
Tec’s So called Adventure

Tec Is the mc I made him the others are not mine it's from their respective owners Thanks Ok bye

IloveRice · Anime & Comics
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Inside of Tec Time Chamber There Stood Tec In the Center with his Eyes Closed and Not Moving an Inch as if he died Standing But time to time Tec Releases some Soft Breaths letting His Body adapt to his Bloodlust and Rage that still keep getting stronger and Stronger that Even the Area Tec standing have been Dyed Red with his Uncontrollable Rage and Bloodlust Until... Tec Explode an Explosion Capable of Destroying a Universe A Crimson Explosion so Terrifying Yet so Beautiful. Tec Releases his Uncontrollable Rage And Bloodlust to some Mobs that The system Summon To let Tec Use the Opportunity to Train his self The Mobs are Mighty Beings Capable of Fighting Head to head against Gods But Tec Only needs couple Hits to Kill These Mobs. Millions Upon Millions Rushes Towards Tec who seems to be too Calm In this situation he didn't have his Godly power as he let the system seal his Self and he only got his Physique Capable of taking Blows after blow as Tec Killed Left and Right he becomes calmer and calmer this Fight Continues for Millions of years And it is still going Stronger than before and Tec's Body is not what it use to be. sword Cuts Everywhere Ripped Chunk of Meat Broken Nose missing Fingers And Ear Destroyed Eye open stomach all these injuries came from all the Mobs System Summons and now it's not just Ordinary Gods as Tec Get stronger the System Adjust His Opponents who're now on par with Reality Gods but Tec is still going Not Taking a single Break. Tec didn't Ask Help didn't heal his self he didn't care what happens to his body he just Kill and Kill and After 3 Billion Year's 3 Days Outside of the Chamber Tec Finally Killed the Last Reality, God, that the system Summon By Cutting its head with his Bare hands a techniques he learned from all the Opponents he has As Tec Finished His Last Opponents He Stood again not moving and With eyes close as his Injuries have gotten worse but Tec didn't Do anything he just stood there as he seems to Calm his Self from Rage and Bloodlust.

" System How long Did it take? "

" 3,103,974,019 Year's Host "

" Fuuuu~ 3 Billion Year's I've been here only killing and Killing My body have sustained Heavy Damage from all the Opponents I have. I've learned Many Techniques This Training session seems to be a Success... " said Tec as he healed Himself but he leaves the Scar on his body as a Respect to all his Opponents he been fighting for 3 Billion Year's

" System Tell me the situation outside "

" Affirmative... The Reality God of this Universe has Arrived and Currently Staying at Xerathus Domain "

" Hmm I'll go see them Now Prepare me a New Set of Clothes," Said Tec as the System Give Tec a New set of Clothes while Disabling the Time chamber and the kingdom of some Random King is still the same a wasteland As Tec Got out of His Time chamber Xerathus along with his Wives and the Reality God of this Multiverse arrived at Tec Front Kneeling

" Welcome back my Lord I've been waiting for you," Said Tec Reality God

" State your name " command Tec

" This Humble God is named Xerath I'm the father of Xerathus who has angered the Lord "

" Xerath What have done in the past is past Xerathus Have paid with his Wife Life who's the Creator Of this Planet," Said Tec

" I know my Lord Xerathus already Told me," said Xerath

" I see then what brings you here Xerath? " asked Tec

" I am here my Lord to Plead to you to bring Zena back as she's a wonderful girl and a son of my friend " Said Xerath

" What? Do you want to bring the dead back? You can do it your self, can you? " said Tec

" My Lord I do can Bring her Back with my Powers But my lord I didn't want to offend you by Doing that as that's why I'm here in front of you to ask permission to bring her back " replied Xerath

" Denied You cannot Bring That Girl Back but you can always bringer her back but don't let me know you might Lose your Own life as well," Said Tec as He slowly Smiles as Xerath, Xerathus and His wives Suddenly Starts Trembling As they slowly Look at Tec but when they did The Moment they Looked at Tec They feel like they died A Million times just in a Second. Tec Didn't Release any of his Powers Only his eyes a Crimson Eyes that shines see through them making them Tremble in fear

" M-M-M-My L-LORD! FORGIVE ME FOR MY IMPUDENSE! I XERATH DOES NOT DARE TO DISOBEY YOU, MY LORD! " said Xerath as he Smashes his head on the ground. A Reality God Doing such Thing is Not Common because Reality Gods Are Epitome of Power The Apex of all Things and A Reality God Just Smashes his Head on the Ground Begging For Mercy. Xerathus Wives Are in shock as they knew that their Father-In-law is the Strongest Being in their Multiverse and Now he's Begging for Forgiveness.

"Xerath you're a Reality God but You're lowering your self in the Ground? " asked Tec


" That Girl is not Comming Back do you understand? "

" Yes My Lord Me and My Son and his wives All Hear and Obey," said Xerath

"..... Xerath When you Meet my Dad Tell him I said Hi okay? " Said Tec as he Teleports Out of the scene

" Will do My Lord! " Said Xerath whose head is still in the Ground

" Father... " Said Xerathus

" Save it for later... You're my Only Child I cannot lose you and just now If Lord Tec Attack us Even I will not survive as the look in his eyes are Terrifying it feels like he killed Lot of Beings Who's even stronger than my self and Zena Forget about her I did my best to bring her back but she brings this to her self... " Said Xerath

" Yes, father... " Said Xerathus as they Teleport away into their domains