

After losing Silve, Arthur realizes something: This war had to be won with a strong will, not with ridiculous emotions, so she had to return to Gray. I wanted to write the beginning after the end from a new perspective. So it's up to you to read or not. sorry english is not my mother tongue the plot will be the same as turtleMe but the scenes and battles will be from my point of view

Fena_TKT · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Unkown Person


I stood there stunned as I watched the destructive power of the storm unfold before me. The wind was blowing my hair in my face, making it difficult to see. The rain was falling like sheets, it was so heavy that I felt as if small stones were falling on me. Thunder rumbled overhead,

drowning out all other sounds. When I looked at the city I could see this:

The city, whose view I admired, was almost completely destroyed with a single attack. All that remained were buildings with only a few columns standing and burnt rubble. They were all disappearing in strange amethyst flames. Seeing this brought emotions to the surface that I didn't want to see before. I felt fear, surprise and sadness all at the same time.

I said Grey, Regis had told me to stay away, I was about to object at first, but when I saw this, I realized that they were right, this was not a normal power, it was overwhelming, but what was the cost of this, were they okay? My mind was conflicting with each other and there was only one way to find out. I transferred the remaining mana from me to my legs and ran towards the area where the explosion occurred.

I was out of breath with every step I took. The lack of mana in this area was making me very difficult, but I had to move forward. After a few minutes of effort, I entered the area where the crater was formed. The surrounding area was still filled with dust, making it difficult for me to see, and this smell of burnt ash made me cough dryly.,,

G.. Gray can you hear me I shouted as I moved towards the bottom of the craterWe are here, my horned goddess, Regis's voice was coming from behind a collapsing wreckage. I got there as fast as I could. Regis was waiting there to greet me, but there was no majestic big being there that I always see, it was a completely shrunken baby wolf.

Don't look at me like that, do you know how much ether I spent there? It's all your suicidal partner's fault.

My eyes were flickering to confirm what he said, Gray, but where is he? Is he okay? Wo wo, he said, calm down and extended his little paw towards the ledge behind the wall. He is sleeping there, or rather, he is tired from the amount of etheric he has released. He will come to his senses soon.

I nodded gratefully before moving towards the ledge, and the usual cold ascender was finally standing in front of me. I slowly curled up next to him, watching his rhythmic breathing with my ruby eyes, then I brought one hand to my chest and let out a sharp breath. A feeling of relief washed over me.

When I heard the footsteps slowly approaching me, I looked up and saw no one in front of me except Regis, who was wagging his two eyebrows up and down with his tongue out. Don't look at me like that, honey, I didn't interrupt your romantic time, especially because you were so worried about him.

When he said this, a pinch of red appeared on my cheeks. I tried to stay calm to maintain my composure. I crossed both my arms and held my head up. I said, "What are you waiting for?" I can't get out of here without you two, right?

Saying this caused silence between us for a few seconds, and then a feeling of panic screamed inside me. Regis scream signaled this. An arrow was coming towards us at full speed just off the ledge. I clicked my tongue. If I retreat, Gray might get hurt. After all, both of our cores were almost empty. I immediately took the sword from my ring and took the pointy end of the arrow. I deflected it, it passed with a hissing sound, hurting my arm, and I winced in pain.

I strengthened my vision and looked towards the top of the crater. There were two people. The girl had a bow made of wood in her hand. He had a fragile structure, but he looked solid and strong, the strange runes on them made him more majestic. When I turned my gaze to his face, he had grass green eyes. Her hair was cream colored wavy. But his most striking feature was his ears. They were pointed, just like the elves in diatene before. I haven't seen it but I can say it's similar

The man next to him had a slim muscular build. If we look closely, only their hair color was different, his was black, it wouldn't be a lie to call him brother, he was also carrying a bow on his back, his eyes were like looking into our souls. to decide what they want to do to us.

After assessing us with their eyes, they exchanged a few words. I couldn't understand what they were saying from here, but I said, "I hope it doesn't take us to our graves." When they finished speaking, their faces found us again and they began to walk down the hill with careful steps. A slight feeling of panic began to consume me inside and, not knowing what to do, I glanced at Gray lying on the ground.

I could feel my heart beating faster as I approached the strangers walking towards us. The tension in the air was palpable, even Regis could feel this sudden change in the air. He even let out a cute growl to warn them. You can't scare anyone with a roar like that. The little dog stood in front of us with his hands on his hips, with a commanding grin.

Damn, should I give you glasses for your eyes? I'm a wolf "Damn, it's gorgeous, haha, it's also a talking dog," he said, leaning towards Regis and continuing to tease. My mouth was open in astonishment. They just tried to kill us.

