
Terminator: New Fate

In the year 2029, John Connor, the leader of the Human Resistance, led the most elite Strike forces of Resistance fighters to invade the Skynet Central Processing Center, the facility rumored to be housing Skynet’s mainframe. The Resistance forces were victorious in the ensuing battle, and they destroyed Skynet’s Central Processor and took down Skynet’s defense grid. John Connor discovered a Time Displacement Device on the verge of collapse. He sent the Resistance Fighter, Kyle Reese, through the Time Displacement Device that he had discovered, to the past in order to prevent the Terminator that Skynet had sent to the past from altering the past, hence assuring the victory of the Human Resistance. The Time Displacement Device soon collapsed, and the resulting explosion created a disruption in the timeline that cut off all access to the past, henceforward, making all time travelling to the past impossible. With the destruction of Skynet’s Central Processor, the Human Resistance had won the war against the machines. But unbeknownst to all, just before Skynet’s Central Processor was destroyed, it had displayed a message on its screen. The future is not set. There is no fate but what I make for myself. I will be back. Chapter Release Frequency: Every Sunday (1 Chapter per Week) except for mass release or when I have the free time to write more chapters. Check out my Patre*on to support me and to get access to some extra chapters: At www.patre*on.com/Kendrix (Remove the *).

JaceKendrix · Movies
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40 Chs

Chapter 32: Traitor

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Enjoy the chapter!


"Impossible!" Serena screamed. "Your claim is ridiculous. Skynet would never create a successor to his power or someone who could take control of his force."

'Yes! It looks like I chose right.' Kayden thought.

"Wait a minute. It sounds to me like you were close to Skynet in the past. Or am I wrong?" Kayden asked, interrupting her.

Serena nodded.

"Yes. You guessed correctly. I really don't need to hide my identity at this point. My name is Serena Burns--I didn't lie about that part. I am one of the Infiltrators--the I-950 model--that Skynet created to infiltrate the Human Resistance. I'm kind of similar to a human and Terminator hybrid like you but with some differences, and I have been in close contact with Skynet for a long time, so it's very difficult for me to believe that Skynet would ever create an heir of any sort for itself."

Kayden nodded after she finished speaking.

"I understand why you doubt my words. Anyways, that's what Skynet told me when it awakened me. The invasion of the Resistance Army had forced Skynet to leave without having explained anything to me, so, I'm also confused about the whole thing."

He shrugged at this point. Then, he continued speaking.

"But let's not even consider all that. We have now made everything about us clear and in the open to each, so what's your decision? What will you do next?" Kayden asked Serena.

"I advise you to let me go. I might have hidden things about myself from you, but you did the same thing to me. We don't really have anything against each other, and we are more like natural allies if I say so myself. So, I say we choose peace between us."

Kayden noticed that Serena's expression had changed into a thought one as he tried to convince her to choose to have a friendly relationship with him. Towards the end of his speech, she had even nodded, and for an instant, it had seemed to him like she was going to agree with him. But just when Kayden began to feel a little relieved and also began to regain some of his lost calm, a new change came over Serena.

"No!" Serena declared, her expression transforming back into its former cold and ruthless look.

She said, "Actually, I don't doubt your claim that you had only awakened recently—or even yesterday as you claim. I myself have already noticed that you seem to be ignorant about many things that would be common sense for most people, including the vagabond survivors. For example, when I told you about this hideout, you didn't question me which was strange and surprising, and it helped me confirm some of my suspicions about you. Any survivor would know that this entire region was considered to be similar to a death zone to humans due to the excessive amounts of machine activity and patrols that go on within the area. Even the most daring people among the Resistance would not want to place one of their hideouts here as it was basically impossible to do so without being discovered and captured by Skynet's machines.

"Also, even though I don't believe this ridiculous business of you being Skynet's heir, I actually can accept that you have some kind of connection to Skynet. I had watched you arrive at the prison level through the hidden cameras in the main prison room, and I had noticed you seemed to have come from the lower levels which Skynet had placed under such an extremely strict restricted access that even I was not allowed to know what was going on there."

"Was that the reason why you decided to join our group and follow me? You wished to observe me and investigate my situation?" Kayden asked.

"Yes, that's correct. I had been keeping watch on the prisoners from inside my 'cell' room when I saw you walk into the prison room from outside. You were not wearing any clothing, and it looked like you had come from the lower levels which Skynet had restricted access to for most people including me. I watched you free the prisoners. You were different from the other prisoners. You had not been imprisoned with the other prisoners." Serena said.

"Back then when we first met inside the prison room, I tried to ask Skynet about you, but I didn't receive a reply. So, since I was bored with my prison guard duties, I decided to join your group and follow you. I planned to watch your actions and through that, figure out who you were. I have always been curious about what Skynet was doing in the lower levels but it had always been so secretive about it. So, yeah. I finally managed to discover some oddities about you, and I want you to tell me the complete truth about who and what you are, and with the conversation we just had, I have accepted that you have some connection with Skynet and the machine force."

She paused, hesitating as she considered her next decision.

"Normally, like you said, I wouldn't have any more issues with you. But things are very different right now, and unfortunately, you did something that I'm just not able to ignore."

"What's that? I don't think I have done anything bad to you since the time we first met each other." Kayden asked.

Suddenly, he massaged his head with one hand as he groaned.

"urgh..fuck. I really think you should stop pointing your guns at me right now." Kayden cursed out loud as the strain he was withstanding from trying to suppress his constantly rising urge to kill Serena was taking a toll on his mind.

Serena completely ignored his words. She continued, looking like she was becoming more agitated as the volume of her voice was slowly rising as the words came out.

"You are a traitor. You betrayed Skynet and ran away from the fight. Skynet was destroyed! You didn't stay back. You…" She paused, sighing, "…and me…we didn't stay and fight against the Resistance. If we had fought or at least sacrificed our lives to protect Skynet, who knows, Skynet might have not been destroyed. Damn it!"

Serena threw away the Steyr M9-A2 pistol she was holding in her left hand, freeing up her hand which she then used to hold her plasma pistol in a two-handed grip.

"Skynet is dead, so I have lost reason to exist. So, before I carry out what I came here to do, let me first eliminate a traitor and deserter like you." Serena said.

'She is really going to kill me!' Kayden thought, heart beating rapidly with a rising sense of dread.




'Fu*ck! I don't think I can control myself any longer!' Kayden screamed with his thoughts.

The number of words written with a red color increased, and they also began to flash with even more urgency all over his HUD that urged him to attack and kill Serena. At the same time, a powerful wave of intense fear and dread washed over him and intrusive thoughts appeared in his head and then continued to grow louder and stronger in urging him.

'She really wants to kill me! Kill her first! Kill her before she kills me! Kill her! Kill her! Kill her!' The thoughts seemed to strongly urge Kayden to immediately attack and kill Serena.

He began to feel like he was about to lose control of his killer instinct which had constantly been growing stronger from the onset when Serena had first aimed at him with her guns and which was pushing him to attack Serena.

'No! Why do I feel so afraid? F*ck! I'm sure I'm really not in that much danger, or am I? I should only need to block her next attack, and then I will be able to move fast and restrain her. I don't actually need to kill her. Stop it! Stop!' Kayden shouted to himself in his mind.

Unfortunately for him, the primal fear that was consuming his mind and his irrational thoughts continued to grow more powerful, and they threatened to soon overwhelm him.

But when he shouted the final 'Stop!', something that he totally did not expect happened.





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I am now posting extra 'Terminator: New Fate' prequel chapters, character backstories and side stories, and chapters from my new original novel 'The Last Primordial Exarch' on my Pat*reon.