
Tec’s So called Adventure

Tec Is the mc I made him the others are not mine it's from their respective owners Thanks Ok bye

IloveRice · Anime & Comics
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267 Chs


" Tssk That fake God actually tries to harm my Little shelly if I didn't react on time and but a barrier my shell would be gone already!" said Tec as he Pet Shelly who's not aware of what's happening

" You can just Resurrect Shelly if she died," said Liz

" That's a Big no if I did that I might as well make shelly immortal," Said Tec

" anyway I get to let some of my frustration on that Fake God... By the way Liz why do I feel I've become more aggressive lately? " Ask Tec

" There's must be something bothering you and the Saiyan Bloodline you currently have is affecting you on some ways," said Liz

" Oh now that I think of it in didn't undo that Saiyan Bloodline huh," said Tec as he Removes the Saiyan Bloodline that's been Bothering him

" one more thing how did we got summoned? I'm not bounded by some kind of law now so basically summoning me is impossible unless I permit it " asked Tec

" Don't know don't care and isn't it good that you got summoned? You get to release some of your " Frustration " to some God of lower realm " reply Liz

" I guess so... Anyway I'm going out wanna come? " ask Tec

" No thanks I'll just stay here with Cookie and Russell," Said, Liz

" Okay! See ya later then! " Said Tec as he Teleports to another place along with his Pet turtle Shelly!. After a while Tec and Shelly Arive to a New Place

" Shelly we are here! Isn't this place Beautiful? " said Tec as shelly just Lay flat on Tec Hands Not caring about the world

" Let's see," said Tec as he Activates his Origin Eyes scanning the whole world

"Shelly We are in the right world! isn't that great? Because I might accidentally Teleport us in some kind of Blackhole if I didn't pay attention and you don't have to worry about anything if we did get teleported into a Blackhole as I will Protect you! " Said Tec with pride

" anyway We come here for a slime shall we go and see him now Shelly? " Said Tec as he Gets ready to Fly as He got Bored using his "Gate"

" You ready? " Asked Tec as Shelly Seems to Give a little Nod

" Hehehe you're so cute shelly! Anyway, Let's go! " Said Tec as he Flies Slightly Faster than a plane as Tec wanted to feel the air Touching his face and After flying for a while Tec Finally sees a Newly Built Town Full of different monsters Walking like normal Humans.

" Were here shelly!" Said Tec as he Descends Slowly right beside the Town Entrance Tec then enters The town while the monsters Looked at him not with hostile eyes but with a curious one

"hmm I guess He's Japanese too just based on the buildings we have here it's a total give away," Said Tec as he Observes his surroundings

" Eh? A loli falling in the sky? " Said Tec as he notices something Approaching Really fast until the Loli in the Sky Crashed into Near place

" Shelly Let's go see that Loli! " Said Tec as he Immediately Runs towards the Crash Sight only to see a Loli and a Slime that seems to be talking to each other Until an Oni dressed in a suit comes Attacking the loli But the Loli Easily Blocked the Incoming Attack and After that Immediately, Oni starts Popping Out left and Right and starts attacking the Loli and Again the Loli Easily Blocked all incoming attacks like nothing happened

" Is this all you got? " Said the Pink hair loli as she Powered up Blasting Away the surrounding

" Everyone stop! I'll take care of this!" said the smile who turned into a Small girl

" Oh!? Do you have an Attack that will work against me? " ask the Pink Loli

" Only one " Replied by the Shapeshifting Slime

" WAHAHAHAHA Fine then ill take your challenge! " Said the Pink Loli After that The Slime then Rush towards her with something on her hands Then the slime then Punch towards the Pink Loli Mouth Feeding it Honey and it seems Super Effective as of the Pink Loli Wanted some more!

" What the hell is this? I've never tasted something like this in my entire life! " said The Pink Loli while her eyes have a star on them

" What's the Matter demon lord Milim?... Would you like you to know what is it?" asked the slime

" ill tell you but if you only admit defeat and I don't mind give you more of this! " Teased by the slime

" But! T- That's! "

" Mmm! Tasty!" Tease by The slime

After a while, the two decide to Make the Fight Draw and Everybody is happy Milim got her Honey and Tec Finally got Notice by Milim who's Looking at him Curiously

" Hello! " Said Tec as he Approached Milim and The slime But then again the Oni who's Just attacking Milim just a while ago Turned Hostile to Tec

" Eh? You want to fight me now? But thats not a good idea you might actually die you know? I don't like people who look at me who hostile eyes so it's best if you don't do that " said Tec as his surrounding slowly distorting. But Their new Friend Milim walk towards Tec

" Hey you! What are you doing to my new Friends? If you do anything bad about them ill kill you! " Said Milim as she Releases all her power in front of Tec As she doesn't know how strong Tec was but based on what she sees around him he should be able to handle milim Pressure

" Hmm what are you doing ?" said Tec as he pats Milim head Retracting all Milim's Pressure back as the slime and Oni Can't Breathe properly under Milim Pressure As Tec Pats Milim Head Milim then Quickly Backs out as she feels something Terrifying inside of Tec so terrifying that even her a Great Demon Lord Have to Back out immediately

"Hmm I guess that's a Demon Lord for you. You actually avoided Death right now but you don't have to worry that's just temporary death" said Tec as He looks at the slime shapeshifter

" You Guys Go Run for now! I'll handle this " Said The slime or his oni companions

" Great Sage! Find a solution to beat this guy right in front of my! " said the slime

" ERROR IMPOSSIBLE IMMEDIATELY RUN " Said The Great Sage to the slime inside his head

" What? Even Milim didn't give a warning like this " Said the slime inside his head

" Hmmm you want to fight too? " asked Tec to the slime

" Actually I don't want to," Said The slime

" Oh that's Good because even your Great Sage cant Help you if I want to kill you," Said Tec as he smiles

" Anyway I'm just passing by and I see this town of yours and I was going to look around for a couple of minutes until I see a loli falling Towards here so I came here," Said Tec as he Point towards Milim

" Ah is that so! anyway your welcome to stay here as long as you need and By the way, I'm Rimuru Tempest and the pink-haired Loli is Milim a Great Demon Lord " Said The Rimuru

" I already know about that " Said Tec as he Active his Origin Eyes again and now only Looking at Rimuru while Rimuru Feeling Someone staring deep inside his soul like he can't hide anything into Tec Eyes

" Hmm what are you going to with that Dragon and That Flame spirit you got in your Stomach?" Asked Tec


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