
Tensura: Broken Heart

Love, love, love, love who? "... That one person." Who is that person? Tell me who? "The one whose destiny entangled with mine to the point of existing as one." Existing as one? Is this even possible? But who will love you that much other than me? Tell me! Tell me! Tell me! "Fufu is this even a question, My wife..." Wife? You have gotten married even though you have me? I will kill her? I will drive her into madness. "You can't, she is already mad... Madly is in love with me..." Madly in love for... For what? "For love..." Why? Why? What is the reason? "To be loved..." By whom permission? "By love..." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Credits to Rimuru6360, link for original on Wattpad -> https://www.wattpad.com/story/295691257

GodOfPeacefulDeath · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

Chapter 7 - Old Man Is Back?

"So you are saying you came here to form a diplomatic relationship with our town,"

I said to Gazel as I tried to digest what he said.

"Precisely" He replied.

"Are you sure? I mean this nation is full of monsters"

I said to him just to be sure.

"Yes. I'm sure" He replied to me with a nod.

"Then what is the condition for the treaty?"

I asked him and he just gave me a document.

1. A Non-aggression treaty.

2. Promise of assistance, in the event either nation, is endangered.

3. The building of a road to Dwargon, Dwargon will pay half the price.

4. Guaranteed safety for Dwarves within the Forest of Jura.

5. Promises of sharing technology between Tempest and Dwargon.

I smiled as I read the content of the documents I added some points of my own and showed them to Gazel.

"Do you accept?" I asked him as I gave him the papers back.

I added three points.

1. Culture exchange between the two countries.

2. No taxes on the products from either side for two years.

3. Job and Education for Tempest people in Dwargon. Only applied if they want to study or work.

"Hmm. Are you sure about this I mean you can get much more with taxes than Dwargon"

I want to laugh at what he said? 'Dude, I'm from the 21st century' I want to shout but I hold back as I nodded.

Well, at first it looks like Dwargon will profit from it but in actuality, it helps us.

How? Well, it's fairly simple. We can sell fruit, crops, and many other things. Our town is in the forest naturally, we can grow crops faster than anyone and not to mention you can find fruit trees everywhere in the forest because of the tribes.

Many tribes join us and as a result, the place where they used to live falls into my hands, and I simply asked hundreds of my subordinates to plant fruit trees there.

Because of that, we have too much fruit not to mention wine.

We can sell monster meat. High-class Nobels love the meat of a monster, I heard this from Kaijin.

We also have full portions, of many herbs that were supposed to be impossible to find and grow everywhere in this forest.

I think he didn't know about this yet. Because of Veldora, nobody dares to enter the forest and as a result, nobody knows about the internal structure and habitation of the forest.

Veldora— Hey, Raphael, you said the seal was broken right.

<<Answer. Yes>>

Ohh. I completely forget about that. Sorry, Veldora just waits for me a bit more.

"Ahem. Yes, I'm sure! You can rest assured"

I said to him with a smile as I signed the papers. He also signed the paper but I think we forget to fill in the important details in the form.

"Did you have a name for your country?"

Gazel also noticed that. Now that I think about it I didn't think of a name for the country yet...

"How about 'Jura Tempest Federation' or 'Tempest' for short"

All of my subordinates nodded after hearing the name I thought.

"I think it's the best name," Shion said with a huge grin.

"And we can name this city 'Rimuru' the capital of Tempest"

Rigurd suddenly voiced his opinion and all of my subordinates were strangely very happy about the name of the city.

I nodded as Gazel fill the form. I just sighed heavily.

"Let's have a party!!" Milim suddenly shouted.

Because of Milim we dance and drink all night. Of course, I and Milim drink the juice. I didn't let her drink wine and as a result, I also end up drinking the juice.

The next day Gazel left the city but he left a gift for me and that is Vesta. I don't know why but at first he and Kaijin didn't go well with each other.

There is some kind of feud between them but I think now they make up with each other. Because they are working hard in their sectors. While also helping each other. That's good news.

"Huh! What was that?"

I thought as I looked out of my office, smoke coming from the middle of the city.

I fly toward the place as fast as I can. The crowd started to make a way for me as they saw me landing near them.

As I reach the center of the crowd I saw Milim punch someone very hard. I turn my head slightly and notice that Rigurd is also injured I gave him a healing potion as I turn toward the Milim.

"What happened here,"

I asked her with a serious face as she started to explain to me.

"So you are saying because of that person. What was his name again? Phobio! Yes Phobio attacked Rigurd first that's why you punched him"

I said to her as she nodded and looked at me with a face that is like saying 'Paise me'

Did she expect that I will praise her? She did it for Rigurd though.

"Didn't you promise not to cause trouble?" I said to her.

"Wha- What,"

She asked shocked. She didn't expect that coming did she.

"But because you did save Rigurd I will let it slide,"

I said to her with a sly smile. As she runs toward my office with a pout.

"And you come with me" I ordered all three of them to come with me as I splashed a healing portion on him.

"So you are saying Demon Lord Carrion wants me to work under him," I asked him as he nodded.

"I'm not interested in working under someone else," I said to him with a cold tone.

"But if he wants to sign a treaty I will happily accept it" I added.


He said as he leave the office while glaring at Milim. But Milim didn't even glance at him she was busy eating food.

"Milim I think you have to explain to me about Demon Lords,"

I said to her as she looked at me confused.

"What do you want to know?" She asked me.

"Nothing much just tell me everything you know," I said to her with a grin.

Milim did tell me everything that she knows about the Demon Lord but just as I expected there is nothing useful info.

"Oh! Yes, I think it's time to release Veldora"

I thought as I teleported into the cave where I meet Veldora for the first time.

I put a barrier around the cave so as not to disturb others who are working at the entrance of the cave.

"Raphael-San. Make a clone of me for Veldora to possess"

I said to Raphael-San as a clone formed in front of me.

"Now release Veldora"

I murmur as a huge amount of magicules started to flow out of my body and entered my clone.

"Whahaha, Strom Dragon Veldora is back. Anyone who gets in my way will be perished by me"

Veldora said as he laughed loudly. While releasing a huge amount of his aura.

"That's enough old man,"

I said to him jokingly with a smile it's been a while since I last saw him.

"Rimuru. It's been a while"

He said to me while putting his fist in front of me for a fist bump.

"Indeed it's been a while,"

I said to him with a grin as my fist collide with his.

"You become strong,"

He said to me. I just nodded my head in agreement. I improve a lot since we last saw each other. I gave him a bracelet that Raphael-San made. The bracelet works the same as the mask Shizu gave me. He can control his aura but to be sure.

"Beelzebuth," I said in my heart as Beelzebuth eats all the magicules that Veldora released.

I snapped my finger as the barrier broke like glass.

"Let's go. I want you to meet with Milim" I said to him.

As we reach the office Milim was eating cookies like always.

"Rimuru you re- Veldora,"

Milim said surprised. She recognized him instantly with a single glance.

"Why are you surprised? Didn't I tell you about him?"

I asked her as she just nodded her head in confirmation.

"Well, Veldora she is Milim," I said to him as he nodded.

What is this weird atmosphere? Or is this just my imagination?

"Milim as you know Veldora's existence is a secret I will introduce him to others when the time will come," I said to her as she nodded.

I don't know why but I have a feeling that I should keep Veldora's identity a secret. Raphael-San also suggests I keep him a secret.

"Veldora you are not allowed to tell anyone your real identity"

I warned him and he nodded. Whoa, I think he became a little smart than before.