
Ten Days Apocalypse

"When I thought it was just an ordinary day, I found myself captured in the Land of Finality. "When I thought I just had to keep participating in the game of death to escape, I discovered that people began to awaken supernatural powers. "When I thought this place was the 'Land of God-making,' everything was heading towards annihilation.

Julie_ZH · Fantasy
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120 Chs

Restless Thoughts

Qi Xia steadied himself again and looked up at the stairs.

Under the tremendous shaking, the old building began to develop numerous cracks.

Qingdao is a coastal city that rarely experiences earthquakes, so the houses built here had no idea how much seismic force they could withstand.

Qi Xia worried that the building would collapse at any moment and had to find Yu Nian'an quickly.

"An! Can you hear me?! Come down quickly!" Qi Xia shouted loudly once again.

The entire building was shaking, and the huge noise quickly drowned out Qi Xia's voice.

"An..." Qi Xia steadied himself and continued to run upstairs.

But an earthquake can disrupt a normal person's sense of balance, not to mention running up the stairs. Qi Xia only felt his legs were bruised all over, but he kept climbing up with his hands and feet.

If Yu Nian'an lost his life in this earthquake, Qi Xia would have no reason to live either.

"Damn... it's still shaking..."

Qi Xia fell to the ground again, and his entire knee lost sensation.

He had seen news that the most intense earthquakes usually only last a very short time, and at most, they won't exceed three minutes.

But Qi Xia felt that the earth had been shaking for nearly five minutes, and there was still no sign of stopping.

What kind of massive earthquake was this?

Finally, with a body full of injuries, Qi Xia arrived at the third floor.

The building was still shaking, and Qi Xia wanted to knock on the door, but suddenly remembered that Yu Nian'an might be hiding under the table, and running around would be more dangerous at this time, so he could only take out the key from his pocket.

But he couldn't insert the key into the lock at all.

People are shaking, hands are shaking, and the building is shaking.

Everything in the field of view is shaking, and there are still a lot of loud noises coming from the distance, even the sound of glass breaking.

"Damn it! Damn it!

Qi Xia held the key with both hands and finally inserted it into the lock.

With a "click," the door opened.

"An!! Are you here?" Qi Xia shouted, but the room was silent.

He instantly thought of something.

No one responded in the room, and there was only one possibility.

Yu Nian'an had already gone out.

Qi Xia turned around and was about to leave without saying a word, but suddenly thought of the phone call Yu Nian'an made to him.

No, there was a second possibility...

She was ill!

Qi Xia was instantly in a dilemma. The shaking of the whole building was getting worse and worse. If he didn't run out early, he would definitely die here.

But he absolutely could not leave Yu Nian'an behind.

"An! Are you here?

Qi Xia pushed the door into the room, and the empty room had no one speaking, and a few simple furniture were also tilting in the earthquake. Qi Xia glanced at the bottom of the small dining table, and it was empty.

Not here, could it be in the bedroom?

He held the single sofa and walked forward with difficulty, and in a few steps, he arrived at the bedroom door.

If Yu Nian'an is still at home, then it can only be here.


The moment he opened the door, a trace of relief appeared on Qi Xia's face. There was no one in the bedroom, and there was only a desk and a chair within the visible range.

Qi Xia let out a long breath, knowing that Yu Nian'an has probably escaped to a safe place, and now even if he dies, there is nothing to be afraid of.

He was about to turn around and run away, but suddenly, as if struck by lightning, he was stunned on the spot.

It seemed that something was not quite right.

The hair on his body stood up, and he could not calm down for a long time.

In the huge earthquake, Qi Xia turned his head blankly and looked at this strange "bedroom."

Why is there only one desk and one chair?

Where is the bed?

He completely ignored the small debris falling from the ceiling and walked step by step to the desk. In his impression, there was a group photo of himself and Yu Nian'an on the table.

But when Qi Xia approached and picked up the photo, he found that there was only himself in the picture.

He stood by the sea with no expression on his face, staring at the camera, leaving this lonely photo.


Qi Xia seemed to have lost his mind, and the balance he had just found disappeared.

He only felt the sky spinning, and he returned to the state of falling step by step, and fell countless times before crawling into the living room.

There is a single sofa here, a small dining table for one person.

There is not even a seat prepared for a second person in this room.

"What a joke..." Qi Xia revealed a trace of desperate smile,

"What joke are you playing on me...?!"

He thought of something again and hurriedly crawled to the door, where there was a small shoe cabinet.

Qi Xia gritted his teeth fiercely and opened the door of the shoe cabinet.

There was only a pair of men's leather shoes inside.

From the inside out, there is no trace of Yu Nian'an living in this room.

Qi Xia suddenly lost his strength and sat on the ground.

The scenes of getting along with Yu Nian'an are still vivid.

Her scent, the warmth of her palm, the curved eyes when she laughs, every detail Qi Xia remembers clearly.

But why isn't she here at all?!

Qi Xia couldn't figure it out.

He couldn't figure out everything that happened.

Yu Nian'an had called him less than an hour ago, how could she not be here...?

Qi Xia shakily took out his mobile phone from his pocket and dialed the "A" number again.

He slowly swallowed his saliva, and his whole body was trembling, as if he had already foreseen something.

"Hello, the number you dialed is not in service, please check and dial again."

With the cold bilingual broadcast in Chinese and English, Qi Xia's mobile phone also fell to the ground.

All this is too terrible.

Yu Nian'an... doesn't exist?

"It's impossible..." Qi Xia's eyes suddenly firmed up, he could clearly remember the first time he met Yu Nian'an, and he could also recall every day of life.

She can't not exist.

"Qi Xia, do you know?" Yu Nian'an's voice echoed in his mind,

"There are many roads in this world, and everyone has their own."

Qi Xia suddenly stood up, standing in the shaking room, he pondered for a moment, and then walked towards the bedroom again, without saying a word, he opened the wardrobe.

Among many men's clothes, there was an old white shirt.

He took the white shirt and turned it over, and there was a cartoon lamb patch sewn on the chest.

This was sewn by Yu Nian'an herself.

Qi Xia never mends clothes, and worn-out clothes will only be discarded by him.

If Yu Nian'an doesn't exist, this lamb should not exist either.

"Damn it... I understand..." Qi Xia looked up coldly, looking out of the window,

"The 'Land of Doom'... Do you want to drive me crazy? Do you want me to think I'm a lunatic?"

He slowly stood up, his expression filled with an unprecedented hatred.

"Even if you are 'God', I want you to give Yu Nian'an back to me."

As soon as his voice fell, Qi Xia saw that the sky outside the window actually cracked open with huge traces, and the cracks were pitch black, like the boundless universe.

The entire ceiling also collapsed at this time, with a devastating roar, Qi Xia was severely pressed under the rubble.

On his deathbed, Lin Qin's voice sounded in his ear.

"I am really curious about you.

"I mean no offense, but you are a liar, and what kind of person is your wife?

"You have a wife... Even if you two live together, do you sleep sitting up every night?