
Ten Days Apocalypse

"When I thought it was just an ordinary day, I found myself captured in the Land of Finality. "When I thought I just had to keep participating in the game of death to escape, I discovered that people began to awaken supernatural powers. "When I thought this place was the 'Land of God-making,' everything was heading towards annihilation.

Julie_ZH · Fantasy
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120 Chs

Never Changed

As time ticked by second by second, the traffic finally started to move.

However, it moved much slower than Qi Xia had imagined.

It seemed that the strange climatic phenomenon near the entrance had indeed caused a traffic accident.

By the time the eerie crack disappeared and the traffic began to flow into Qingdao again, it was already eight in the morning.

During this time, Qi Xia had been calling Yu Nian'an incessantly, but there was never an answer.

After much thought, there was only one reason that could explain the current situation.

Yu Nian'an must have been taken into police custody.

"Master, change the destination," Qi Xia keenly noticed this and realized he couldn't go home, so he said to the driver, "Don't go to the place where I got on the car, I'll give you a new address."

After saying that, Qi Xia searched for an address on his phone and handed it over.

"Oh?" The master took the phone, glanced at it, and knew the destination.

"Okay, the distance is about the same, I'll take you there directly."

Finally, around ten-thirty in the morning, the driver took Qi Xia to the destination.

This is a cheap rental area in the old city of the north of the city.

"Finally here, young man," the master sighed with relief, "I really didn't expect to be delayed for so long.

"It's okay, master," Qi Xia took out one thousand five hundred yuan in cash from his pocket and handed it to the driver, "Thank you."

"It's okay! It's all supposed to be!" The master took the money excitedly,

"Young man, if you have something to do, call me again!"

Qi Xia nodded, was about to go to the rental house, but suddenly remembered something and turned around and said: "Master, I know you are very tired now, but don't go home before noon, and stay in the car if you are tired."

"Hmm?" The driver was stunned for a moment, "What does it mean? Not even home?"

"I have no reason to lie to you," Qi Xia said, "A big event is about to happen, it will be safer to stay outside."

After saying that, Qi Xia ignored the driver and walked towards the rental house.

This is a backup landing point rented by Qi Xia and Yu Nian'an, just to deal with such special moments.

He is going to pack a few clothes here and then plan the next things.

After walking seven steps, Qi Xia's phone suddenly vibrated in his pocket.

He was shocked and quickly took it out to have a look.

"A" call.

"An?" Qi Xia was stunned, feeling that his inference seemed to have some problems.

Has Yu Nian'an not been controlled by the police?

Or... Is this call made by someone else to let her call?

"Hello?" Qi Xia picked up the phone, greeting in a flat tone.

He knew that even if the call was from the police, he must let them take Yu Nian'an out of the room, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Xia!" Yu Nian'an called weakly, "I'm sorry... I seem to be sick, I have been dozing off since yesterday afternoon, and I just woke up now."

"Sick?" Qi Xia frowned slightly and asked, "Did you feed the fish yesterday?"

"Pu..." Yu Nian'an smiled, "What are you doing? Still giving me 'code'? Nothing happened, I just really feel a bit uncomfortable."

Qi Xia finally understood and hurriedly said, "An, listen to me, pack up quickly and wait for me downstairs, I'll pick you up now."


"There's no time to explain, trust me," Qi Xia said anxiously, "I have lied to many people, but I have never lied to you."

"Okay..." Yu Nian'an agreed, "I'll pack up now, how long will it take you to get here?"

"I..." Qi Xia looked at his phone and felt that the situation was not good.

It takes at least an hour to get there by car, and I'm afraid it will just catch up with that terrible earthquake.

"Don't worry about how long it will take me to get there, you have to leave home quickly, even if you stand at the door."

"Oh... Then okay." Yu Nian'an nodded, "I'll wash my face and go down in about ten minutes."


Qi Xia hung up the phone and hurriedly turned back to look for the taxi driver, and found that he did not leave, and was now sitting in the driver's seat with a mini ultraviolet flashlight to check counterfeit money.

"Master!" Qi Xia knocked on the car window, which startled the driver.

"Wow, my mother!" The driver hurriedly put away the money, and then found that the person in front of him was not someone else, but that "big client."

"Young man?" He rolled down the window and looked around and asked, "What's wrong again?"

"Take me to the place where I got on the car yesterday!" Qi Xia said, "This time also as soon as possible, give you a hundred!

"Hey!" The master smiled and waved to Qi Xia, "I know, come up quickly!"

Qi Xia opened the car door and sat on it, his expression was still a bit anxious,

He kept checking his phone in the car, but unfortunately, he didn't remember the time when the earthquake happened.

Only knowing that the earthquake is coming around noon, but is it eleven o'clock or twelve o'clock?

Thinking of this, he urged the driver again: "Please go a little faster."

"Young man, you are also a bit too demanding, I am now driving tired.

"Uncle, I am really in a hurry."

"Okay, okay, okay...

The driver couldn't help but Qi Xia, and could only step on the accelerator again.

The journey that originally took an hour arrived in just forty minutes.

"Thank you, master." Qi Xia threw down a hundred yuan and got out of the car without looking back.

But at a glance, he felt a bit strange.

Yu Nian'an is not waiting for him downstairs at all.

"What's going on?

Qi Xia's younger brother 's

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Things, he called the other party's mobile phone, but still no one answered.

"An, where have you gone...?"

Before he could figure it out, a loud noise suddenly came from the distance.

Only the roar followed one after another, as if there were tens of thousands of trains driving on the road.

The next second, the earth suddenly shook, and Qi Xia lost his balance for a moment and fell to the ground.


He knew it was bad, and he was standing in this position when the last earthquake came.

It seems that there is a certain arrangement in the dark, the same time, the same position.

Even if everything has been done again, but nothing has changed.

The surrounding vehicles began to collide in series, and people's screams rose and fell.

Qi Xia couldn't care too much, and could only run towards his own family's unit building, even if there is a chance in ten thousand that Yu Nian'an is at home, he must save her out, but it is too difficult to move during the earthquake, Qi Xia fell five or six times before finally regaining his balance.

"An!" He shouted loudly upstairs, and his own family only lives on the third floor, and should be able to hear the sound.

Qi Xia settled down again and walked into the unit door.

He remembered that when he walked into the unit door before, the porch collapsed, and he died because of this.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly dodged to the side, and a huge stone instantly hit the place where he was standing before.

This stone is very huge, and it is impossible to survive being hit.

"It seems that I was indeed dead before...