
Tec’s So called Adventure

Tec Is the mc I made him the others are not mine it's from their respective owners Thanks Ok bye

IloveRice · Anime & Comics
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267 Chs


After hearing what Tec just said Rimuru Step Back Out as quickly as he can

" Eh? My body moves on its own? Is the great sage Controlling my body now? " said Rimuru in his head

" Hmm You reacted huh i guess thats a System Holder for you " Said Tec as he look towards the confused Rimuru while Milim The Great Demon Lord watch the whole thing

" You! Who are you and how do you know about my Great Sage " Asked Rimuru

" You shouldn't act strong now Slime-san i have a pretty short Fuse and i don't like when people Act strong In front of me " said Tec Calmly looking at Rimuru Eyes

" ..... "

" you're no fun and i was hoping that you will be fun to hang with but i guess im wrong about that and you Little Girl You might be Cute but i dont care even your the cutest thing in this universe i will kill you if you again try to kill me in your head" said Tec as he Slowly Turning into the Evilest thing

" Oh oops my bad! If i haven't control my Emptions there you and this world will be gone by now " Said Tec as he Slowly turned back to his normal Self and smiling innocently

" Anyway Im done with this world Im going now And one last thing Rimuru Watch your back i might kill you with you knowing it " Said Tec as he and Shelly Teleports Out of the scene while Rimuru, Milim and The Oni's are Breathing heavy And sweating bullets

" Tssk! I cant even Touch him! Im so angry right now! " Said Milim while Rimuru stood silently still in shock on what happens as he just witnessed the most Evilest thing ever

Meanwhile On Tec side who's currently floating into space along with Shelly on top of his head

" Shelly, unfortunately, you can't befriend with that slime... Anyway let's go to another place this time I'll try to not disturb people " said Tec as shell just Sleeps into Tec head not caring about everything as they teleport out of space into the new location Tec Picked

"let's see," said Tec as he Active his Origin Eyes To know about the world they currently staying at

" Hmm another Hero and Demon King world Huh... But this time the Demon King is already dead and the Kingdom Is Executing the Hero who killed the Demon King Because the empire thought that the hero might Rebel against the Kingdom but the truth is the empire is just full of sick people who don't like people getting stronger than them... That's the main topic of this world Shelly what do you say we watch the execution? And maybe ill help that Hero he seems like a good guy base on his soul it's pretty white not like the princess and the king who's soul is pitch black" said Tec to Shelly while they teleport into the execution site of the hero

Immediately after appearing Tec changed his clothes into something like a commoner would wear

" okay shelly we are good now let's see what's these humans want to do," said Tec as he stood among the crowd

" My citizens! Look! This traitorous Hero! I princess Stela! Even promise to merry the Hero but He tried to kill me immediately after we arrived at the Kings hall! But the king My father! Stopped this Demonic Hero on having his way! And now My citizens You are going to witness The Execution of the Hero! Who tried to harm our Kingdom! " said The princess while the hero is Beat up into his death pitiful hero who Only wishes to save the world and completing his mission but he didn't expect that the humans he's been protecting are going to betray him

" Oh! This princess is shameless should I put her in Purgatory? I don't like her" Said Tec in his mind as he continues to listen to the princess speech and after a while, it's finally time to Execute the Hero

" Now my Citizens it's time for Execution," said The Princess as the Executioner Slowly Walk towards the beat-up Hero

" Ah I'm pissed shelly let me look at this princess Memories for a Sec," said Tec as he looked into the Princess memories and after a while Time seems to stop and Only the Royal family and The Hero seems to be able to Move

" Huh?! What's happening! " asked the Princess

" YOU DISGUSTING BAG OF MEAT!!! YOU DARE TO KILL INNOCENT NEWBORN BABY!! FOR YOUR FUCKING ENTERTAINMENT!! FUCKING PIECE OF TRASH!!!!! " said Tec as he Punches the head of the Princess blowing it away and reviving the Princess again!

