

After losing Silve, Arthur realizes something: This war had to be won with a strong will, not with ridiculous emotions, so she had to return to Gray. I wanted to write the beginning after the end from a new perspective. So it's up to you to read or not. sorry english is not my mother tongue the plot will be the same as turtleMe but the scenes and battles will be from my point of view

Fena_TKT · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Where Should I Start


The horned Flame ball that I saw floating in front of me was greeting me by bowing slightly in front of me. To be honest, it was a strange sight for me.

Besides, he was saying it was my gun after all this time, so why!

i wrinkled my nose slightly and looked at him with my furious gaze

I shouted "Why?"

He raised his eyebrows with a shocked expression and asked, "What are you talking about?" and as if he felt guilty about it, I felt his emotions too, just like the bond between me and Silvie.

You know why it happened, I said a ball of flame, I screamed

"You were there all this time, sucking mana, using me, maybe even watching, but you didn't do anything. And now you show up after I lost everything."

"Why...why Regis" I called out

My voice was already starting to shake and my eyes were starting to blur.

"I needed to win this damn war, to save everyone," I said.

When I looked up at her with my wet eyes, her pure white eyes narrowed slightly in guilt and regret.

Then he opened his mouth with pointed teeth and answered

''Well frankly, I wasn't expecting this, the mana supply in your body and your continent wasn't enough for me to come out. The horns you took from my pearl-haired goddess may have been useful, but even they couldn't provide the raw mana needed for the achlorite.

And you are not an asura ''they would eat each other for such a weapon.''

"Are you praising yourself?... "A weapon that only sucks mana after all these years," I teased angrily

Big Vertical rolled his eyes, "Ho Cowboy hoo..." Maybe you don't know, but all this time I've done nothing but save your ass.

''What are you talking about? I asked.

"The vritra mana you sucked from Uton's horns could drive you crazy with her mentality, so I took most of the mana from the horns for myself."

And here you are crying and blaming me because this is no way to meet the life your lived connection provides you with.

My eyes widened in shock at his words and I stuttered involuntarily.

''Se... What are you talking about, ''silvie!'' I saw her lavender pieces inside the egg, but is she still alive?

"Yes, my princess, I entered the egg while you were drooling and sleeping. Your bond is still alive and in a kind of coma. If we want to bring it back, we must try."

Regis' words pierced my ears like a train track. It made me angry that the person I was insulting was right, but I knew that even the insults I was making towards him were unwarranted, I just looked for someone other than myself to blame, but he did nothing but help me.

It was funny finding solace in a fireball

I was just about to pull myself together and raise my head towards him when a dry cough hit me once again. Regis's voice reached me from between the pillars. "Come on, my crybaby princess, there's a source of water here, drink it."

My eyes twitched with anger, I was hearing the words I said to Tessia years ago from her now, but I wondered something. I stopped his loud footsteps in the void and looked towards him, "Can you read or feel my memories?"

Turning around, he replied, "Of course, I was born from you, and I have a piece of each of you, including Mommy Silva and the conservative Uto."

Now things are starting to settle down, when I was on the Apheotus continent, Wren used the feather Silvan gave me to create the weapon, and she must have inherited the uton's characteristics from its horns.

If my body didn't seem so foreign to me, I might find this interesting right now, but every time I took a step or made a movement, it was as if a heavy armor was protecting me.

"Come on, speed up my sweet princess, the water source is right there," he called.My eyes twitched again. We were stuck here with an annoying ball of fire. Putting that aside, the water source was finally in front of me. I turned my gaze to the small waterfall flowing down the hill with a peaceful and clear sound.

I swallowed hard, then put my head into the water spring passing between the green grassy stones. It was cold and refreshing, but I ignored it and continued drinking quickly.

As soon as I took my head out, I was out of breath. My field of vision was covered with a black curtain. I was surprised as he grabbed my hair and pulled it away from my face. "What!" I stammered, "Is this my hair?"

"Wow, I didn't expect you to be so surprised by this, but... yes, it is your hair. I also recommend you to take a look at your other features."

My other features? I raised one eyebrow and muttered quietly.

