
Teased by the Billionaire

Raniyah Ellen Dominggo, popularly known as 'Red', is a renowned female car racer and model who has won multiple awards and championships in car racing. Red's charm is something that men can't resist, and they often consider her as the reincarnation of Aphrodite. She is the epitome of an ideal woman, but little do people know that her life is not as perfect as it may seem. For Red, life is like racing on a bumpy road; it's hard to make a perfect run, especially when it comes to love. In truth, Red has never been committed to anyone or dated any men in her life. She has always maintained that men are just temporary and eventually leave you stranded along the roadside. One night, while celebrating her victory party at a high-class club, Red accidentally bumped into someone on the dance floor. She didn't recognize the man, but they ended up spending the night together. The morning after, she woke up and left the man's house without knowing his name. It was after a month of their first brief encounter that Destiny decided to play a little game of its own and brought them together again at an organized launch party. But little did she know that this man was not just any ordinary man. He was the son of 'East Torres', the founder and CEO of Easton Corporation, their biggest rival in the industry. She was shocked to see him, but even more shocked when he recognized her too. It was a moment of realization that fate had something more in store for them than just a chance encounter.

Maple_Bibliophile · Urban
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32 Chs

Race 21

Easton woke up early and cooked breakfast. I was on the balcony of the room while drinking the coffee that Easton brewed.

I can see the vast sea and the lighthouse not far from our mansion. I would also like to go there, so I will use this one-month vacation.

I felt Easton enter the room and I turned to him. He was topless and wearing his swimming trunks and had a blue towel draped over his shoulders.

I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Swimming? Our pool is not clean yet. Maybe Mr. Boyet can clean the pool tomorrow." I told him.

He shook his head.

"I will go swimming in the sea. You? Don't you go swimming? I thought yesterday you planned to go to the beach. " He told me one after the other.

I put the cup on the center table and sat on the bed.

"Maybe later, I'm not in the mood to go to the beach right now. "

His lips twisted and he came closer to me.

"So, what are your plans now? Why are you going to sit here all day? C'mon baby, today is your vacation so spend the most of it. "

I sighed and stood up.

"I want to visit the lighthouse first." He smiled at me.

"So, what are you waiting for? Get dressed, let's go there." he exclaimed.

"How about you, don't you go swimming? " He shook his head.

"Don't worry about that, your vacation is long, you can. You insert that. Then the beach is just there outside your mansion. I can swim anytime. "

action. I open my eyes and took a deep breath and stared at myself in the mirror.

I shouldn't be hasty in my actions, especially if I haven't told him how I really feel about him.

I got dressed, I was wearing a simple white camisole and olive-colored shorts. I braided my hair and wore a white baseball cup.

I came out of the bathroom and found Easton already dressed. He was wearing a white v-neck t-shirt and black khaki shorts. He is also wearing a baseball cap, but his is black.

"Let's go?"

I nodded. He took his travel backpack and put it on his back. He held my hand. I couldn't stop my heart from beating fast.

We met Mr. Boyet when we were going down.

"Are you going somewhere?" He asked us.

"Yes, Red and I were just going somewhere. We'll just go for a walk. We might stay the night too, so don't cook our dinner. We will eat outside." Easton told him.

"All right, go, I know you have a lot of places to go today. Enjoy!" We bid a goodbye to Mr. Boyet. I didn't notice Easton had brought his Jeep Wrangler.

He puts his travel backpack on the back seat and I stare a lot at him by raising one eyebrow.

"Really, Easton? Cape Santiago is just a walking distance. Why do we need to bring your Jeep Wrangler?"

He put one of his arms on the jeep's window while one hand was on his waist.

"Why? Are we only going to Cape Santiago?"

That's the only place I know to go here in Batangas, because it's close to the mansion.

"That's all I had in mind. We can't tour all of Batangas in one day. I have a one-month vacation, remember?"

He came closer to me, and he held both of my shoulders.

"I also want to go there. I also found out about a place that was crowded with tourists. Let's just think that the way we are going is a win-win situation."

I just rolled my eyes and removed his hands that were on my shoulders.

"Whatever!" I said in Snobbish. I turned around to ride in the front seat.

He just chuckled and got in the driver's seat.

"You are really cute when you're upset". I ignored him, he started the car and we left.