His sister next to him sighed loudly and caressed her forehead with one hand. "Can't you grow up a little?" "You're annoying as always," she said. "Oh, don't be like that bro, we don't always come across interesting things here, do we?" She winked at him and said whatever, let's deal with these intruders first, she said looking at us.

Hmm, what should we do? Should we take them to the Supreme Court? Amy, court, are you serious? His forehead wrinkled in anger. Didn't you see what that man did just now? Aaron, look around, the place we once lived in has turned into a huge ruin. He pointed at Gray with his index finger and said, "We should kill him."

I took a step forward and raised my arm protectively towards Gray's place. "We're sorry about what happened to your house, but I won't let.you kill him," I said with cold words.

His face wrinkled in anger. What about you? He was about to say something to me, but an old man's voice from behind interrupted his words. "No one is killing anyone, Amy." He said with gentle words and continued walking until he stopped in front of us

It seemed strange to me, her voice was very peaceful, the anger I had felt towards the girl in front of me just now was suddenly folded and thrown aside like a quilt in my mind with her calm voice. Moreover, despite his old age, his face had not compromised its youth. Her raven hair had turned white and she had vibrant violet eyes. She was wearing a white dress that reached down to her lower half.

Finally, he stopped in front of me and said, "Forgive our rudeness, travelers," and then he slowly turned his gaze to the surroundings. We have been living in this beautiful civilization in peace with the spearmen you killed for a long time. None of us had any problems with each other. Then he paused to collect his words. One of their traditions was causing trouble for the ever-present order. His eyes were slightly he said in a low voice

In their traditions, they had to fight each other to the death to choose the next clan leader. Of course, this seemed normal for their work functions due to their structure and mind, but not for the inevitable things in the future, he said with sadness.

This tradition seemed to be going well for them until 100 years ago, until the greed of the new leader swallowed everything like an executioner of disaster. He did not follow any rules established among us. They tried to take everything we had. In the end, the clan leaders gathered and a great war broke out. Of course, as it turned out, ours resulted in our withdrawal

So we took everything and went into the unseen for our safety... until you and your friend came and destroyed everything. He said it in a playful tone, but the sadness that followed was palpable.

I said sorry on behalf of him and myself, bowing slightly. I didn't know why I was being so respectful towards this person I just met, but the aura around him felt very comforting and he could help us get out of here, of course, I didn't know how much we could trust him.

"It doesn't matter, little one, after all, this great civilization has not benefited any of us after a century," she said with a thin smile.

Are you letting them get away with an apology? Old Edwin, a pinch of liquid coming out of his eyes was threatening to flow itself. Point his finger at the gray again. I felt his power and that scary smile on his face as he destroyed this place. They could be a threat to us like the thief who came here.

His big brother came behind him and put his hand on his shoulder to support his brother. Old Edwin looked at them with sympathy. Whatever people will encounter throughout their lives is determined at birth, but the person does not know this. "We should not be too upset about the events that happen to us due to reasons beyond our control," said Amy.

If we confront every problem with anger, this ember fire will grow and burn us, don't you understand? That's why the basic rule of our traditions is to stay calm.

"I ..." he said in a shaky voice, and then, looking down, "I understand

Then there was a bit of silence between us.

I understood that everyone was giving themselves space to collect their thoughts, but old Edwin's voice brought us back to our senses. Now why don't we turn our subject to our young wizard? He said this as he moved towards Grey's body lying on the ground.

At first I was reluctant to trust them. When I looked at the regis, he seemed to agree with me, but what could we do now except believe them, so I watched him move closer to Gray and crouch down next to him. He was examining her with his violet eyes. Especially his hand went towards the area where his core was. My body stiffened, what if he did something?

But instead of doing harm, he emphasized the word interesting and stood up gracefully from where he was. What is interesting? The girl was watching what was happening with her curious eyes, with one eyebrow raised.

"This person is not a person we can question freely," Aaron asked with this. The existence of this young wizard seemed as if it were abstract from this life. If I have to elaborate further, he is in another world, like a completely different world, passing through every possibility, just like a glass that is filled to the end, even the slightest He will explode in a problem and our fate will be in his hands.

As he said these, we all looked at the old man in surprise. I thought to myself about the possibilities and the world. Grey, his existence was like an eternal mystery to me. I tried to hold it with my hands in a lake. It was constantly slipping out of my hands like a fish. I couldn't understand the management and information.