I turned my gaze to the clear transparent water, my eyes opened quickly and a pair of piercing golden eyes greeted me, sparkling harmoniously in the dim light leaking through the walls. Moreover, my hair was a grayish wheat mixture from the tops, and my face was sharper than before, and I was covered with milky-white skin from head to toe.

I have a feeling of pain now. I didn't have the reddish brown hair I inherited from Alice, and both of my ocean blue eyes that I inherited from Reynolds were taken away from me.

It reminded me heavily of my bond

I was about to say a word when slight fluctuations started coming from around me, or rather I felt that way, but it all started in my mind.

A single voice brought me to myself, "Silva!" His reassuring tender voice pierced my ears like a melody

My view changed when she said "Hello Art".

I was surrounded by a completely calm atmosphere, the sky was decorated with beautiful shades of orange and blue, the clouds were adjusting to the passage of a pinch of light at peaceful intervals. The ground was transparent and matte as if I was walking on water, it was completely covered with the reflection of the sky, it was an unforgettable sight, it was very beautiful.

Despite everything, there was only one thing that caught my attention among all the things. It was the person next to me who was witnessing the view with me. It was the first time I saw him in human form, even describing him in words would be inadequate.

He had the same traits that I had in realmheart or I was his

Her snow white hair reflecting all the light, her amethyst eyes shining with confidence, her powerful aura that strangely separated her from this world, everything about her was perfect.

And that expression he showed when he turned his gaze to me

It's like looking at the sun appearing in the sky on a cold December morning. His face looked similar. If he smiled once, the whole city would be warmed by his warmth.

''Ar.. arth... ARTHUR''

I was suddenly interrupted from my thoughts by Silva yelling at me.I didn't realize how much I was looking at him and missing him all this time.

"Do you hear me." he asked "

Yes, I hear you." I said after I blinked my eyes twice

He took a step towards me, held one of his hands to my face and said "beautiful." "I need you to listen to me carefully right now. The things I will tell you are very important for our world and will also be your guide on the path you walk," he said. Before listening, I took a deep breath and then nodded slightly for him to start. ,

He started to explain how the agrona and his clan were exiled to prevent it from being revealed that they had committed genocide against a race in exchange for etheric information, that the information the asuras had told me was half-false tales. I could feel the sadness coming from him behind every word and sentence he told.

I regretted that I couldn't stop my father from ruining my life with my daughter. All I wanted was a happy life with my family, where we would live our lives together. However, the only thing I saw was my fiancée going crazy. He went so far that he was not satisfied with the experiments among the little ones and wanted to take our daughter to this path, but I did not allow it.

I sent my daughter to a pocket dimension and hid in a cave on your continent, and after a while I saw you.

I saw how you bravely sacrificed yourself for your mother and the baby in her womb on the edge of the abyss. I was very curious about how a child who is not more than four years old can act like this and use mana, so I helped you.

But most importantly, during the days we spent with each other, even in all the moments I watched you, you left me with a strange feeling.

I thought, our meeting with you was too real to be a coincidence. This power that was above every edict was Destiny. Destiny is connected with everything, infinite possibilities, time paradoxes, briefly all of them.

He pointed at me with his hands. You were a mold of fate, or rather reincarnation. That's what allowed agrona to bring you to this world.

My mouth opened in shock. So you're saying the agrona slowly began to unravel the pieces and Nico and I are anchors

''Correct'' She replied before shaking her head quickly.

''Asuras cannot enter the monuments of ancient sorcerers, which is one reason why they progress slowly in knowledge. But the main thing is to understand the ether, even I don't know its full potential and what it can do.''

Then he stood closer to me, placed his hand in front of my core, then lifted his head up, ''this mysterious power you have is a star of hope against the impending disaster.''

I don't understand, Silva, I-

''The power of hope lies within you, all it takes is to guide it.''

Arthur Leywin!

''From now on, the road will be more difficult, every door you enter will make you make different choices, the weight of the world will be on your shoulders. be prepared for it.''

And don't get me wrong because of my words, my goal is not to force you to do something, maybe this way you are looking for can be an answer to the complex questions that we all have in mind, he said

As he said this, the transparent water below us started to vibrate. I frowned, my reflection was being rudely distorted, the increasingly wild water waves were pulling me in, the clouds moving feverishly in the sky were covered in golden particles, and my surroundings were cracking. I had to understand what was happening.

