
Technicians fury

the Anomaly is an unknown world lurking with different kinds of unknown creatures as well as other beings, ranging from the mythical spirits from your usual childhood stories to the Anjonu, unknown to the human world. Tales of gods and the extinct guardian tribe. All the the mysteries and secrets behind these things will be revealed as a group of teenagers venture into the unknown and unravel the untold. Some with the abililtes to do things that defies the laws of nature, while some without. A quick question; what do you do if you were to wake up in the morning and go take a look at the mirror, not finding the mouth hole on your face? Join us as we unravel the scenes. An original story by Echo9ja.

Echo9ja · Sci-fi
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18 Chs

chapter 14: [Ebi]

It was already morning, the sky were lit bright by the gradually Rising Sun. The birds were chirping their early morning songs as they were going about, performing their daily activities. The environment was giving off a peaceful sight.

Naphtali was sleeping gracefully in Tomisins room, Desmond on the other hand was snoring in his room upstairs. As for the visitor, she wasn't in Naphtali's room anymore. Tomisin was also snoring on the couch, just then he felt a strange presence hovering over him and when he lazily open his eye to give a quick peep, he saw the girl on top of him, busy surveying his face in a weird way and when their eyes came into close contact like she was about to do something, her eyes began to glowing orange light as well as his, but he was not aware that his own were also glowing, his face were now bright red even thought it was not something possible for a dark skinned guy, it was greatly induced.

"What?? What are you doing? Naphtali! Please help me!" He screamed at the very top of his voice, this was an unexpected event.

"shh... you are yelling, why are you yelling? You'll wake the whole neighborhood," she said, pinning his hands above his head as her face was now very close to his with her glowing eyes more fixated on his, now this was too much for him to hold, his face was about to boil and his head could pop at any moment now."OMG, somebody... Please help... Me,"he thought.

"The vibe energy your body is giving off, it's familiar..." she said and held his right arm upward and immediately. The mark appeared, she felt shocked and let go of his hand gently and it vanished again.

"it can't be, but how?"she said with a confused expression on her face.

"hmmphh... Hmm...,"tomisin tried to muster a sentence. Just then Desmond came downstairs to check what was going on as he was rubbing his heavy eyes with his hand, still dressed in the clothes he wore yesterday.

"aahhh...mm! What's... Going on here... Woah! i am totally speechless right now," he said as he was shocked to see what he saw. Naphtali also came out to see what was going on, she was dressed in her night ware holding a teddy bear in her hand.

"Ahh... Someone disturbed my beautiful sleep..." then as she slowly open her eyes, she saw a girl on Tomisin and her eyes widened the more.

"Ohh! Wow! This is..."

"I'm also speechless,"Desmond said.

When the girl turned to look at the other two, her face was now off Tomisin's and he was now able to talk.

"no! No no no guys it's not what you think,i can explain,"he said nervously, still under her hold.

"so you named yourself Desmond,? Very well, Desmond why does this boy have uromi's energy?"she asked as she stood up from Tomisin's body, heading toward Desmond as her face was filled with curiosity.

"Ahh... Thank goodness..."Tomisin thought as he sighed in relief.

"uh!umm! Hehe... About that .."he said nervously.

"wow big brother is actually nervous, this is a rear sight," Naphtali thought as she stared at Desmond.

"Start talking!"she said in an overpowering but gentle voice.

"huh? What she talking about?" Tomisin said as he stood up,

"and the girl too... She Has a familiar scent," the girl said, pointing at Naphtali.

"huh!! Me?"Naphtali pointed at herself.

"U hmm it's kind of a long story Tamie, after you and your sister vanished, i and uromi were both captured and Tomisin was fused with him,"

"Hey! I'm kinda lost here who's uromi?" Tomisin asked "it's the real name of the creature that owns the vice marks," Desmond said

"how did this happen?" Tamie asked,

"wait what? A creature?"Tomisin asked.

"ahh... I'm not ready to explain the Chronicles of all the stories...Okay vice had a physical body a long time ago," Desmond said

"OMG!" Tomisin uttered.

"This is getting interesting," Naphtali thought.

"how could you let this happen? You are unbelievable, that's two things you've failed to protect, ughh! Just ... Never mind that now, it's all over, there's nothing anymore, nothing to care for," Tamie said.

"Now that's where you are wrong Tamie, there are lots of things, that reminds me, how were you able to mind-Vibe Tomisin from the planeless Forest?"Desmond asked.

"I ...I don't know, I was trying to signal uromi, but I got the reception from him instead," she said.

"Wow she has mind control powers?" Tomisin thought "you didn't seem to have aged at all in looks, well that's the influence of the plane Forest, time goes by 30 sec there and 15 days in the real world," Desmond said,

"I'm so glad almost 20 years thanks to Tomi I was able to learn that you were there and alive," he continued.

"What about my sister do you know, where she is?" Tamie asked with a sad expression on her face.

"For now, no we can't exactly know, where she is but now that you are here we would be able to find her easily and also, we get to know what Salisto plans are,"Desmond said.

"well it's not going to be that easy, I've used up too much of my powers and it will take more than a month to regain. Ughh... That bastard just came out of nowhere to hurt me," she said.

"Don't worry, very soon I'll reset everything back to the normal way it was. Ohh! I almost forgot, guys this is Tamie, Tamie this is Naphtali and this to Tomisin"

"hi! He... Hi! Naphtali and Tomisin said.

"I see, the new clothes fit you perfectly well", Naphtali smiled.

"ohh! Thank you... You made these?" Tamie asked,

"Ohh! No!, I bought those for an outing, she replied. Tamie was wearing a blue coloured armless hoodie sweater and grey shorts that fit her curve perfectly well .

"I...I like them,"Tamie said, looking at the clothes. "oohh... That's good to know," Naphtali smiled.

"that's that, you guys go make breakfast, I'll soon be off for work I'm gonna check on the museum, it seems like my crew discovered something serious,"Desmond said as he was heading upstairs."oh! And Naphy, please show your big sister around the house," he continued.

"Haiy...aiy! captain" she smiled

Okay I'm heading to my room now, i'm just gonna go take a shower, he said.

"ohh! Uhm... Desmond?" Tamie called as he was about to go up the stairs,

" yeah?" He replied.

"Thanks for... I just wanted to say thanks for saving me yesterday", she said.

"Wow this is new..." He thought

"Nahh... It's nothing, I was just looking out for my little sis as you are a part of my ebi!.

Ebi is a type of language in the western region that means family.

"Okay big sis, come lemme show you around, I can't believe it I have a big sister, sooo! Cool," Naphtali said as she held Tamie's hand.

" Ohh .. okay, Naphtali?" Tamie called.

"Yeah! Big sis?"

"I like you,"

"Aww I love you too big sis, now come on the house is very big Lemme show you around," she smiled.

" Ahh! Great! Another female in the house, and why do I always get to do the kitchen work, isn't that the girls work? Well whatever you wait Tamie, when you taste my delicious food you'll get obsessed with my cooking... Yeah... Nice very nice..." Tomisin said as he went to the kitchen.