
Teased by the Billionaire

Raniyah Ellen Dominggo, popularly known as 'Red', is a renowned female car racer and model who has won multiple awards and championships in car racing. Red's charm is something that men can't resist, and they often consider her as the reincarnation of Aphrodite. She is the epitome of an ideal woman, but little do people know that her life is not as perfect as it may seem. For Red, life is like racing on a bumpy road; it's hard to make a perfect run, especially when it comes to love. In truth, Red has never been committed to anyone or dated any men in her life. She has always maintained that men are just temporary and eventually leave you stranded along the roadside. One night, while celebrating her victory party at a high-class club, Red accidentally bumped into someone on the dance floor. She didn't recognize the man, but they ended up spending the night together. The morning after, she woke up and left the man's house without knowing his name. It was after a month of their first brief encounter that Destiny decided to play a little game of its own and brought them together again at an organized launch party. But little did she know that this man was not just any ordinary man. He was the son of 'East Torres', the founder and CEO of Easton Corporation, their biggest rival in the industry. She was shocked to see him, but even more shocked when he recognized her too. It was a moment of realization that fate had something more in store for them than just a chance encounter.

Maple_Bibliophile · Urban
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32 Chs

Rave 23

My one-month vacation is over and Easton and I are going back to Manila. We made the most of that vacation because when we returned to Manila we were both busy.

We left Batangas at around six in the morning. When we arrived in Manila it was around nine o'clock. Easton drove me to my condo.

"I might not be able to visit you. But I will call you when I have time." he said. I smiled at him.

"I understand that you will be busy, and so am I. But I will still update you." He gently pulled me closer to him and hugged me.

"I will miss you." He whispers huskily in my ear.

"Me too." I closed my eyes when I felt his soft lips on my forehead.

"Baby, I have to go. I still have a meeting to attend."

I loosened from his embrace and nodded.

He smiled at me and tucked a few strands of my hair behind my ear.

"I love you." He said genuinely.

I tip-toed and kissed him on the lips. He was a little surprised by what I did.

I only gave him a smack kiss.

He grinned at me.

"You have been naughty, baby." He wet his lips at the same time.

He was about to kiss me, but I immediately stopped him.

"Go ahead, leave, or you'll be late for the meeting you're going to."

He pouted, and his face was disappointed.

"Tricks, huh?"

I giggled.

"You should go now, Easton." He sighed.

" Okay, I'm going ahead."

He suddenly kissed me on my lips. And quickly walked away from me. I was just dumbfounded at where I stood. He winked at me before he entered the elevator.

I bit my lip and couldn't help but smile on my lips. I entered my condo unit and rested first.

Around two o'clock in the afternoon, I woke up from my long nap. I turned on the TV in the living room while I made a snack in the kitchen. And I heard the background music of a famous TV news.

"Breaking news! A famous business tycoon was caught in a buy-bust last night. 10 kilos of drugs and unregistered firearms were recovered from them. This famous businessman is Ferdo Legaspi. The chairperson of Legaspi Corp."

I quickly went to the living room when I heard the name of that shameless old man.

I just stared at the TV as I watched him mobbed by reporters and the media.

"He was among those arrested last night. Right now the investigation in his case is ongoing."

I grabbed the back of the couch. I don't know what I feel right now because of the mixed emotions I felt.

Until my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID. It was my older brother.

I answer the call.

"Hello?" I can hear long statics in the other line.

"Brother," I called him.

I heard his sigh.

"I thought you wouldn't answer my call yet." I felt the sadness in his voice.

"You called." I took a deep breath because this was the heavy feeling I was feeling.

"I just want to know if you have heard about what happened to Mr. Legaspi."

"I just watched the news. He got arrested, that's good for him."

There was a moment of silence between us before he spoke again.

"Mommy told me that you should come to our family dinner tomorrow night."

"Is there an important occasion?" He sighed again.

"Red, mommy wants to see you. Please, Mommy misses you so much and she wants to talk to you too."

I stood up and faced the balcony.

"I'll try to show up tomorrow, brother."

"O-Okay." That was the last thing he said before hanging up.

Around eight o'clock in the evening, I thought about going to the club. So I immediately got dressed when I received a text from my model friend. I texted Easton that I was going out with my friend. He still wanted to come but I stopped him. He had a family dinner with his parents. I just don't want to ruin their night because Easton wants to go to the club with me.

When I arrived at our meeting place at the club here in BGC, I texted my friend.

She immediately replied, I entered the club and asked where my friend's V.I.P. room was.

