
Tensura: Broken Heart

Love, love, love, love who? "... That one person." Who is that person? Tell me who? "The one whose destiny entangled with mine to the point of existing as one." Existing as one? Is this even possible? But who will love you that much other than me? Tell me! Tell me! Tell me! "Fufu is this even a question, My wife..." Wife? You have gotten married even though you have me? I will kill her? I will drive her into madness. "You can't, she is already mad... Madly is in love with me..." Madly in love for... For what? "For love..." Why? Why? What is the reason? "To be loved..." By whom permission? "By love..." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Credits to Rimuru6360, link for original on Wattpad -> https://www.wattpad.com/story/295691257

GodOfPeacefulDeath · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

Chapter 9 - Slime VS Dragon

I ate the whole body of Charybdis and separate Phobio from his body. As I reach the place where Milim and others are waiting for me. When I landed other than Milim everyone's faces is completely pale like they saw a ghost. Did something happen?

"Whahaha, I know that Rimuru can beat him"

"Hmm. He was not as strong as I thought he would be"

Milim acted like Milim and I gave her my honest answer. He was strong but not as strong as I thought he would be.


"Hahaha... Rimuru you are stronger than I thought"

Fuze murmured to himself as Eren replied with a forced laugh. Others are just too shocked to say anything. Did I say something wrong?

<<Notice. A person is hiding behind the bushes. The person is stronger than the individual Benimaru>>

Huh. Benimaru but he is not a threat to me is he.

<<Answer. No master is much stronger>>

Then I didn't have to waste my time playing dumb.

"Hey it is not nice to eavesdropping other people"

I said as I saw a man with blond hair and amber color eyes come out of hiding. He has a well-built body. He is quite strong but not a threat to me.

"Hahaha. I got find out this early I'm Demon Lord Carrion"

He introduced himself quite nicely not like someone who just brags into another territory.

"Rimuru Tempest. And I think this is your"

I also introduced myself as I throw Phobia into him.

"Whahaha, you got discovered by my bestie Carrion"

And Milim just brags in.

"Thank you for not killing him"

"Don't worry"

After short conservation, we decided to sign a treaty between Tempest and Beast Kingdom Eurazania. He will send their representatives in a few days.

After that, I discussed some matters with Fuze and asked him not to tell other people about my strength.

Youm also agreed to my request and he is practicing with Hakurou, so he will become someone who can defeat at least a B-rank monster.

After finishing training, he will go to his nation back and spread the rumors. Milim also left the city saying she has some business to do.

Now I have too much free time and I particularly didn't have anything to do. All of my subordinates are taking care of all the work. Hmm. Should I go to Ingrassia to save the children that Shizu-San wants to save?

Hmm. Let's do this I already have Fuze's recommendation letter.

"Benimaru gathered all the executives at the meeting room"

"Yes. Rimuru-Sama"

With that said I used Shadow step and appeared in the meeting room. After a while, all the executives came.

"Ahem. The reason why I hold this meeting is that I'm going to Ingrassia"


That was the expected reaction from all the people. Ah. Most of them didn't even know Shizu-San. I think I have to tell all of them about her.

After explaining all the things they looked convinced and didn't bother me with any questions. Any question but one.

"So Rimuru-Sama who are you taking with you as a bodyguard"

Shion asked enthusiastically and I replied flatly. And her enthusiastic self disappeared.

"So when are you planning to leave Rimuru-Sama"

"...After a few days"

I replied to Shuna as I thought about the matter a little.

"Ok, then that's all for the meeting. Dismiss"

I said as all of them return to their respective jobs. Now, what should I do Milim is also not here. Wait! Milim is gone but Veldora is still present.


"Hmm. Yes! Rimuru what happened"

"Do you want to spar"

"What! Yes of course Whahaha"

"Then meet me at our usual spot"

Raphael teleport me there. The place I'm talking about is another corner of the Jura Forest so no one can find out about Veldora.


I reach the place as Veldora also appeared in front of me. Maybe he is an old Dragon who loves to boast, but his power is no joke. I have sparred with him a few times and I lost all of those matches. And according to Raphael he is holding back against me in all those matches and to add salt to my wounds he is currently in a weakened state. I'm not his opponent but today I will beat him for sure.

"Veldora today let's have an all-out battle"

"Because this is our last battle I'm leaving for Ingrassia in a few days"

"What!! Why?... Oh I think I already know"

"Let's start the battle then"

I said as I launched myself in his direction. My fist started to glow blue as I pour magicules into them. And with a swift movement, I punched him. No, he dodges the attack but as I thought my power did increase a little after the battle with Charybdis.

I'm practicing with Milim since I evolved into a 'Demon Lord' but I'm still not a match for Veldora. It's been nearly half a year since I evolve into a 'Demon Lord' for God's sake and I'm still not his match. Just how freaking strong he was in his prime when the hero sealed him.

I don't think a normal hero can even touch him let alone seal him.

<<Answer. Master is certainly right as I watched his memory he was not fighting seriously with the said hero and the hero is at least two thousand years old>>

Huh! How did you even know how old the hero was and even so what did it have to do with our battle.

<<Answer. I'm just saying master will become powerful as time passes>>

Are you comforting me

Why are you silent again? Argh, let's focus on the match.

"You became a little fast but you are still too slow for me"

Veldora replied with a smile as he tried to punch me but I barely blocked his punch. As a result, I lost my arm. In a time like this, I'm very grateful that I have «Ultraspeed Regeneration»

I jumped backward as I make some distance between us. Veldora is a True Dragon, so the magic attack has close to no effect on him and he is even faster and physically stronger than me.

Not to mention his magicule reserve. He is in a whole other league than me even though he is in a weakened state.

The only thing that I have an advantage of is my 'Ultimate Skills' I have more mastery over my Skills compared to Veldora. Well, I'm glad that he got his 'Ultimate Skill' on the same day as me. Otherwise, I don't think I even stand a chance against him. It's not like I'm doing any better now though.

Even Veldora is this strong compared to me then just how powerful Milim is...

Let's use my skills rather than physical attacks. I made up my mind.

"Black Lightning" I fired a bolt of Black Lighting towards Veldora and as expected he didn't dare to take the attack head-on. I smirk slightly after seeing him dodge the attack this hastily.

Hehe, it's my turn to have some fun.

"Death wind" I used the Ultimate Skill{Storm Dragon Veldora Summon} sub-skill {Death Wind} but Veldora blocked the attack with his Death Wind attack.

Tch. That doesn't matter I will fire again.

"Black Lighting" I used Black Lighting as a faint as I appeared behind Veldora with my Shadow Step I expected he noticed me right away but that doesn't matter. Before he can even move I pour a lot of magicules into my legs and kick him hard, as a result, he takes double the damage from my kick and the Black Lightning.

Even after taking this much damage, the only thing he said is a simple Ouch.

"Haha, haha, hahaha. Rimuru you said this is an all-out match. Right!. Then let me get a little serious"

Veldora said as he transformed into his Dragon form. Shit. I'm regretting what I said this early.

Wait! Raphael put a double barrier around us that idiot didn't have anything to control his aura in his Dragon form.

<<Answer. I already put a barrier within a three km radius. When the master decided to fight>>

Raphael-San you improved a lot. Wait! Did you already predict that he will use his Dragon form


Hey, what with that smug look.

<<This is just your imagination>>

She didn't change a bit. That's a good thing, I'm glad that she didn't change. Let's continue the battle, shall we.