I turned to Silva, but she was already walking away with her hands on her back.

I stretched out my hand to go with him and run to him, but every time I tried, big waves dragged me back. I couldn't stand it anymore, I screamed.

''Sil- silvaa please wait for me.''

Before I could finish my words, she turned around and looked at me with a warm motherly feeling, it was very nostalgic, just like when we were in the cave. ''I trust you, my child, please take care of my daughter and yourself.''

Before the vortex sucks me in more violently. I laughed bitterly and said, "Mother and daughter, you never cease to amaze me." And everything went dark.

My eyelids opened painfully, seeing that I couldn't breathe, I panicked and quickly pulled myself out of the water source I had just been drinking.

I went into a coughing fit with constant force... my slow pause finally calmed down, but what Silvan said made me heavily questioned.

He touched on important details about edicts and destiny, especially about the power sleeping inside me, but what exactly was this? If there was such a thing inside me, why was I defeated? I was tired of thinking about what was said. I took a sharp breath.

Then I turned my attention to the colorful egg in my hand, but I was surprised when Regis suddenly came out of my body. "Fihuu, we really just had a total brain explosion," he said jokingly.

I said, "So, not only do you know my memories, but you can also see my mind with me?" I asked. He looked at me with a boring expression. ''For God's sake, we are both parts of each other. I suggest you use your beautiful mind more carefully, my princess.''

Well, ignoring him, I slowly lifted my body and stretched. Now we have some information, the rest is finding the monuments that Silva mentioned, but... the real question is where we are now.I interrupt your question with honey, but I turned my head to the regis with curiosity and I can say that we are already in the monuments right now.

My eyebrows shot up in shock. ''Wait, are you sure about this?

His eyes scanned the surroundings before answering my question, and I did the same with him. Of course, look, the strange runes on the doors, the waterfall right next to us must be some kind of break area. And the real tests that Silva said must begin in the far corner of this door.

I raised my hand to my chin, considering that no one has attacked us in all the time we've been here, she must be right, I turned to the regis and said good job.

Gave me a toothy grin Lord Regise, you can ask anything hihahaha wise Regis

My one eye twitched again and I said I will never praise him like that again.

I stuck the stone in my left hand into a pocket area that was intact from my torn clothes, then focused my gaze on the door full of shining runes, I said I have to start somewhere, I wanted to walk towards the door, but a black shadow passed in front of me.

Where do you think you're going if you don't want to get yourself killed? I'm confused, what do you mean, ''Regis, you said it too. If the answers Silva mentioned are here, we should find them out immediately.''

The few seconds of silence that passed between us didn't bode well, and the regis' vertical eyes, apparently shining through white, were also a kind of hesitation, as if she wanted to tell me something but would regret it if she did.

I took a deep breath and massaged my wrinkled forehead with one hand and said, "Look, Regis, if there is a problem, tell me."

''fine but... don't blame yourself for that.''

I nodded, asking him to continue.

Do you remember what Silva told you? If you're here right now, you've put yourself and your core through a lot of hard work. So Silva predicted that you would encounter such a situation, so hearing your message wasn't actually about you reaching the white core, but about your core being shattered beyond reach.

What! No that's not true I tried to channel the mana into the core but I felt nothing the warm fabric of mana that always bent under my will was no more

No, I screamed, this time I tried to spread the mana into the atmosphere, punch, kick, maneuver, realmheart. The only piece I had left of Silva, everything was gone. I fell to the ground, exhausted from trying again and again.

My body was heavy and strong even though it was foreign to me, even though I punched the ground many times, I couldn't feel anything My laughter echoed back to me in this empty cave

I turned my head towards the sharp columns of the cave, held the colored stone in front of me with my right arm, and looked at it with my tired eyes.

I was really an idiot huh, giving Tessia that corrupted monster core in the first place caused both the life of her family and the life of my bond. When you think about it, who knew that such a simple move could topple all the pieces.

If you're done blaming yourself, Regis's shadow looming over me made me take my eyes off the stone. "What are we going to do now?" he asked. "Do you know? I wonder what we are going to do right now." I said to myself in a low whisper.