The dance floor was crowded and chaotic as I passed the bouncer assisting me to the V.I.P. room.

As soon as I entered the room, I was immediately greeted with a tight hug.

"Raniyah Ellen!" she exclaimed.

I kissed her on the cheek.

"Ausha, nice to see you again. Thanks for inviting me. " She giggled at the same time as she lightly slapped my arm.

"No need to thank me, Raniyah. We've only been together once for a photo shoot, and we've only seen each other once in a while because we are both busy at work. " She said.

Ausha Coulton half-Filipina half-American. One of the famous international models here in the country. Her brother is also a famous actor and singer, Blue Coulton. Their father is also a business tycoon in New York. While their mother is a veteran fashion designer here in the country,

We even got together for a few photoshoots. Just like international clothing lines.

"Here, sit here next to me." She pulled me next to her to sit. I looked around, we were not alone in the room. Three women are sitting across the table.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was with my cousins too." I shook my head at her.

"No, it's fine. They say the more, the merrier." She laughed.

"There you go with the old sayings, Raniyah." I gave her an innocent look.

"It's true, isn't it?" She just laughed heartily.

I ordered drinks, and she introduced me to her cousins.

We have a lot of catching up, we talk about the things that happened to us when we were both busy with our careers.

"I heard about your past issue. You went out with a guy from the bar where you celebrated your victory party." I chuckled.

"So, is it true that the man you were with that night was your boyfriend?" She asked curiously.

I smiled awkwardly at her.

"Uhm..." How can I say it?

"I can say that the man I was with that night is my boyfriend now." He covered her mouth and her face looked surprised.

"OMG!" She said with excitement.

"You got a boyfriend?!" I nodded.

"Gad! You're now a big girl, Raniyah! Did he already make you a woman?" She said one after the other. My eyes widened at the last thing she said.

"AUSHA!" I shyly reprimanded her.

She just snorted.

I know that Ausha was liberated. She grew up in the US. It's embarrassing when you have a conservative next to you and these are the things that come out of her mouth.

"Did he? "She naughtily asked.

I rolled my eyes at her.

"Whatever, Ausha." She just laughed at me.

We came home at one o'clock in the morning and Ausha was very drunk. Ausha made a waste.

I took a taxi back to the condo. When I turned on the light, I was surprised by what I saw. A man was sitting on my couch while crossing his arms.

"E-Easton." I said his name. "What are you doing here? It's already late."

He stood up slowly, still wearing his office clothes. His hands were in the pockets of his slacks as he stared at me. He stared at me seriously and there was no emotion on his face.

"I must ask you. Why did you just come home now? It's past one in the morning. You didn't tell me you'd be home at this time." He said coldly.

I sighed.

"I didn't expect to come home at this time either. "He slowly approached me and I also slowly backed away. He didn't stop staring at me.

Gad! Should I apologize to him because I didn't inform him that I would be coming home in the morning?

He didn't stop coming at me, so I moved backwards the same way. Until I felt the cold wall behind me.

I swallowed my saliva and I couldn't look at his eyes staring deeply into mine.


"Baby, that's getting reprimanded. You don't know how much you made me worried. I've been paranoid ever since you got shot. I called you several times to make sure you came home. I ordered my men to check on you and reported to me that you were not here at your condo. The Legaspi issue is still fresh, and they might get angry with you from their family because your family's name was involved in this case."

When he said it with emphasis, I bit my lip. Because I felt guilty because I made him worried.

He allowed me to go out tonight, and I didn't even think that Mr. Legaspi was arrested last night.

"I'm sorry if I didn't think about my safety earlier. I just want to let it all out and chill despite the problems that are happening right now." I bowed down after saying that, I couldn't look directly into his eyes.

He held my chin and looked at me with his sleepy eyes. He closed his eyes and I heard him mumbling a soft curse.

He pulled me and sat on the arm of the couch and, while I was standing in front of him, he hugged me tightly while burying his face in my chest.

We stayed in that position for a few minutes. Until I felt his soft snoring. He was tired from work and came here at that hour because he was worried about me.

I woke him up slowly.

"Easton, let's go to my room, sleep here. I know you are tired from work. " He slowly looked up at me with his sleepy eyes.

He smiles softly at me.

"Okay." He said with his husky voice.

We went to my room and Easton went straight to bed while I got dressed. After I came out of the bathroom, I found him fast asleep, so I gently laid down next to him. I watched him sleep until I got sleepy and fell asleep.