" AHHHHH WHAT HAPPEN! I DIED! WHOO!! DARE TO KILL ME!! " asked the princess as she Looked around until she sees Tec glaring At her full of Bloodlust

" YOU BAG OF MEAT DARE TO KILL NEWBORNS FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT?!? HUH! HOW DARE YOU! HOW DARE YOU!! " Said Tec as he Punches Her whole Body but now Tec was holding back To not Destroy the Body of the Princess


" WHAT FUCKING FATHER?! THIS BAG OF MEAT?!? " said Tec as he Teleported The King head in his Hands showing the Princess


" SO WHAT! YOU TRASH OF HUMAN RACE! YOU AND YOUR WHOLE FUCKING FAMILY ARE FUCKING DISGUSTING! NOT ONLY YOU KILLED INNOCENT NEWBORN YOU EVEN TRIED TO FUCKING EAT THEM! THESE ARE NEWBORN WHO STILL DOESNT HAVE the ABILITY TO THINK AND YOU YOU YOU MOTHER FUCKERS!! " Said Tec as He seems to be losing his Self in Rage as His surroundings Seem to be Getting Heavy and Bloody as Tec Bloodlust Seems to be getting Stronger and Stronger Until the whole Kingdom Got Clad in Tec Blood red Energy Destroying the whole Kingdom along with its residents and after awhile Tec Calm down But His Rage and Bloodlust is still growing Stronger but It seems Tec Controlled his Own

" You piece of shit Look what have you done! Your whole fucking Kingdom is now gone! If I didn't Control my Self back there this whole goddamn world will be Spaces Dust now! You Fucking bitch... I will not fuck Kill you Here to end this you're going to atone to your sins for Eternity along with your fucking Royal Family " Said Tec Very Calmly with his eyes Blood Red full of Bloodlust and rage that's even Gods Can't comprehend

" Argh! This Fucking Place! Who's In charge of this Place! Come Down here Right fucking now or I'll blow your whole Universe! " Said Tec as he seems to be talking to the void and after a while, a boy came out of nowhere bowing to Tec

" Sir... I'm in charge of this place." said the God

" Name? And what are you going not managing this Place?!" said Tec while his Body is still discharging Intense Bloodlust and Rage

" Xerathus and I'm playing with my Wives in my domain," said Xerathus

" Lazy Fuck you dare to fuck like Bunnies while this world People Eating and killing Newborns? " Said Tec very Calmly which make Xerathus Very uncomfortable

" Sire I did Create this universe But this world isn't made by me it was made by one of my wives and she's the one Managing this world "

" Then call that wife of yours Immediately " order Tec as Xerathus Wife Teleported Near Xerathus

" Eh? Xera why happen to my world? " asked the Wife

" Your Xerathus wife? Did you know that this world Monarch likes to Eat newborns? Did you know that? And even the hero who they summoned in some reality realm Who defeated the demon king and they want to Immediately Execute after killing the demon king " said Tec

" Eh? Xera who's this? And why are kneeling in front of this brat? " said the wife But Xera Immediately Punch his wife in the stomach causing her to plummet into the floor Face first

" Ugh... X-Xera what are you doing! "

" Shut your God Damn Mouth! And Answer the Question you Damn Bitch! " yelled Xerathus

" I'll count in 3 if you didn't answer then ill destroy this Universe and trust me you will not reincarnate," said Tec as He starts to count

"1...2..- "

" W-Wait! I'll answer!... I did know that these humans are doing that but what does this have to do with me? They want to do that" said The wife

"..... Kill her" said Tec to Xerathus while Xerathus Just Kneel down not Moving

" do you not hear me? "

" Sire ill do as you wish," said Xerathus as he stood up

" Xerathus! You can't be serious! I'm your wife! And you're going to kill me?! XERATHUS! IN YOUR WIFE! ZENA! THE ONE WHO HELP YOU MAKE THIS GODDAMN UNIVERSE! AND YOUR GOING TO KILL ME?! " Said Zena as she struggles to Break free into Xerathus Hands

" Zena I can't Risk All the Inhabitants of my Universe for one Life I hope you understand as much as this hurt to me I need to do this or this universe and I will disappear but I promise to find you once you reincarnate," said Xerathus as he Slowly Ends Zena Life with his own Hands

" Good and down worry she won't Reincarnate I promise you that so this kind of stuff won't happen again," said Tec who's eyes is still full of Bloodlust and Rage

"..... "

" Now disappear into my sight or I might kill you as well," said Tec as Xerathus Teleports out of Tec sight

" System Open my Time Chamber and Send Shelly home to Liz and Seal my Power and summon as many Opponents in the time chamber I'm going to use this Place to Train and calm my self a little. "

" affirmative Host "

Corona is here at my place

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Everybody stay safe as i will do my best to not die >~<

Okay bye

IloveRicecreators' thoughts