

After losing Silve, Arthur realizes something: This war had to be won with a strong will, not with ridiculous emotions, so she had to return to Gray. I wanted to write the beginning after the end from a new perspective. So it's up to you to read or not. sorry english is not my mother tongue the plot will be the same as turtleMe but the scenes and battles will be from my point of view

Fena_TKT · Fantasy
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11 Chs

New Premonition

Arthur Leywin

We had been on the road for a long time, there was not a single being or object in sight to attract our attention, there was only a huge hot sun in the sky and sands where we could lose our way, but not even that. Enough to destroy our horny trio of horns.

We were in these monuments for an hour, or rather we were stranded in this damn desert, usually there were bridges, roads, stairs or mana monsters built that would lead us to our death.

But there was none of them, it was just us, we were just moving forward, there was not a single clue in sight, and the worst thing was that this horny wolf did not hesitate to disturb us. his ridiculous stories.

''His eyebrows shot up in surprise. My stories are not nonsense, you just don't have any imagination, aren't they the adventures of the three horns? My horned goddess asked, locking her soulful eyes on Caera.

Caera laughed dryly, "Actually, Regis, I don't know... this heat is killing me." Is it normal for us to walk this long, Gray?

As I continued to look at Caera, a strange feeling came over me. It was as if something else was at stake here, something beyond our understanding. I tried to get rid of this feeling, but it continued. Caera noticed my uneasiness and asked, "What's the matter?". "I don't know," I replied, "It just doesn't feel right. It feels like it's there."

"This may be a trick the old wizards played, Arthur, we may have triggered a trap, like the caves you go into to hide in," Regis said, interrupting my thoughts.

As he said this, my mind went back to memories of losing the battle and having to retreat. Although I had not fully explored the mysterious cave where the ancient Rinia was located, I knew that it was built by ancient wizards and that the area was their trap. It was dangerous, but I couldn't leave the possibility of Aveum's existence unchecked, I had to make sure of that.

I finally gathered my thoughts and turned to Caera. 'How long do you think we've been on the road? I needed to get a clear answer from him

And he looked at me with a stoic expression before answering me in a measured tone ''I... I don't know, we've been walking for a few hours but it felt like we'd been walking for days, it seems endless and you never get tired it's weird

Putting aside her complaint .. yes, everything is as I thought, this is a place defined by Aveum.

''Aveum? He replied confusedly

''In the ether branch it means time and this depends on our perspective. What may seem like a few days to you may seem like an hour or five minutes to me. They tried to slow us down or deceive us using illusions.

This is simply incredible, Grey, but since we're here too, how do we get out of this? He asked me, getting slightly flustered.

I raised my hand slightly and watched the ether radiate from me into the atmosphere.

Caera looked at me with one eyebrow raised, as if nothing much had happened. What are you doing? said

I ignored his question and tried again. It was strange. After we lost the castle, it reacted differently than the area we retreated to. So why? ''Arthur, something reacted there. I immediately turned my head towards the direction the Regis was looking at.

It was an ancient stone hidden among the sands, glowing dimly. I bent down slightly to pick it up and examined it in my hand. When I looked at it, there were strange symbols on it and I thought this thing could be the key to getting out of here, but the real question is... "Where is the portal?" I asked, moving my head around.

Is this spear a key, like in beaks? Caera's voice came from behind me, he was bending down as I did, and his curious ruby eyes were looking back and forth between the stone in my hand and the answer I was going to give.

I regained my composure and stretched out one hand to lift him up. I said, "I don't know, let's examine the area a little more to make sure." I pulled him towards me.

''So are we visiting this place a little more, how fun it is, maybe we'll find it at the circus, huh, princess?

''Stop whining and get on with it, Regis.

So we started walking a little more, my eyes were scanning every area carefully to see if we could find anything, but all I saw was the same thing again, sand and caera getting a little more tired, so we had only one option left, ston

Bringing it closer to me, I thought, "Maybe... maybe it can help us get out of here directly." I muttered, slowly squeezing the stone in my hand and pouring ether into it. Caera and Regis were watching with curiosity what I would do right now.

