
Tensura: Broken Heart

Love, love, love, love who? "... That one person." Who is that person? Tell me who? "The one whose destiny entangled with mine to the point of existing as one." Existing as one? Is this even possible? But who will love you that much other than me? Tell me! Tell me! Tell me! "Fufu is this even a question, My wife..." Wife? You have gotten married even though you have me? I will kill her? I will drive her into madness. "You can't, she is already mad... Madly is in love with me..." Madly in love for... For what? "For love..." Why? Why? What is the reason? "To be loved..." By whom permission? "By love..." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Credits to Rimuru6360, link for original on Wattpad -> https://www.wattpad.com/story/295691257

GodOfPeacefulDeath · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

Chapter 8 - Otaku's Child

Currently, I'm doing some paperwork in my office and Veldora is reading manga in my house. I let him live with me because of his identity I already informed Shuna, Souei, Benimaru, Shion, Rigurd, and Hakurou, other than these people nobody knows about his true identity.

Shuna sends two of the best maids to serve him. Well, he is like a «God» so I think this much is given.


Suddenly the door slammed open and a trio of adventurers entered my office.

"Eren, Kaval, and Gedo"

I greeted them. I was surprised that someone was able to enter my office without any notice, now I understand why nobody stops them. But I think there are other people with them this time.

"I will talk with you in the meeting room,"

I said to them as they nodded and left my office.

I teleported myself inside the meeting room. All the other people also entered the room and take their seats. Benimaru and Shion are also present in the room as Shuna was serving tea and snacks to everyone.

"I'm the leader of this town... Or nation... Called 'Jura Tempest Federation'. My name is Rimuru Tempest"

I introduce myself to all of them.

"By the way Rimuru. There are some people that we didn't see last time"

Eren asked me.

"Oh, yeah. This is Benimaru, Shion, and Shuna. There are others but you will see them later"

I introduced all of them. Just then Milim enter the room. While eating some sweets.

"And she is Demon Lord Milim"

I added as I saw her.

"So the kingdoms of Blumund and Falmuth have both come to investigate this place?"

I asked them as I transformed back into my slime form.

"We are-"Fuze was about to say something but the person named Youm cut him off.

"Wait a minute. Why is a slime acting like such a big shot? This doesn't make sense. Why are all of you okay with this?"

He said in a cool voice. Is he trying to act cool?

"You are insulting Rimuru-Sama"

Shion warned him as she glared at him.

"Shut your mouth"

And he got a smack in his head by Shion's heavy sword. He deserves that hit but I have to warn her not to act rashly.


"I'm sorry"

That was a fast response from Shion. She swiftly bowed her head as she apologises. But Milim didn't let this chance go to show off.

"Hahaha, you have a long way to go Shion if you want to control your temper. You are so short-tempered because you didn't have an open mind as I do"

Woah. She boasted and scold at the same time she is pretty good at it. I have to admit it.

"I want to have a good relationship with human nations. I hope we can trade and network with you all someday, too"

I said to them and they all nodded.

"And you Youm. Falmuth hire you correctly"

"I want you to work for me. I want you to hail as a champion who killed the Orc Lord"

I gave him my offer. They all looked shocked after hearing my offer. They looked suspicious of me that's why I tried to elaborate on my idea to them.

"I want people to recognize me as a monster who helped the champion. Not a mysterious monster who killed Orc Lord"

As I said Youm and his subordinates chime in.

"Yes. It is easy that way"

"I think he is right. What do you think boss"

He looked troubled with his decision and Fuze also did not look that convinced about living with a monster.

"I will give you a week to decide. You all can stay here and can see with your own eyes just how we truly are"

I gave him a week to make his choice. I think this much time is enough. They all nodded and started to leave the room as I teleported into my office.

It's been four days since I gave my offer to Youm and his team. I'm taking a stroll in the town when I see that Milim, Kaval, and his party returned from hunting monsters and Milim is boasting about herself.

