
Technicians fury

the Anomaly is an unknown world lurking with different kinds of unknown creatures as well as other beings, ranging from the mythical spirits from your usual childhood stories to the Anjonu, unknown to the human world. Tales of gods and the extinct guardian tribe. All the the mysteries and secrets behind these things will be revealed as a group of teenagers venture into the unknown and unravel the untold. Some with the abililtes to do things that defies the laws of nature, while some without. A quick question; what do you do if you were to wake up in the morning and go take a look at the mirror, not finding the mouth hole on your face? Join us as we unravel the scenes. An original story by Echo9ja.

Echo9ja · Sci-fi
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18 Chs

Chapter 13: [secrets]

As everyone saw the strange person he was carrying, there was on hiding the shock that slowly crept on their faces.

"what tha! Who the hell is that?" kevin said.

"this is starting to freak me out," Racheal said as she removed her glasses.

"ohh! I get it now, you perv, it's your girlfriend isn't it?" Naphtali teased as she used her elbow to hit his.

"no Naphy! No its..." before he could finish his statement...

"it's the girl! The one i saw in my dream," Tomisin said as he stared at her face trying to convince himself of what he saw.

"what! She's real?" kevin exclaimed.

"ugh... You guys gatta be kidding me, it's one unbelieveable thing or another," Racheal said in with worried look on her face.

"how... How did you find her?" Tomisin asked.

"look i'll explain later, Racheal, Naphtali please could you tend to her wounds? And her clothes are also torn." he said as he took her to Naphtali's room and gently he placed her on the bed and returned to the living room. He saw the two of them still standing there with their spaced out faces.

"well? What are you guys waiting for, go help her," he said.

"yup! Okay!" Naphtali said and went.

"just so you know, Desmond, you owe us big, big time!" Racheal said as she also left.

"yeah... I know..." he said, looking really exhausted as he had used a lot of energy, he fell to the ground and passed out.

"hey! Hey bro are you alright?" Tomisin and kevin both rushed towards him.

"he's fine he's just tired come let's carry him to his room," Tomisin said as he held Desmond's arm against his shoulder.

"yeah right at you."

they both took him to his room and laid him down gently on his bed using a blanket to cover him.

"wow! Tomi, your brother is very heavy you know," kevin said, wiping the sweat off his face.

"i wonder what happened, i still don't get it, how did he find her? Hmm... Just how many secrets do you hide from us?" Tomisin was lost in his thoughts as he stared at Desmond all dozed off.

"hey Tomi let's go back, i and Racheal will soon go home it's almost 6:45pm,"Kevin said as he checked the watch on his wrist.

"yeah! Okay let's go then," he said as they both exited the room and closed the door...

after a while, Racheal and Naphtali came back to the living room...

"ahh... Boy! I'm so tired, i wonder who would do such a thing to a beautiful young girl, she had wounds on her body, good thing we were here to help," Racheal said.

"yeah! Good thing i bought those beautiful clothes and they are size too," Naphtali added.

"hey guys are you done with...?" kevin asked.

"yeah! Okay time to go kevin it's getting dark," Racheal said as she took her back pack.

"Yeah a lot has happened today and i'm really really stressed out right now, all i need is to get home, have a good warm bath and be on my sweet comfy bed," kevin said, as he kept on visualizing the comforting scenes.

"ugh! Whatever! Come on let's get going, ohh! And Tomi be nice to our new visitor hmm," she said, as she winked at Tomisin.

"what!? No! Good night! Go to your house bye!" he said with his face full of blushes.

"haha! Alright bye, bye Naphy! Love you muah!" she hugged and gave Naphtali a slight peck on the cheek.

"bye see you on monday!" she said in a cute tone and closed the door after they left.

"wow! Isn't today full of excitement? First, a monster then magical powers and now we have a new guest ohh... And it's a girl! I'm so excited i can't wait to know what she's like when she wakes up," she said as she pushed her back towards the couch.

"yeah right, wait... Isn't she sleeping in your room?" Tomisin said as he also sat down on the couch.

"yeah she is and i wouldn't want to disturb her, hmm..." Naphtali said.

"i don't like where this is going," Tomisin thought.

"ohh! i know, let me sleep in your room with you," she said.

"no! Not happening," he replied.

"ohh please my fear brother, you know the visitor's rooms are dusty and you don't want your little sister to sleep in a place like that, i'll start sneezing all over the house."

"no! You'll disturb my sleep, remember the last time we both slept in the same bed? You streched all the limbs of your body on the bed until there was no room for me, it was really stressing you know, i had to sleep on the floor," he said.

"ohh! I remember, that was when my room had plumbing issues but now i promise i won't stretch too much na, please, please, pretty please," she said as she made a cute face, this was her trump card in defeating Tomisin.

"ughh! Fine fine you can have the bed, i'll sleep on the couch here."

"but...but won't you catch a cold? The living room is always cold bro," she said.

"nah! Never mind that, i have my blanket."

"aww... You sacrificed yourself to save your lovely, wonderful, adorable, sweet little sister, (sniff...) thanks bro, i love you so much muah!" she gave him a peck on the cheek.

"ahh stop being such a drama queen, you're disgracing me," he said with a hidden smile on his face.

"ohh i almost forgot, what are we eating for dinner?" she asked.

"well we could uhm... Fry eggs and eat it with bread, since it's just the two of us no need to make something big."

"yay! Good idea, i'll fry the eggs," she said.

"wait what!? No i wanna fry the eggs, the way you fry yours doesn't make it taste right," he said.

"huh? What do you mean? I put carrots, tomatoes, some veggies and the perfect seasonings that matches the taste," she said.

"that's just wrong, without the garlic seasonings," Tomisin said.

"no no no! I don't want garlic in mine, it tastes...it has this weird after taste, i know! Why don't we fry it the way we want, separately? I think that's better," she said.

"hmm good point, okay then i like the idea," he said.

"who fries eggs with garlic?" she teased as she stood up.

"it's a natural thing, almost everybody does," he said as he also stood up.

"ahh... my fear brother, you are weird you know that?"

"whatever! I'm starving," they both went to the kitchen.


At Ralph's house, while victoria was fast asleep, he went to his study room downstairs. He rat on the chair beside the tabl and began to stare at the bead on his wrist.

"so this is the punishment that one must face for freeing a supernatural being from it's prison," he thought.

Ralph had tried to remove the bead countless times but an unknown type of barrier was preventing him from doing so.

"are you amazed by the bead's effects?" a voice said to his ear.

"what? Ohh it's you, stop scaring me like that, it's not healthy for me," Ralph said as he saw the person behind him.

it was a man he had a different face but from the familiar marks on his face and the distinct voice, there was no arguing that this person was salisto.

"ohh i see, so you've already found another body to use, what happened to the previous one?" Ralph said.

"hmm... Never mind that, let's begin the third phase, my brother needs to know what's coming for him,"salisto said.

"wait! What!? So soon? But..."

"just do what i ask i don't have time to waste, i need to regain my powers," salisto commanded.

"alright, i will do that,"

"now! It's time for this world to phase out of their own foolish reality, they will not know peace."