I tried to open all the runes inside the stone by channeling the ether. It was always directing me to different places as if it was an encrypted chest. If I lost my focus even a little bit, I could go back to the beginning, so I took it slow and finished the last rune, making sure I understood everything.

With this, the plain stone in my hand turned into a bright amethyst color and its form was gradually changing, it became a black hole, no, I thought it was more accurately, it was sending ether waves into the atmosphere, the texture of space was expanding according to the shape we could pass through.we could see the transparent space coming from it

This is a portal caera cut me off from my thoughts, looking at what we were witnessing with amazement the ether was already a mystery in itself, but the master craftsmen who made them this way, even if each of them died at the hands of kezess, his works were admired by everyone, even for themselves, especially for the Ascenders who were just passing through the doors, it was an enigma

Come on, how long are you going to watch? The last one left is left in the dark. Hihahaha Regis came out of my body without us waiting and jumped towards the portal. We followed him without wasting any time.

I thought, "He's a damn wolf." He does everything he wants without thinking about the future.

At that moment, when we went out of the portal, I couldn't help but feel nauseated. It felt nostalgic in a way. It reminded me of the portals in diacthene. I just got used to it and it didn't seem so bad anymore.

But I wasn't going to say the same thing for Caera. When I looked at her, one hand was holding her stomach and the other hand was holding her mouth. I asked her if she was okay and she sent me a hand sign meaning okay. Apparently, this was a different experience for her.

Wow, do you see this place? Arthur Regis called out to me. "See what?" I stammered. I couldn't believe what I saw. My eyes opened with shock. We were in a side street of a city. As I took a step closer to the intersection, I noticed the intricate details decorating the exterior. Polished metal street lamps were illuminating the street in front of us. I could see my reflection looking at it. I turned my head to the right. When I turned it around, old-fashioned cars mixed with the pages of history came into my field of vision. Frankly, to say that I was shocked would be an understatement. These were similar to the time I spent when I was King Gray, only older, they resembled the ages I saw in the pages of history, but... how?

Were ancient wizards so advanced that they could do this? The idea that ancient wizards were incredibly advanced and capable of seemingly impossible feats It was incredible, but what really surprised me was the knowledge of all the years they had spent in the ether, which I couldn't understand but was preventing me from seeing the whole puzzle.

'It's no use thinking about these things right now, princess. Worrying about something that can't be changed is counterproductive and can lead to unnecessary stress and anxiety. Instead, it is best to focus on the tasks at hand and address the problems within our control. "But that doesn't mean we should completely ignore important issues. We will put the pieces together over time."

I sighed loudly, I really don't understand you, what don't you understand? He asked me, giving me a toothy grin. I don't understand how you can be so smart and stupid at the same time.

I was born from you, it is quite normal that I got this aspect of myself from you, I don't remember ever being this stupid, then I replied back.

Then I turned away and as I watched Caera, I couldn't help but admire her attention to detail. He was always very meticulous when it came to exploring new areas and investigating potential threats. His ruby eyes, sparkling in the sunlight, seemed to catch every little detail. So what are we doing? He finally turned towards me and asked.

''This is a different area compared to our previous places, it is suitable for defense and hiding, but when it comes to attack, we are like an open target, we can attract even the slightest suspicion.

Regis, you go around from the shadows and search around. If you find anything, warn us. I emphasized the name Caera and made her look at me. I said, "You and I will go first." She gave me a determined nod in return.

At the end of the street, I started to look around to see if there was any possible threat, but there was not a single being. I nodded to Caera behind my shoulder and we started walking, but in order to be cautious, I still asked him to guide us through while Regis was sneaking out of the shadows.

