
Ten Days Apocalypse

"When I thought it was just an ordinary day, I found myself captured in the Land of Finality. "When I thought I just had to keep participating in the game of death to escape, I discovered that people began to awaken supernatural powers. "When I thought this place was the 'Land of God-making,' everything was heading towards annihilation.

Julie_ZH · Fantasy
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120 Chs


"Cracks?" The taxi driver yawned and spoke, "We're on the Qingyin Expressway. We'll pass by when we get to Qingdao in a bit. Let's see whose substandard construction project gets exposed then."

"Cracks 'above'?" Qi Xia felt a bit strange. Although he knew an earthquake would come tomorrow at noon, could there be strange signs before that?

Before Qi Xia could figure it out, the driver suddenly started slamming on the brakes, and the speed that was originally 120 miles per hour dropped sharply.

Qi Xia, sitting in the back row, didn't have his seatbelt on. The emergency braking almost made him hit the front seat.

"What's going on?" He steadied himself and looked up in confusion.

"Weird... There's a long line on the highway."

Qi Xia followed the driver's gaze into the distance and indeed saw that the traffic ahead was very congested, with a sea of colorful vehicles stretching as far as the eye could see.

The driver anxiously checked the time: "Oh no, there must have been a chain collision. I've encountered it before, at least an hour of traffic... We're right at the entrance to Qingdao. It's almost half past seven. What should we do...

He kept looking left and right, seemingly trying to figure out how to change lanes to bypass the congested traffic.

"Just keep moving slowly."

"Oh dear..." The driver looked at Qi Xia a bit ashamedly from the rearview mirror, "You're a decent young man, don't worry, I'll definitely get you home before half past eight."

Qi Xia nodded and didn't speak anymore, and the driver slowly lined up the car at the end of the queue.

What neither of them expected was that this long line didn't move again after they joined, and there were also continuous cars entering behind them. Now they were stuck in the middle of the whole team, unable to advance or retreat.

"What a strange thing..." After waiting for more than an hour, the time was about to come to half past eight, and the master could only helplessly scratch his head, "Even if there was a collision, it should have been dealt with..."

Qi Xia was a bit anxious, but at this moment, there was no better way than waiting.

The place where they were located was still twenty or thirty kilometers away from Qi Xia's residence. If Qi Xia walked forward like before, it would be dawn before he could arrive.

Thinking of this, he took out his mobile phone and called Yu Nian'an again, still no one answered.

The busy signal on the other end of the phone made Qi Xia even more annoyed.

At this time, both of them were silent, and only the radio in the car was still rustling.

"Dear listeners, there is an unknown climate phenomenon on the Qingyin Expressway, and the actual situation is still to be analyzed by experts. Drivers who have conditions, please take a detour in advance."

"Quickly go home!" The words were a bit confusing.

"Maybe it's like 'spherical lightning' or 'mirage'." Qi Xia explained, "It might have attracted a lot of people to watch, and it might have indirectly caused a traffic accident."

"Is that so? You know a lot, college student, right?"

Qi Xia didn't pay attention to the driver anymore and continued to lean back and rest.

In his last memory, he didn't choose to go back to Qingdao that night, so he knew nothing about what happened on the highway, only knowing that when he set out the next morning, the road had already returned to normal.

In other words, the traffic jam in front of him will not last long, and Qi Xia's best choice is to wait.

But when people wait for a long time without purpose, they will produce irritable emotions, after all, no one knows when to wait.

The road gradually sounded the horns, making people restless.

After a while, the drivers gradually extinguished the fire, got out of the car, and started to chat with each other.

The taxi driver is obviously a person who can't stay idle. Seeing someone walking, he got out of the car at the first time. He no longer paid attention to Qi Xia, but instead lit a cigarette and talked with a few nearby drivers.

Qi Xia sighed and took out his mobile phone to send a message to Yu Nian'an.

"An, something may happen tomorrow. You pack some daily necessities, and I'll take you out to avoid it in the morning."

Qi Xia deliberately said the matter more seriously. The most important thing now is to let Yu Nian'an understand the importance of the matter at the moment he sees the message, and the words like 'earthquake' and 'omen' can be temporarily not mentioned.

After all this, Qi Xia leaned back and closed his eyes.

For some reason, even knowing that there will be an earthquake tomorrow, as long as he is by Yu Nian'an's side, he will feel at ease.

His ability is limited, and he can't save too many people.

Now, everywhere he publicizes the news that there will be an earthquake tomorrow, he will be arrested for disturbing public order at the first time, so in a limited range, Qi Xia can only choose to save a few people.

He never thought of himself as a savior, and everything he did was just to let himself survive in this world.

Qi Xia closed his eyes and took a nap for a while, not knowing how long it took, and was suddenly awakened by the driver's door opening.

"Young man, come and see this!" He didn't care if Qi Xia was sleeping, and he shouted loudly.

"What?" Qi Xia opened his eyes in a daze and saw the driver shaking a mobile phone at him.

He took the mobile phone and found that it was a photo, and the shooting location should be the highway toll station in front.

"This is taken by the driver in front, and it has spread on this road!" The driver said excitedly, "Young man, you have a lot of knowledge, you quickly help me see what this is a climate phenomenon?

Qi Xia enlarged the picture and couldn't help frowning.

Speaking of 'climate phenomenon', this thing is too cold.

Only to see a crack hanging in the sky, with many luminous things pouring down from the crack, as if the stars fell, and many cars were blocked by this light curtain, and they couldn't move forward at all.

"Is the sky cracked?" Qi Xia asked in doubt.

"Yes, it really looks like there is a crack in the sky. Is this climate phenomenon called 'Suspicious Milky Way falls for nine days'?"

Qi Xia helplessly curled his mouth: "Uncle, although I don't know what this phenomenon is, the phenomenon you said definitely does not exist."

The driver smiled foolishly, sat in the driver's seat: "But it is said that this mouth is getting smaller, and it should disappear soon. Once those luminous things stop blocking the road, we can go."

Qi Xia nodded, took out his mobile phone, and was stunned for a moment.

"It's past three in the morning?!"

"Yes..." The driver also stretched, "Young man, you are honest, and I am not a stingy person, so I have already turned off the meter.

The issue Qi Xia cares about is not this, but he found that so far Yu Nian'an has not replied.

A sense of unease is spreading in his heart.