darkened. It was like his mood switch sucked all of the oxygen from their current surrounding and Kit Ji noticed the sudden change in his mood which isn't one of the moods she had witnessed from him this past days. This particular one was scary - and all.

"What happened to Ja?"

Almost immediately, as if realizing the fog of darkness he had created with just one mood swing most especially in front of this girl, he quickly elated his mood making the cloudy fogs dissipate before answering to the girl's question.

"Ja is fine. It's just that she lost a cousin of hers to death and asked us to meet her at JoH's common, let's get going" Givvel said and they both entered the car speeding off with myraid thoughts running through their mind.