She said "you know I should get a raise for this" I could feel the excitement coming from her so I could approve it I said yes if we find something important I will think about it

I broke the connection between us and went back to look around. The city was full of old modern buildings, shops where sales could be made, foundations and schools. It looked just like how we living things work. Some of them were full of cracks and ruins, but I couldn't shake the uneasiness I felt inside. Where were all these people or whatever creatures they were?

Isn't this weird, Gray, we traveled to many places together, but none of them had an ecosystem like this. This place is like our continent, they just seem to have a different perspective than us on some issues, especially in the technology part, hey look, I looked at where he pointed me with his finger, the ships there were definitely different from ours.

"Yes, they really are," I mumbled, squinting my eyes slightly towards that area and looked at the warships swaying according to the rhythm of the waves just under the bridge.

Fortunately, we ignored this and continued on our way with the hope of finding new things. With every step we took, we could hear the thud of our shoes coming from behind us or the curious movements of the caera pointing at everything it saw with its finger.

A sudden wave of panic washed over me. Regis sensed my feelings and warned me,


I whipped around to look in the direction Regis was pointing, and my eyes widened in horror. The spear was indeed coming towards us at an alarming rate and there was no time to waste. I knew we had to act quickly if we wanted to avoid being fatally shot. Without hesitation I grabbed Caera's hand and pulled her towards me then used my god step to carry us somewhere far away

"What just happened? What was it that he threw at us?" Caera asked, panicking. "It was a spear, but I couldn't see who it was." My voice was very cold and I used every nerve I had to find out the identity of the attacker through the ether.

When I looked towards him, he was located right above the castle, his red hair was moving with the wind, he was wearing thin armor covered in purple, and the helmet on his head did not allow us to look at anything except his sharp yellow eyes. He was roaring furiously. He quickly raised one arm in an arc in the air.

What is he trying to do? Was this a sign for us to stay away?

Arthur I think we've swallowed the pill Regis said.

Which one are you talking about, the guard with the spear in front of us or something else?

Actually, both of them are surrounded by people who look like a spartan-looking guy right now, and they're all heading in the direction of the two of you

I cursed, it was exactly as I predicted, we were prey in this foreign region, they knew how to use the area for themselves, but panicking was not good for these conditions, I had to stay calm, I turned my direction towards Caera to warn her.

Caera Regis will attract the others, you go to help him, I will take care of the general on the castle, then I will join you. "Alright, see you later then," he said, then he started to slowly disappear from the buildings.

After watching him leave safely, I decided to take action. Caera and Regis were strong, their presence could draw other soldiers into a single area, I had to rush towards him and finish him off before they were outnumbered.

I moved quickly, going in and out of the ruined buildings, thinking it would be better to go around and try to surprise him. When I reached the last step, I channeled more ether into my legs, and in my left hand, I conjured a sword, then pushed myself against the spear-wielding general.

However, he was still standing in the same place, looking in the same direction we were in. I wondered if he had not noticed me or was it a trap, it was too late, there wasn't even a few inches between us, I moved my sword towards his neck with momentum.

As if he was expecting this, he hit the hilt of the spear on the side of the sword, shaking it. I lost control. Then, without waiting, he quickly turned his body and prepared himself to hit me with the tip of the spear.

To prevent this, I tilted my body sideways while in the air, the tip of the spear whistled with the texture of the air, it could not touch me, so I canceled the ethereal knife in my left hand and made a hit to target the nerves in your right arm, the spear slipped out of your hand, and I attacked again, took the opportunity to transfer more ether to my right arm and threw a right hook into the armor on your chest

Due to the explosion, it flew towards the opposite ruins, and the top of the castle was shattered into pieces. The surrounding area was completely covered in dust and smoke, which blocked my view a little.

As I stepped forward the surrounding smoke slowly began to clear so I developed my etheric vision to see her where I had just thrown her but she was nowhere to be seen then all my nerves kicked in and the spear general appeared immediately to my left

I pushed my body aside, causing the spear to go in the wrong direction, then I attacked. I wanted to separate him from the spear and engage him in close combat, but things did not go as I wanted, I felt a burning pain from behind.

