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Ashes Of Deep Sea

Duncan Abnomar was transmigrated to a magical world. Most of the lands of the world had sunken, and the surviving humans could only live on islands. Due to an unknown reason, the world was also contaminated and strange phenomena and things would randomly appear. Humans had developed steam gear technology, and the islands were connected through boats. They survived by studying strange phenomena that happened all around the world. However, as the captain of a scary-looking ghost ship, Duncan was facing a huge challenge. "How the heck do I steer this ship?" Highly recommended by experienced editor: MC is transmigrated to a world mostly covered in water and far from civilization. He becomes the captain of the ghost ship, the 'Homeloss'. He steers through the fog and adventures through the broken world and the unknown deep sea. As he discovers the ruins of abandoned civilization, he would also stumble into the war between the strange phenomena and the devil gods. The story takes place in a combination of ocean and Chutly mythology world, a new and interesting background. It’s an attractive story to read due to the author’s sense of humor and mastery over the ambiance of the story. --------------- Another-style introduction: "On that day, a thick fog engulfed everything. On that day, he became the captain of a ghost ship. On that day, he crossed the dense fog and faced a completely overturned and shattered world – the former order was completely gone, and peculiar phenomena dominated the endless seas beyond civilized society. The island city-states and the fleets challenging the sea have become the only lights of civilization left, while the shadows of old days still lurk in the deep sea, waiting to devour this dying world again. But for the new captain, there's only one pressing question – Does anyone know how to sail this damn ship?!"

Yuan Tong · Sci-fi
279 Chs

Wrong Game, Right Hero: Reincarnated as the Hero From NTR Game.

[First of all: I read some western(I don't know... english speaking ones? I guess) fantsy novel on this apps and I find out that almost all of them collectively decides that their protagonist is an antihero jerks who have no empathy or sympathy, who does not like unecessary problems and extra baggage. Because of that I want you to keep in mind that this novel will have none of those. The protagonist is righteous hero, and will not be antihero who care only about his constellations, he will dive right into the heart of the problem to save even stranger. Also, it will be slow paced with all the problem a normal human will have adapting into a weird world so keep that in mind as well] Our protagonist, who considers himself somewhat of an 'intelligent' person, follows his cousin's suggestion to play the third game in the popular series "This Dying World Needs a Hero."  To his horror, he discovers that the game is NTR-based, filled with devious events while the weak hero watches helplessly. After spending the whole night cursing the game's producer and his beloved cousin, he decides to replay the whole game out of pure spite, determined to disrupt the plot.  He twists the fate of all the heroines, causing them unimaginable suffering, all while grumbling about murdering the bastard who he used to called his 'favourite cousin' the girl who betrayed him in this way. After several days, nights and even a weeks perhaps, on continous replay and walkthrough, without work, food, sleep, or water, he finally achieves his preferred ending, where the heroines' fates are worse than the hero's.  After successfully achieving his goal, while stretching and smiling in satisfaction, he suddenly loses consciousness and finds himself reincarnated into the body of the game's hero, whom he detests for being extremely weak. Now in this new body, he, who loathes the heroines and the entire NTR genre is determined to sever ties early on, he attempts to finished the plot without falling into the typical traps.  The protagonist must navigate this complex web of relationships, balancing his disdain for the heroines and the world itself with the unexpected responsibility of being their unwilling savior in this God Forsaken World. Note: Btw english is my third language, so forgive me if the phrasings area bit awkward sometimes. Also, there will be a dark joke all throughout the novel, so all of the sensitive people can find a more fluffy one.

Duke_Atticus · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Forgotten Grief

In the desolate expanse of Abbyss, Arizona, fifteen-year-old Ricardo Fergie lives an untroubled life, his youthful exuberance a stark contrast to the harsh landscape. Alongside him is Phoenix Sergie, a newcomer from Moscow, who bears the weight of a foreign past. Their friendship blossoms amid shared dreams and the thrill of adventure, particularly their obsession with a video game called The Gun, where danger lurks in every corner. However, the normalcy of their lives shatters when a thunderous explosion rocks their school, plunging Sergie into a harrowing nightmare. Awakening alone in a dark, abandoned classroom, he confronts a chilling reality where bones litter the halls and despair hangs heavy in the air. Determined to find Ricardo, he embarks on a treacherous journey through the desolation of Abbyss, where nature has reclaimed the ruins of civilization. As dusk falls, Sergie encounters Dante Vex, a mysterious young man with striking white hair who claims to be a vampire. Despite his initial skepticism, Sergie's need for companionship drives him to accept Dante's offer of shelter. Their interactions blend humor with tension, and as they navigate the perils of their ravaged world, Sergie grapples with his feelings of loneliness and fear. Together, they uncover dark secrets hidden in the shadows, and Sergie clings to the hope of reuniting with Ricardo, all while facing the uncertain dangers that lurk in the remnants of their once-vibrant town. In this eerie tale of survival and friendship, Sergie must confront not only the horrors of their reality but also the depth of his own courage and resilience in a world turned upside down.

BlackQuilFantom · Sci-fi
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6 Chs

Labyrinth of Memories

Di kota kecil yang terlupakan oleh waktu, terdapat sebuah institusi misterius bernama The Labyrinth. Dulunya dikenal sebagai pusat penelitian medis terkemuka, The Labyrinth kini dikenal karena eksperimen gelapnya yang mengeksploitasi trauma dan ketakutan manusia untuk tujuan yang tidak jelas. Leon Cross, seorang detektif berusia 35 tahun dengan masa lalu kelam, dipekerjakan untuk menyelidiki serangkaian kasus orang hilang yang semua terkait dengan The Labyrinth. Selama penyelidikan, Leon menemukan bahwa para korban tidak hanya hilang secara fisik tetapi juga secara mental—pikiran mereka telah dipelintir sehingga mereka kehilangan identitas aslinya. Leon berhadapan dengan berbagai karakter yang merupakan korban eksperimen di The Labyrinth. Mereka memiliki trauma mendalam dan kecacatan psikologis yang berhubungan dengan pengalaman mereka. Di tengah pencariannya, Leon menjelajahi arsitektur berubah-ubah dari The Labyrinth, di mana setiap ruangan merupakan manifestasi dari trauma dan ketakutan para korban. Leon segera menemukan bahwa eksperimen di The Labyrinth bukan hanya untuk mengeksplorasi trauma tetapi juga untuk membuka pintu ke dimensi lain, di mana kesadaran manusia dapat dimanipulasi tanpa batas. Dalam upayanya untuk menghentikan eksperimen, Leon harus membantu menyembuhkan trauma para korban, yang telah mengalami kerusakan mental yang mendalam akibat eksperimen tersebut. Selama penyelidikan, Leon menyadari bahwa satu-satunya cara untuk menghentikan eksperimen adalah dengan menyembuhkan trauma para korban dan mengembalikan identitas mereka yang hilang. Ia harus mengatasi berbagai manifestasi trauma yang ada di The Labyrinth dan membantu para korban mengatasi ketakutan mereka, sambil mengungkap kebenaran di balik eksperimen yang mengancam keselamatan mereka dan kota. Labyrinth adalah novel horror psikologis dan thriller misteri yang mengeksplorasi tema trauma, identitas, dan penyembuhan, dengan atmosfer gelap dan penuh misteri yang menggugah ketegangan dan ketertarikan pembaca.

Abyys · Horror
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3 Chs