
Teased by the Billionaire

Raniyah Ellen Dominggo, popularly known as 'Red', is a renowned female car racer and model who has won multiple awards and championships in car racing. Red's charm is something that men can't resist, and they often consider her as the reincarnation of Aphrodite. She is the epitome of an ideal woman, but little do people know that her life is not as perfect as it may seem. For Red, life is like racing on a bumpy road; it's hard to make a perfect run, especially when it comes to love. In truth, Red has never been committed to anyone or dated any men in her life. She has always maintained that men are just temporary and eventually leave you stranded along the roadside. One night, while celebrating her victory party at a high-class club, Red accidentally bumped into someone on the dance floor. She didn't recognize the man, but they ended up spending the night together. The morning after, she woke up and left the man's house without knowing his name. It was after a month of their first brief encounter that Destiny decided to play a little game of its own and brought them together again at an organized launch party. But little did she know that this man was not just any ordinary man. He was the son of 'East Torres', the founder and CEO of Easton Corporation, their biggest rival in the industry. She was shocked to see him, but even more shocked when he recognized her too. It was a moment of realization that fate had something more in store for them than just a chance encounter.

Maple_Bibliophile · Urban
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32 Chs

Race 22

I woke up past eleven o'clock at noon. Easton and I came home from Taal late at night. I felt next to me and realized that Easton was no longer by my side. I think he woke up before me. I got up from bed and just in time the bathroom door opened, and it revealed Easton, who had just taken a bath. The towel was wrapped around his lower body while he was topless.

I saw water dripping from his hair onto his body. The broad-chest and his eight packs of abs seem to be carved by the best sculpture in the world. His body was built so perfectly.

I don't think he has time to go to the gym because of his hectic schedule every day.

"Are you done? "

I looked up to him. He grinned at me.

"You really enjoy the view I have." I just glared at him.

"Get dressed, m*ron." I said while looking away from him. I heard his soft giggle. I passed him and entered the bathroom.

He even followed me with his gaze when I entered the bathroom.

I immediately locked the door in case he still planned to enter into the bathroom.

"Go downstairs immediately after you shower. I will cook our brunch." He shouted from outside.

I turned on the shower and didn't listen to what he said next. Until I heard the door of my room closed from outside.

I just wore an oversize t-shirt and shorts. We weren't going anywhere today. Because just yesterday we both wandered.

After I got off, I first went to the kitchen to see if he was still cooking. I saw him sitting at the counter table with his ipad in front of him. Maybe he has a face-time client. Something important for his business.

I actually purposely went behind him where the refrigerator was also headed. I'll pretend to get some cold water, but I'll really take a look at who he's talking to.

"RED?!" Said Easton's ipad.

I immediately looked at the iPad where Easton was doing face-time. Easton also turned to me.

"I want to talk to you." My brother is begging me.

I was about to run out of the kitchen when Easton suddenly grabbed my wrist to stop me.

"Baby, where do you think you're going?" I glared at him and tried to get away from him.

"Your brother wants to talk to you. Don't be stubborn, Red. Your brother has been begging to talk to you for days."

I tried to take his hand that was holding my wrist.

"Let me go, Easton! You are not involved in the problem my brother and I have."

But I was just surprised by what he did by pulling me and sitting on his lap. He hugged my waist tightly, so I couldn't get away from him.

He actually did it in front of my brother.

"You can talk now, Randy." He said to my brother.

I didn't look at the ipad. I didn't want to talk to my brother even if it was mommy and daddy. Well, that's why I fell into their trap. Brother Randy really made this Easton a trap. I can't deny that my brother is really smart.

"Red, I know you're still mad. I hope you can forgive us for hiding the truth from you." He cried to me.

"I, mommy and daddy will do everything for you to forgive us." I looked at him.

"Really? Anything I can request?"

He nodded. I thought for a few minutes before an idea came to my mind.

"Brother, after my vacation I want to meet someone." He suddenly frowned.

"Who is it? So that I can arrange the meeting immediately." I took a deep breath.

"I want to meet my real father." I told him directly.