The spear did not go into the void, it changed direction again and came towards me. "Before I could say what kind of thing this was, the impact of the spear sent me flying to the place where the rubble was."

I coughed slightly and sat up. I slowly moved my hand towards the hole that extended from his shoulder to my right breast, but it was okay, the ether was slowly healing it.

"Indeed," I said, grinning as I finally lifted my body, "I thought I had found a true opponent, so I activated my etheric armor inherited from the ancient wizards, and with it the harsh appearance around me was replaced by a sense of peace and calm."

The ether collected around me started to flow more efficiently with the armor. The ether collected inside me seemed to be constantly begging for more. This did not escape the spear-wielding man in front of me. His eyes widened and narrowed for a moment, as if he saw my soul.

Without wasting any time, he threw his spear at me with a grudge, and I immediately created a sword in my right hand and blocked it, but I could feel the weight coming from behind it to my bones. We both wanted to get the better of it, but when he realized that it was futile, he closed his palm and changed the direction of the spear.

He was constantly trying to find my vulnerability by attacking from different areas and I was blocking this, which made him quite angry. His attacks started to get faster and faster, but he was moving uncontrollably. I hit the blind spot of the spear, locking him on the ground, then I wanted to surprise him and suddenly I jumped into the air, holding the handle tightly with both arms, I wanted to pierce his armor.

But I failed again. He picked up the spear from where I had just left it, with such speed that even my asura instincts were shocked. The spear rotated like a propeller in his hand, forming a shield. This collision between us resulted in both of us being pushed backwards, but he did not stop and sent his spear from top to bottom, giving a command with his hand.

It left small craters wherever it hit the ground, and I didn't want to think about what would happen if it hit me, even with my armor, but this was getting more and more annoying. How did he do it? The way he moved the spear freely through the air, I could feel the ether radiating from him into the atmosphere.

No matter what, I have to learn this from him. I called Regis. Yes, my masochist princess, ignoring his sarcasm, I asked him how long can you and Caera last?

I think I can last a little longer... I can't say the same for Caera. Mana is gradually decreasing and getting tired. I want you to give me a little more time and then everything will be over, I emphasized so that he understands okay, okay, the princess said I will do my best

After cutting off the communication between us, I threw myself into battle again, but I made less effort to dodge the spear. Instead, I focused on improving my etheric senses. The ether veins flowing inside me were now moving in a different direction than before. I could feel or see everything around me more clearly.

With each passing time, this instinct started to become more precise. No attack was even close to reaching me, but I still couldn't reach what I wanted. I had to get that information. My eyes were constantly going back and forth between the spear in his hand and the ether spreading into the atmosphere. One different detail surprised me.

The amethyst road network around was everywhere, in a more realistic language, ether was everywhere in our lives, maybe it was more obvious in some areas, but this was unimportant right now because I caught this clue, all I had to do was change this road network a little so that the flow of the spear would be interrupted. I raised my hand into the air and allowed my pure ether to influence the fabric of the atmosphere as the amethyst network around us slowly shifted as the ether intertwined.

The spear advancing freely in the air had completed its function thanks to the new arrangement I made. The general who saw this could not believe his eyes. The spear fell to the ground without any control. He tried to ignore it and try again, but it was in vain. The spear did not make any movement. Involuntary giggles came out of my mouth. HEHEHE Is there a general without a spear? I called out to him.

After hearing this, he got even more angry, picked up the spear from the ground and got into a fighting position. He spread a lot of pressure around. As far as I understood, he was going to use his trump card now, but it was okay, after all, there was something different I wanted to try. I immediately changed the structure of the ether in my hand and created a spear similar to his. I threw my right leg forward and my left leg down. I tensed a little and threw the spear towards him at full speed.

As if I had miscalculated this, he walked past me, gave me a mocking look with his eyes, and the amethyst ashes that were getting stronger around him began to surround the spear more and more, he tensed his body and quickly rushed forward, after all, I was waiting for this, I formed a pure ether sword in my right hand and let the ether carry me towards him.

