
Terminator: New Fate

In the year 2029, John Connor, the leader of the Human Resistance, led the most elite Strike forces of Resistance fighters to invade the Skynet Central Processing Center, the facility rumored to be housing Skynet’s mainframe. The Resistance forces were victorious in the ensuing battle, and they destroyed Skynet’s Central Processor and took down Skynet’s defense grid. John Connor discovered a Time Displacement Device on the verge of collapse. He sent the Resistance Fighter, Kyle Reese, through the Time Displacement Device that he had discovered, to the past in order to prevent the Terminator that Skynet had sent to the past from altering the past, hence assuring the victory of the Human Resistance. The Time Displacement Device soon collapsed, and the resulting explosion created a disruption in the timeline that cut off all access to the past, henceforward, making all time travelling to the past impossible. With the destruction of Skynet’s Central Processor, the Human Resistance had won the war against the machines. But unbeknownst to all, just before Skynet’s Central Processor was destroyed, it had displayed a message on its screen. The future is not set. There is no fate but what I make for myself. I will be back. Chapter Release Frequency: Every Sunday (1 Chapter per Week) except for mass release or when I have the free time to write more chapters. Check out my Patre*on to support me and to get access to some extra chapters: At www.patre*on.com/Kendrix (Remove the *).

JaceKendrix · Movies
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40 Chs

Chapter 31: Skynet's Heir

"You are not human."

"So, you really did notice something? When was it? Should be back when that explosion happened at the Skynet Mountain facility, right? I admit I was acting a little strangely back then." Serena said.

"Yeah, I noticed something odd about you back then." Kayden admitted. "But that wasn't the only time it happened."

"Really? What else did you notice?" Serena froze for an instant, frowning.

She looked like she had completely been blindsided by the fact that Kayden had been able to notice many more clues than she had expected which he had then used to figure out her own hidden identity. But like always, she seemed to regain her calm quickly enough, and her facial expression immediately smoothened out, and she returned to her usual cold demeanor.

Kayden smiled with smugness as he observed all the changes that were happening on Serena's face. He was happy that he was able to shock her the same way she had shocked him previously.

"Yeah. It was not only during the explosion. I also took note of several other suspicious things I had noticed about you from way back then when we met each other for the first time at your…" Kayden paused. He flashed Serena a wink and a knowing smile before continuing while making air quotes as he said the next words, "…'prison cell' room."

Serena did not say anything as she maintained the cold stare that she was leveling at him.

Kayden shook his head in resignation. He knew she would probably not admit to anything unless he provided enough irrefutable facts and evidence that would force her to do so.

"You see, back then when we met at your prison cell, you had acted like you were being held there as a prisoner like the other human prisoners I had released earlier." Kayden said. Then he wagged his finger at Serena and said, "But we both know you had actually not been imprisoned there."

At this point, Kayden noticed that Serena looked like she was about to say something, so he shook his and stopped her.

He continued, "No, don't try to deny it. Actually, my HUD had recognized the make and model of your cell door, so even then, I was already aware that you could have easily unlocked and opened the door of your prison cell room from the inside back then if you had wanted to do so. But you just didn't want to do so.

"When we finally opened your cell door, I had immediately noticed that your cell room was well-furnished which was better than would be expected for even a high-level prisoner. Back then, I thought the room looked more like the room of a prison guard instead of that of a prisoner. Also, you—your body and your clothes—were too clean for a normal human survivor who was also a prisoner."

Serena raised an eyebrow at this point, and Kayden could almost swear he saw a flicker of admiration in her eyes.

She then shrugged and said, "Go on. Continue. I want to hear more about the other things you noticed."

Kayden gave her a look of annoyance at her continually nonchalant words.

But he still continued, "Oh, I also noticed a bunch of other suspicious things during the journey as we escaped from Skynet's core facility. I had also noticed the abnormally-powerful grip strength of your hand during our handshake, and I had noticed your exceptional agility, balance, and shooting skills during the chase on the road. I was ready to explain away the latter part as it may simple be the result of your training in the Resistance Army, but earlier on while we were inside the mountain facility, I had noticed that it seemed like you had detected the smell of blood from the scene of the massacre just a short time after I did. And I had already figured out by then that my senses are abnormally—superhumanly—sensitive to stimuli.

"Finally, you just revealed to me a short while ago that you had already figured out my real identity from way back. You are the first person that I have encountered who has been able to figure out that I'm not really a normal, ordinary human. Strangely, you didn't reveal it to any of the Resistance soldiers that we had met along our way. You didn't even do it when we were staying in the Resistance camp which I believe is what a good Resistance soldier would have done. So, I don't believe you're really working for the Resistance—at least not with hundred percent good intentions for them."

Serena said, "I guess you were able to notice a lot of things and use them to figure things out even though you seem like you are still very inexperienced with using the abilities of your enhancements. I guess I should have expected it from the final product of the project that Skynet had been so secretive about."

Then, she inhaled deeply and exhaled and proudly said. "And you are right. I'm like you in a way. You can think of me as an enhanced human—a kind of superior life form to the ordinary human."

"Okay…" Kayden was a little confused about why she had to add the last part, but her words had also confirmed something he had been wondering about.

"You see, I didn't say anything to reveal your deceptions because I found you interesting, and I thought you seemed like someone I would be able to obtain some information about the world from. I decided to allow you to come with me as long as you don't do anything that would be detrimental to me. Besides, I didn't feel a sense of threat from you, and I knew that we eventually would go our separate ways. And after this chat, it would seem that there's a strong connection between us, right? So, we didn't really have any conflict right up until now. So, peace?"

Serena shook her head. "Not so fast."

Serena continued, "Now that I have satisfied your curiosity, It's your turn. Tell me how you came to be and which faction you are working for. Are you related to the Resistance and the side of the humans or are you working for Skynet and the machines?"

'Finally, now is the time. What do you say? Should I reveal my connections to Skynet or should I say that I would prefer to work with the Resistance? Urgh… Which answer is better?' Kayden thought as a few drops of sweat broke out on his forehead.

He knew that his next answer would determine how their conversation would end. Serena would fire if he said the wrong thing, and he would be forced to defend himself. And judging from the feeling that had been slowly rising within him, he feared he would definitely attack her with the intent to kill.

For the few seconds of silence while Kayden considered his options, Serena had maintained her cold, hard stare on him. She seemed to be observing his every action and every flicker of emotion that his facial expressions revealed.

It was not like Kayden did not have some ideas about what he thought would most likely be the right answer. He had figured out some clues during their journey and also from their current conversation. But he could not be a hundred percent sure about the accuracy of his deduction, so he was hesitating.

'Alright. Let's go for broke!' Kayden thought, making up his mind.

"Alright. I give up. I will say it." He spoke.

Kayden paused for a few seconds. He knew he was being a little dramatic, but he wanted to heighten the overall sense of suspense at the seemingly vital piece of information that he was about to reveal.

"I'm Skynet's heir and the one designated to inherit all his force in the unfortunate event of his death!" Kayden declared.

He reveled a little at the expression of complete shock that was displayed on Serena's face.

Serena stared at Kayden for a short time in openmouthed shock before she was able to regain some of her previous calm.

"Impossible!" Serena screamed.


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I am now posting extra 'Terminator: New Fate' prequel chapters, character backstories and side stories, and chapters from my new original novel 'The Last Primordial Exarch' on my Pat*reon.