I no longer had a core, and whatever was waiting for me behind the door was certainly nothing amazing, but the image of my bond was still vivid in my mind, I closed my eyes tight and wanted to relax, not think about anything for once, to heal.

But I owed it to him, it couldn't end like this, not now. No, I quickly gathered myself and stood up.

Regis had been right all along, blaming myself wouldn't get us anywhere now, so I had to make up for the life my bond had sacrificed for me. I tore off the thin fabric hanging from my torn war-torn t-shirt and tied it around my hair, thinking that would do for now.

But what was it about this damn body? I definitely knew that I had changed in appearance. However, this body was different. It felt heavy like the robots I saw in my old world

''It is quite normal that you are unfamiliar with your body right now. ''Regis heard my thoughts and responded.

''What do you want to say? I was curious

''I can say that this art of creation turned into a very powerful ether spell when Silve sacrificed her own body.His trust and belief in you was too high to be taken as a joke.''

I got nervous when Regis said this, it activated every nerve in my body, but no matter how awful it was, he continued what he was going to say. ''And that's not the only difference, you said before that you regret not having the body of an asura, right?

''yes'' I nodded for her to continue.

Congratulations you now have the body of an asura so if not completely it would be around 70-80 he said wiggling his pointed horns my eyes widened in shock I watched my arms and muscle lines but it shouldn't have been much of a surprise my body was so badly disintegrated that an asura's reconfiguration was unpredictable.

''Of course, you should not forget that you are like a baby just learning to walk, you need to get used to your body. Unless you want to die, I don't know about you, but I have no intention of dying without seeing a few lovely goddesses.''

I clicked my tongue in anger, I didn't understand whether that horny flaming ball was smart or was making fun of me. "So, how do you expect me to do this while I'm stuck here, O great sage?" I asked him.

"Hmm," he said, his eyes narrowed in half as he looked at me with intelligence. Was he really thinking or did I have a plan?

I looked at him curiously ''No, I don't know, it's up to you, he answered, and immediately a tick mark appeared on my forehead

My fingers tightened the knuckles on my hand, making it crimson

I was absolutely sure I had to kill her

Hey stop blaming me I was dragged here with you I want to remind you ''I know I said before taking a deep sigh.

I looked at the stone in my hand again and thought about Silva's words. There was a war between them, but how did the Asuras not gain the upper hand? The lies they told were not about the destruction of the world and No matter how much Agrona experimented, it was obvious that he would not be as strong as an asura. Then, what kind of monuments, inheritance, no, what was all this effort for, what were they aiming to achieve? My heart competed with each other in a state of panic.

"Art Arthurr," Regis shouted from near the pillars.

"What happened?" I asked before walking over to him, thinking he might have found something.

''Hide here and don't make any sudden moves before I say anything. I was confused by her words, but I still did as she asked, hiding behind the pillars and looking forward from the little ledge.

Suddenly, the bright light coming from near the door blocked my vision, but as everything started to become clearer, I could make out the people who appeared in front of me. My heart was beating rapidly among mixed emotions, a part of me was happy to see other people here.But the other part, I couldn't tell if they came here as enemies or friends.

Finally, the bright light faded and the dim lights leaking through the cave began to highlight 3 figures. I began to examine each of them with my golden globes. Judging by the warrior appearance of the two men there, there was no doubt that they were soldiers or protectors.

But what really caught my attention was the woman who came out first with her elegant steps.Her navy blue hair fluttered slightly with the sound of the water flowing, her white porcelain skin kept her light even in the dark, which would make any woman jealous, but what really got her out were her ruby red eyes, her eyes curiously engraving everything she saw into her mind.

I was startled by someone shouting "Oh my God", the voice was echoing in my mind. When I realized who it was, I frowned and turned my head into a ball of fire that was watching the woman in front of me with great appetite.

What do you think you are doing, Regis? I screamed inside, I was dealing with him along with my heart beating with the feeling of being caught. ''Finally," he said, "I finally got to see another goddess before I die." He said in a sad voice. "If she had a human body, I'm sure she would wipe away her fake tears."