It was late afternoon and I thought of going for a walk on the beach. It's not that hot anymore and the sun is about to set. I looked up to walk when I saw Easton standing in front of me watching the waves in the sea.

"What are you doing here?" He looked at me.

"I'm sorry, but I want to know what's going on in your family right away, Red." His voice was calm.

"It's not your fault, Easton. I should apologize because I didn't tell you my problem right away. That's why I feel guilty and give you a hard time understanding me sometimes." He looked at me deeply into my eyes.

"You really stood up for your role as my boyfriend and I feel guilty for not appreciating your effort." And my tears fell from my eyes.

My heart felt like it was being squeezed because of what I said. It also feels heavy.

Seeing Easton, he was patient and waited for me to tell him my problem. My heart seemed to melt. He just hides his feelings by being arrogant and doesn't show them to me.

"I really don't deserve to be your girlfriend, Easton. I wasn't a good girlfriend to you." He came to me and hugged me.

"Sheesshh... don't immediately judge yourself that you haven't been a good girlfriend to me. We are new to our relationship right now. We haven't been through much together yet. It's too early to say that, Red."

"But that's how I feel right now." He touched my cheeks. I stared at him deeply.

"Despite what you know about me. Will you stay with me?" He nodded.

"Baby, I'll stay."

"Even though I'm the daughter of a rapist?" He smiled genuinely at me.

"I will stay with you no matter what you are, because I love you."

"I love you too, Easton."

Easton stared and seemed to lose himself at what I said. I couldn't read the emotion on his face. So I was also a little nervous.

"Sorry if—"

"Say it again." I raised my eyebrows.


"The one you said earlier."

"T-That I-I love you—" I stammered, but he immediately cut me off because he immediately grabbed me and kissed me on the lips.

I closed my eyes, savoring his soft and gentle kiss. He deepened the kiss even more when I responded to his kiss.

I could feel him carrying me without breaking our kiss. My hands were holding his shoulders and my knees were around his waist. His chest was firm and steady against mine, his breathing was calm and even. I could feel the warmth of his skin through his shirt. He put me down on the sun lounger, and now he's on top of me.

He leaned over to leave a small wet kiss at the base of my neck, then another, longer one. I moaned in appreciation as he licked and sucked each spot before moving onto the next. My fingers dug into his back. "Easton," I whispered breathlessly into his mouth.

He slowly took off my t-shirt. His mouth immediately latched on to my collarbone. He nuzzled closer, his warm cheek pressed firmly against my breast. I felt his tongue trace an arc from my breasts to my stomach. He stopped there. He looked up at me with those dark eyes so full of desire. They sparkled with want. His hand gently caressed the exposed skin below my shorts. My skin started burning under his touch together with the warm sunlight of the setting sun.

He pulled away for just a second to look at me, before placing that same hot open mouth on my nipple again. He suckled harder. My hips started rocking forward involuntarily. The movement pushed his hands further down. Easton groaned. He moved to nibble my shoulder blade as his other hand worked it out of my shorts. I gasped. His hands reached my panties and stroked them down to the elastic of my thong. He slipped his hands underneath and lifted them off completely. I shuddered as his rough fingertips brushed against my pussy lips. Then he bent down and ran his nose across my clit. I moaned louder this time. He smirked and kissed me deeper while his fingers stroked my slick folds. I moaned again when it entered me. He continued thrusting it inside me until I was sure I had reached my peak. My orgasm started coming fast and hard. He withdrew his fingers. He took off his clothes and his Jagger pants. His erection sprang free and rested against my belly. I wrapped myself around him and started kissing him hungrily. I loved how his cock felt inside me. It was like a perfect balance between hardness and softness. He pushed himself deeper inside me and my moans turned into gasps. Easton picked up his pace. He pumped inside me faster and faster. He grunted with every hit and pull of his thick shaft. His whole body shook with the intensity of his orgasm. He growled deep in his throat and his hips started bucking more frantically. I wrapped myself tighter around him and held on to him tightly. We both came hard at the same time. We lay together panting. I closed my eyes for a moment. My muscles relaxed, feeling pleasantly sore and tired. He kissed my forehead.

"I love you, Raniyah."

"I love you too."