My pure ether sword collided with his glowing amethyst spear. Violent ether waves began to spread around. The ground below us was collapsing towards the ground from the pressure. I was falling further and further backwards. When I saw this, the general started to apply more pressure. I laughed softly. He had fallen into my trap. He was so focused on winning that he couldn't see the spear coming towards him from behind. Suddenly a slight panic appeared on his face, he turned his head back slightly and his face fell.

He wanted to escape from this attack, but I didn't let him, taking advantage of his panic, I reduced the ether from my perception and pumped it more into my body. After feeling the pressure, he wanted to move to the side, which resulted in him stumbling, so I laid the sword in my hand crosswise and cut his left arm, then the spear coming from behind entered his back and came out of his stomach. An angry shout put an end to the matter

The general in front of me shouted so angrily that I felt uncomfortable, blood started flowing from my eardrums, I instinctively went to cover my ears with my hands, and after screaming for a few more seconds, he finally fell silent. I wondered what he was trying to do and my eyebrows involuntarily furrowed.

My eyes were still carefully watching the wounded general kneeling on one leg in front of me, wondering what he could do, but a sudden ether wave was enough to take my eyes away from him. The ground began to tremble shrillly, as if there was an earthquake. Another wave of panic occurred in my head. I thought, wasn't this the last one? Until Regis gave me an answer.


Yes, Regis, I asked her what was going on.

Again, they are all moving towards you, even faster than before, Caera and I said no, just come, Regis, tell Caera to be outside as much as possible, we will finish this with one job, I said coldly.

"Oh are we finally doing this?" he asked. I could feel the happiness overflowing from him.

I said yes before sighing loudly, we're doing that glove form of yours or whatever.

''HAHAHA I knew this would come one day she said.

Me regis sama no one can stop her anymore, I could hear her screaming until she came closer to me, my damn wolf face was moving with anger, she tries harder when she wants to.

A small clicking sound brought me back to my I was trying to answer the Regis, but I forgot about the situation of the general in front of me. Despite all the wounds, he tried to hit me by turning his spear with his right arm in an arc. I bent down and made a sudden maneuver, turned on my heel, and without giving him a chance, I hit his chest with my foot and sent him flying to where the soldiers coming from behind were.

At that moment, Regis came from behind and attacked a dozen soldiers. He grabbed one of them by the throat and tore off its head with his sharp teeth. It was advancing towards the others, row by row, crushing their organs with its large claws.

I grinned and I couldn't hold back, right? I raised my hand to touch the ether networks, but before I could do that, a sudden headache hit me. I even brought my hand to my eyes to feel wetness in my eyes. A pinch of blood got on my hand and was flowing from my eyes. I guess that's the price of using my vision for so long. My vision started to blur. I have to finish this as soon as I start

Arthur, are you okay? Sensing my thoughts, Regis asked. I'm fine, Regis. It's okay.. We just have to finish this quickly. Do you understand? As soon as I said now, I said we are using the new form

"After you, princess," he said excitedly.

To increase my jumping power, I directed the ether from my core to my legs. In my right hand, I created a sword made of dense ether. Then I immediately jumped as high as I could. From here, I could see the general and his other soldiers. They were curiously watching what I was going to do, or better yet, they were nervous.

"Regis with the rune of destruction now," I shouted. Regis obeyed my request. I could feel the power of pure ether combining in harmony with both of us. Most of all, I wanted to stop this, the voices of destruction, the sheer power of screaming for me to destroy everything, not to let it consume me, but I had to finish this right now, especially as my vision was getting blurry.

Terrible words came out of my mouth, my grin turned into a grin, I said, I will destroy you ALL, and my eyes met the general with an amethyst passion. The pride he had just shown was completely gone. It was replaced by miserable fear. They were all trapped in the middle, like mice wandering in a maze. Destruction merged with the gauntlet. The form hit the ground with such force that it reacted. even i felt it