
Tha Whispers of The Dual Soul:The Hidden Half

“Whispers of Dual Souls” In the Thornwood estate of the Elysian Empire, Lady Elara Thornwood gives birth to a child with dual souls—a split personality. Her son, known as Eamon, embodies the visible aspect, while the mysterious counterpart, Noctis, remains hidden. The Thornwood family guards a secret prophecy: this child will determine the fate of Thornwood and all realms. As Eamon and Noctis grow, their intertwined destinies unravel, revealing whispered truths that could reshape their world.

Mohammad_Aakib_0583 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 4: The Gathering of Nobles

Three years had passed, and Eamon's birthday celebration unfolded in the grand hall of the castle. Silk banners adorned the walls, and chandeliers cast a warm glow. Nobles from neighboring regions mingled, their children adding youthful energy to the festivities.

Baron Winston, a formidable 5th-stage aura master, stood at the center of attention. His wife, Lemeria, a viscount's daughter, engaged in polite conversation with other ladies. Alon, a 2nd-stage aura swordsman, and Libra, skilled in wind magic, moved gracefully through the crowd.

Yet, it was Aria who captured everyone's gaze. Rumors whispered of her rare ice attribute—a gift that set her apart. Her swordsmanship skills were unparalleled, and the nobles deemed her one of the kingdom's twelve most talented youths. They affectionately called her the "Ice Princess," and their children clustered around her, eager to bask in her aura.

From the second-floor balcony, Eamon observed the scene. His parents, Liora, Aldric, and other familiar faces congratulated him. His little sister, on the brink of her magic attribute test, radiated excitement. Amidst the celebration, Aria's irritation simmered. She longed for freedom from the noble entourage that clung to her.

Uncle Astron, Marquess Astron, approached Eamon. "My daughter still struggles with these nobles," he confided. "Can you help her?"

Eamon nodded. "Certainly, Uncle. Give me a moment." He descended the stairs, navigating the crowd. Aria's eyes met his, silently pleading for rescue. Drawing upon skills honed over three years, Eamon eased the tension, creating a path through the nobles.

"Excuse me," he addressed the group surrounding Aria. "May I have a word with the Ice Princess?" His calm demeanor commanded attention, and they reluctantly stepped aside.

Aria's relief was palpable. "Thank you," she murmured.

Eamon smiled. "It's my pleasure. Let's find a quieter corner." Away from the throng, he listened as she poured out her frustration—the weight of expectations, the suffocating admiration.

"Ice Princess or not," Eamon said, "you deserve more than mere spectacle. Let's devise a strategy." He shared techniques to deflect attention, to engage with nobles without feeling trapped. Aria's icy facade softened, revealing gratitude.

As the night wore on, Aria rejoined her parents, newfound confidence evident. Eamon returned to the balcony, watching her blend seamlessly into the crowd. She might not acknowledge his help, but he understood—the Ice Princess needed an ally, not an admirer.

And so, the whispers of their dual souls continued, weaving threads of friendship and understanding. Eamon vowed to be there for Aria, even if she remained aloof. The castle walls held secrets yet to be revealed.

To be continued…

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