"Don't worry," he said as he looked ahead, "I don't expect you to understand our words right away because it is beyond our understanding and capacity." Something

"Aaron, I want you to carry the young man until we get to town. All we can do now is wait for him to wake up," he said.

"As you wish, old Edwin," he said with a grin, then he put the gray tightly on his back, then the old man walked in front and said, "we can go now." With that, we started to leave the middle of the destroyed city, and as we progressed, greenish forests greeted us. Trees rising from the ground to the sky were providing us with shade.

The colors in this area were brighter than anything I had ever seen. The grass on the ground, the trees, the lake we passed by and more, but while I was thinking about these, I finally realized that we had reached my goal when everyone stopped. We were surrounded by a gray fog, there was no place we could pass, luckily the old man next to me thought differently than us, the strange words coming out of his mouth made the fog slowly disperse.

My eyes opened up to their irises. How did what happened just now? Words came out of my mouth.

The girl said that there was an illusion barrier to prevent intruders coming here. I muttered that I understood. I said that if we had come here, we could have gotten lost without realizing it.

Actually it could be, of course you can't find another pass key. He replied by making my mind confused. How is this possible? He sighed deeply. Do you remember I mentioned a thief before? He nodded his head yes. That's good. Because we sign our pass to one of the trees as a way out of every situation, so that no one else can pass through it, but how? If so, someone overcame it.

He said he didn't know, but somehow it happened, none of us understood it, so our elders decided and we got permission to set out towards the city to increase our security and get information.

"Now, as you can see, we are here," he said, pointing to the town ahead, the fog had finally cleared away, and I immediately turned my gaze there, I said to my amazement, "Is this really a but town " From the entrance of the land, water was flowing down the sides like a river, and then the houses of the town slid upward, layer by layer, and the most beautiful thing was A huge tower was visible in the center and it was illuminating everywhere with all its liveliness.

Aaron said, "If you're done looking, let's continue." As he passed me laughing, I couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. It was my habit, whenever I see something mysterious, I can't help but look.

We continued walking until we reached the tower in the square. When we arrived, we entered through the wide door. When I looked, I found the environment strange. The walls seemed to take us in, perspective had turned around us. In the middle, there was a large area moving up and down. The oval object at the base was standing there while we all waited.

Without wasting any time, we climbed onto the object and watched it suddenly carry us upwards. At first, I slightly lost my balance, but luckily, Amy caught me and said, "Don't worry, I lost my balance too the first time."

When we went upstairs and stepped into the corridor, old Edwin stopped us. He said Aaron and Amy. "You two, show our guests to their rooms. I will go and tell the upper board what happened." They both nodded and took us to our rooms. Amy asked me if I wanted a different room, but I said no. I want to be closer to Gray Regis right now. I said it would be good for me

By the way, what will happen if the people you call the high council see us as a threat? While I was putting Gray's head on the pillow, I asked: Frankly, it's not much, it was like a gamble you made. You destroyed our enemies, but at what cost did it cost a whole city? I can't predict what will happen, so you have no choice but to trust old Edwin. I'm sure it will calm them down

OK, I understand for now, thank you,

"No problem," he said, "umm, what's your name?" he raised an eyebrow.

Oh, I forgot to tell you the truth, didn't I? My name is Caera, Gray is lying there, and our other friend is Regis, I said, pointing at them.

"I see, even if you know our names, let's get to know each other, I'm Amy and this is my brother Aaron," she said, waving at us from behind, "oh right, I've been wanting to ask this whole time too, you know... are you guys dating," she said, pointing at Gray. . Aaron asked

What is this guy? My face turned red once again, I said no and stuttered a little while saying this. We are partners, ''really? I didn't know that partners stayed in the room together. He tried to make fun of me even more by putting his hand to his chin.

Luckily, my savior Amy took action and elbowed her brother hard in the stomach. He clutched his stomach and grimaced in pain. "I'm sorry, Caera is still immature," she said. "Anyways, it's been a while, right? You need to listen, so let's not disturb you for now." Then they both closed the door. and they left the room.

After they left, I took a deep breath and laid myself down on the bed next to Gray. My body was so tired that I didn't care anymore even if we slept side by side. I wanted to sleep for a while, but are we still safe? Why don't you get some sleep? Caera, my thoughts were interrupted by Regis' voice.

I wanted to open my mouth and speak again, but he cut me off again, "Don't worry, Caera, if you're worried about our safety, I'm still here." Of course, even though I'm a little small, I can still protect us. He held his body upright and held his head slightly up. I couldn't help but giggle at that. My hand went directly to his belly and caressed him. He stuck out his tongue and made cute sounds in return.