Cut the bullshit and focus regis

Come on Arthur, you didn't even know they were coming, who do you think warned you? and who could be the one leading us to get caught now, I answered the worst, I wasn't in the mood to listen to you. nonsense 

"Calm down, in a place like this your mana core has been completely destroyed, no one will know we are here - Lady Caera said there are bloodstains here, brown haired one, that's it," Regis' mischievous grin suddenly turned into panic. I looked at him with a blank expression.

"Why can't I meet decent people?" I muttered before turning my head to where they were gathered.

The girl with dark blue hair was named caera, bent her legs, bent down to the floor, started examining the Decayed blood on the floor with her hand, looking at this, it's hard to say how long they've been here, but it must have been at least 1-2 days, she said, the most muscular among them

Maybe, after all, this is a listening area. He was injured, and when he recovered, he continued on his way. ''However, be careful, we do not know what will happen in the monuments. He gave orders to his guards with a cold voice, before going to the water source again.

When they turned their backs, I examined them more carefully, ignoring their metal armor and weapons, and the exposed parts of their backs were covered with runes from head to toe.

I didn't know exactly how they worked, but it was definitely different and dangerous from the magic on our continent. Especially encountering a scythe made me feel that way. However, when I saw them living and having fun like this, my blood started to boil involuntarily. I couldn't help but wonder if my father's death and Silven's sacrifices were in vain.

''Calm down, Arthur Regis interrupted and distracted me from my hostile thoughts.

You're right regis I said trying to calm myself

''If you're done, let's continue, Lady Caera, the one with the brown hair has spoken again.

The girl with the dark blue hair slowly stood up, took one last look around with her deep ruby eyes, and then answered yes, let's go now So the three of them quickly left the door, and the last thing left of them was a long silence until the damn horned sphere broke it

We had a bad time, he immediately came out of my mind and said, I can't even imagine what would have happened if that blood had been fresh, but it was still for our time, wasn't it?

''She was a magnificent woman, my princess, she passed by me with excitement, maybe she could melt even your cold heart.

That's enough, Regis, I shouted

Ignore that, realize the situation we are in. Is it the situation we are in? He widened his eyes as if he was surprised by this. 

''Yes, the alacryans are here, which means - ''we are on an alacryan continent right now. He cut me off before I could answer.

Yes, as much as I don't want to admit it, we could be in any part of these ruins or the continent right now we're standing in unknown enemy territory and we're not as knowledgeable as they are. Aren't you exaggerating?

Yes, as much as I don't want to admit it, we could be anywhere in these ruins or on the continent, we are currently standing in unknown enemy territory and we are not as knowledgeable as they are. Aren't you ''exaggerating too much?

Am I exaggerating? I reacted angrily.

I mean, there's not much to do, of course, except to go through the door and find out everything, he took a step back from me in the air and answered as if he regretted what he said

I stopped and breathed calmly,'' I'm sorry, Regis, I don't mean to yell at you all the time, and I know you're trying to help me relax, but I... I don't even know what to do in this damn place.

"Aah, no need to apologize, Arthur, we're in this miserable situation together in the end," he continued with a grin. "And we've got to start somewhere so we can make up for our mistakes, my sentimental princess."

I laughed and said you were right.

"So what are we doing?" he asked, looking at me with curious eyes.

My eyelids closed heavily, I took my mind off the involuntary falls, I had to stay calm so I had to consider things carefully

First of all, I was at the monuments that Silvan told me, and the fact that other people in alacry were also here showed that I would find something remarkable, especially the maps that he said by pressing on them with words, pieces that will lead me to my destiny.

Of course, if there is such a thing in reality, I thought with hope and walked confidently towards the large metal door and caressed its cold surface with one hand.

Regis was watching closely behind me to see what decision I would make.

Whatever was behind this door would be a different story of my journey, I would either make history or become history.

But I was determined that this time things would be different, no matter how many gods dragged us into this situation when I left the monuments...

I said I will kill them all with my words as cold as ice

Then I opened the door with great confidence and headed towards my new adventure that was waiting for me.

Okay, it made me happy to come back like this after a long break, so I wanted to come back by writing longer than before. I hope you liked the new chapter and I apologize if I made any mistakes  :)