I was about to leave the place when I feel some fluctuation in the space. Milim and Shion also feel the abnormality in the space as they are looking at the same place as me.

Benimaru and Souei also appeared in front of me.

As we watched a Dryad appear in front of us with a black smoke-like substance surrounding her whole body.

<<Notice. The individual in front of you is corrupt with a murderous aura>>

"I'm Trya. Younger sister of Treyni"

"What with that murderous aura"

I asked her as she introduce herself.

"There is an emergency. Calamity is approaching. Charybdis is heading towards this town"


I asked her confused as she talk about him. All the people looking at me like they saw an alien.

"What! Don't forget I'm only a year old"

"What!! Rimuru-Sama is only a year old"

Shion you don't have to repeat it. Argh! It is embarrassing to say but I'm the youngest in our group. But that doesn't matter. I can ask my partner for help. Raphael-San, please explain about that creature.

<<Answer. Charybdis is a calamity-level mindless monster, he was spawned from Veldora magicules. That's why people called him Veldora child>>

Hmm. As I thought Raphael-San is the best. No doubt.

"I will take care of him. When he reaches close to the town"

"Yes. Rimuru-Sama"

There is no need to panic he is only a Demon Lord-level enemy and we have Veldora and Milim as a backup if something goes wrong.

"What!! You are saying you are going to kill the Charybdis alone"

"Rimuru-San I know you are strong but..."

Fuze and Eren you two are worried for nothing. Well, I'm happy that someone is worried for me though. But I'm not going to say it out loud.

"Don't worry. We have Milim as a backup if anything bad happens"

"Yes. And I'm going with Rimuru-Sama"

I said and Shion backed me up. That's the first time I felt like she is doing a good job as my self-proclaimed secretary.

After discussing with others we departure to subjugate the Charybdis. I with Benimaru, Shion, and Hakurou waiting for Charybdis.

Milim is resting under the tree a little far away. Fuze, Eren, and others also came here to watch the battle and they are standing near Milim.

After waiting for a while finally he came. Charybdis and he didn't disappoint me. Milim always beat me to a pulp in the name of training and the same goes for Veldora. Of course, I spar with him in secret. That's why I'm looking for someone to test my power and he is the perfect toy to test my new power.

It's time to see the fruit of my labor. Benimaru, Shion, and Hakurou are going to kill four of his subordinates.

And I'm going to kill him and one of his last subordinates or you can say evil spirit.

Benimaru toasted four megalodons with his hell flare. Shion is also sliced into two with her sword and Hakurou is slice them until they became small pieces of meat. Like really small we can even cook them.

And now it's my turn let's see how strong these Charybdis and Megalodons are.

I use my sword as I cut the megalodons into two pieces. What! He is this weak. Now I'm worried about Charybdis I hope he didn't disappoint me.

I stretched my wings and took off into the sky as I came in front of Charybdis. He fired his scales toward me. The speed is not that great, to be honest. But the number can't be underestimated.

"Beelzebub," I said as a torrent of black and blue smoke appeared in front of me and devoured every single scale that headed towards my way.

"Hmm. Let's try my new sword," I summoned my new katana, Kurobe, and Kaijin to work together to make this Katana for me. Originally this Katana is not that strong but after absorbing my magicules for this long. It became a low-class legend Class weapon. I think this is the weakest legend grade sword in existence but for now, this will do...

I pointed my katana at Charybdis as I launched myself at him as black fire and lighting surrounded my sword.

I slashed my sword in his direction as I hit its back. But it didn't do a lot of damage. Let's try something else.

I poured my magicules into a sword as I heard the sound of electricity crackling. The black fire and lighting intensified as I slashed one of his wings into two.

"Black Lightning"

Black electricity hit in the middle burning his body into crisp.

And let's finish this with this sword strike.

Slash Slash Slash

I slashed his body multiple times as his body parts started to fall from the sky. I think it's over.

"Beelzebub" I eat all of his body with Beelzebub as I feel my power increase a little. Let's meet up with the others.