I said "I know Regis" before a deep sleep overtook me and everything went dark for me.

And a leaking tap on my shoulder was enough to wake me up

At the sound of CAERA CAERA I lifted my head slightly and saw the person touching me I sleepily asked him what happened and he said to me, I should be the one asking you this Caera, where are we and why are you hugging me like a baby koala? I looked at the situation we were in. My face turned red as a tomato and I quickly took the strength from my arms and retreated.

I coughed loudly to keep my calm and to lighten the mood and started to explain the situation to Grey. He watched every word that came out of my mouth carefully with his golden eyes and occasionally gave a nod and asked questions about our situation.

So you're telling me that after my last attack, I fainted, then elf-like people came out and brought us here, and now we have to wait for the outcome of their court?

I nodded innocently.

"I see, you did the right thing Caera, maybe they have the key to get us out of here," she said with her hands on her chin, looking like she was thinking about something


Then we both turned towards a voice coming from the door. A sarcastic voice asked if we could go in. I panicked inside again. Grey's one eye did not miss it. He wanted to ask me, but that would be postponed for later.

You can enter. Gray's cold but confident voice echoed in the room. As usual, the new group I met entered. The old man was in front, with his hands on his hips, and the other one was behind them. They approached us. Then he turned to Gray and said, "You look good, son." Say this as if they have been friends for a long time.

Gray's eyes widened in surprise, but he ignored it. When he woke up, he said, "I heard what happened from Caera." First of all, I wanted to apologize for what I did, I didn't know that was your territory, I was injured when they attacked us, so I wanted to finish the job early and

He raised his hand to stop the old man, it's okay, kid, it's normal for you to want to protect your friends and yourself, and no matter how bad what you did, we can't ignore the benefit it had for us. In fact, it just so happened that he paused his words and turned his face towards me. The court allowed your pardon, of course, some objected to this, but now. The war is over and we are used to living here

I felt a sense of relief. It's a good thing they released us, otherwise it would have been difficult to get out of here without shedding blood. Of course, Gray could have teleported us somewhere far from here, but there would be no point without finding the key.

Anyway, there's no need to talk much, I'm sure you want to get out of here too, right? We both nodded gratefully.

"Good then follow me" she said before turning around.

We left the door and entered a long corridor, Gray and I were walking right behind them. From time to time, I saw Gray stealing glances as if he wanted to say something to me. I said, "If you have something to say, say it." Deciding to break the ice between us.

I don't know if you actually felt it, but whenever that old man talks, I feel very calm, so the feeling is mutual because I feel the same way too. I replied back.

At that moment, old Edwin placed one hand on the cold surface of the wall. With that, a purple light surrounded us. The surface of the building began to rotate and change with us. He threw us all into a dimly lit room.

There was a prism object in one of the two small columns we saw in front of us. It was floating slightly away from gravity.

The other column was meaninglessly empty, so I couldn't resist my curiosity and asked the old man why there was nothing in the column there. He gave a deep sigh. In fact, there was an item there that we needed to protect, but it was stolen by an intruder who came a few years ago.

Gray's eyebrows also furrowed. So how did this happen?

It all started with chaos. He knocked out most of our guards and passed by using their signatures. As for what he looked like, when we asked the people who saw him, they said he had a mask on his face, so we couldn't figure out who he was.

To make matters worse, we tried to solve the cube that used to be on the column, but every time we passed, she did not let us in, and said, "Maybe the person who stole it knows a way to do it."

I turned my head to Grey, who clicked his tongue in distress, his face was contorted. What do you think, Gray, you know this is the second time this has happened to us.

I know, Caera, but I can't think of much, asuras can't enter tombs and I don't think the ascendants who come here are as powerful as we are. There's something else behind this, but it's not something we can solve with the missing pieces right now. It would be better for us to go home and regroup.

Then Gray walked forward and took the prism in his hands. "Thank you for helping us, old man." He said, looking at him gratefully. "Like I said, kid, it's okay and be careful when you come back from here."

Now it was time to go, Gray activated the ether, a spell that I always found interesting, to the prism, and a golden portal welcomed us. I could feel the soft breeze coming from it. We both looked back one last time and passed through the portal, but many emotions on Grey's face did not escape me. I wasn't sure if it was panic or surprise, and I asked. I knew you wouldn't answer

As usual, I remained unanswered and we retired to our rooms to rest for the day.

I wrote these last two chapters but I felt like something was missing so I will increase the dialogues to make the other chapters better quality and I hope I can meet your expectations. :)