When we arrived at Cape Santiago, we saw many tourists there. They are taking pictures, the others are a group of friends and family.

We are getting out of the car.

"There are a lot of tourists here today." He said and turned to me.

"Maybe the holiday is near, so tourists flock here."

He grabbed my hand and pulled me into the lighthouse. He paid the entrance fee first.

I feel like I'm going to stumble when he pulls me.

"Take it easy, Easton!" I complained to him.

He stopped walking and I bumped into his back.

"Ouch!" I groaned. I rubbed my nose from bumping into his back.

He looked at me with a smile on his face.


I looked at what he was holding. Since when did he carry a camera?

"Stand right there." He pointed to the side of the hall where you could see the view of the sea. I followed what he said.

"Then pose." As he said, I posed.

He's camera flashes, I feel like I have my own photo shoot on the beach. We toured other parts of Cape Santiago and took pictures of the two of us.

I enjoyed the tour. After we toured Cape Santiago, we left. Easton is driving to the next destination he wants to go.

It was past three in the afternoon when we left Cape Santiago, so we arrived at the place Easton was going to at four o'clock.

We got out of the car and I looked around.

We were in front of an old church and there were a lot of people there too.

"Where are we now?" I asked him.

He smiled as he stared at the church.

"Minor Basilica of St. Martin of Tours," he answered.

He extended his hand to me and I immediately took his hand.

We entered the church.

"When I was young, my grandfather brought me here. And he told me, this is his favorite place to go." I raised my eyebrows.

"Why? Because it is close to the Lord?"

He laughed at what I said, he shook his head.

"Not like that. Yes, close to the Lord, but this place is sentimental to grandfather. You know why?"

I rolled my eyes.

It was a while ago, he didn't want to say it directly.

"Tell me straight, I've been waiting for the reason why your grandfather likes this place." I said to him in annoyance.

"Okay, okay, I will say it." He said, laughing.

" You're impatient, huh," he added.

I glared at him.

"This is the place where grandpa and grandma met. And they were married in this church as well." He said with a smile while staring at the altar.

I pouted my lips, he really looked up to his grandfather. Maybe his grandfather treated them differently. It was obvious to Easton that the environment he grew up in was very healthy. Except for his arrogant behavior.

"What if you end up with a girl that you intend to marry? Is there a chance you will marry her here too?" I asked him and he turned to me.

"Why did you ask?" I shrugged my shoulders.

" I'm just curious. So, do you have a plan to marry her here?"

He took a deep breath and smiled at me.

"Maybe yes. And it depends if this place becomes sentimental to us." I nodded.

"If you're the one I can stay with in the end, we'll get married here." He said with sincerity in his eyes. My heart beat fast, and I was mesmerized by what he said. It's like there's a space in my heart that I wish I could be the one he can stay with in the end.

I stared at him at that time as if we were the only people in the world. It seems like time is moving slowly. The beating of my heart became music to my ears.

Oh God, I'm now madly in love with this guy. The arrogant, Easton Torres the Third.

"Easton, I wanted to tell you something."

Nothing can stop me. I want to say my true feelings for him before it's too late.

"What is it, Red?"

I looked deeply in his eyes as I took a deep breath and licked my lips.

I kinda feel nervous, this is the first time I had to confess my feelings to the guy I love.

"Easton, I—"

"Big Brother, please buy some tulips. So that we can buy food."

I bite my lip when a girl sells flowers interjected to us. Easton immediately focused his attention on it.

Absentmindedly, he pulled out his wallet from his pocket and gave the girl a thousand pesos.

He ruffled the girl's hair as he smiled.

"Give me three and the change is yours." He said this to the girl.

"Thank you big brother, God bless you." The girl said happily and happily ran away.

He turned his gaze on me again. He handed me the three tulips he bought.

I was shy about accepting flowers from him.

"Thanks." I said, smelling the flower.

"By the way, what are you going to tell me?" I bowed my head a little and sighed.

"That's not very important. I also forgot what I was going to say." My excuse and faked a smile at him.

He nodded as if convinced of what I said.

We looked at the altar and soon he knelt down.

Maybe he's praying or thanking God. I'm not a religious person, but I still believe in God.

I also knelt down and prayed.

'I hope I can tell him that my true feelings for him are okay. At the right time.'