

All credit's go to turtleme King Grey has unrivaled strength, wealth, and prestige in a world governed by martial ability. However, solitude lingers closely behind those with great power. Beneath the glamorous exterior of a powerful king lurks the shell of man, devoid of purpose and will. Reincarnated into a new world filled with magic and monsters, the king has a second chance to relive his life. Correcting the mistakes of his past will not be his only challenge, however. Underneath the peace and prosperity of the new world is an undercurrent threatening to destroy everything he has worked for, questioning his role and reason for being born again.

Amethy5t · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 27

Noah Wilson POV

As I heard Arthur's words that we are going to their house. I turned my head at Taci, he just shrugged his shoulder meaning he also don't know why.

As we arrived at the Helstea manor. Arthur and Ellie took the lead, and the three of us followed behind them.

As we opened the door. We were greeted by the maids, and notified us that the Helstea were out, and Arthur's parents were at the living room.

We make our way to the living room, and we saw Alice and Reynold, along with the Twin horns waiting for us.

"Hi mom! Hi dad! We're back." Both Arthur and Ellie said in unison, running to their parents.

"Welcome back! Oh hello guys, take a seat." Reynolds hugged his children then gesturing us to take a seat.

As the Leywin family and Twin horns greeted each other. The three of us sat on sofa, with sylv who nestled in my lap. Jasmine walked toward us after she greeted Ellie and Arthur.

"Long time no see guys. How's your day at the academy?" Jasmine asked.

"We're doing fine. Oh and meet Taci our friend." I replied and introduced Taci to her.

"Hi. I'm jasmine." Jasmine said placing her hand forward.

"Taci." Taci accepted the hand shake.

"How about you jasmine? What do you feel being a white core? You became more popular after the guild hall, announced you're a white core." I asked,

"You're asking as if your not a white core yourself. But it feels good, I can cast spell easily unlike before." Jasmine replied.

"Jasmine, don't you have something to buy? Can you take Ellie and Arthur with you?" Alice asked and jasmine nodded, Jasmine left with Arthur, Ellie and Sylvie.

"Let's go to our room first." Reynolds ordered standing up.

As we entered the room, Durden conjured chairs for us to seat. While Angela put a sound barrier around us. The three of us quickly took a knee, since they had higher position than us.

"We greet, your highness Reynold Indrath, and Lady Alice Vritra,"

"Speak, why are you here? If Alice and rey didn't told us, we wouldn't know who you are. And to think they will send another one." Adam from the leviathan race, said leaning on the door.

"But aren't all of you confused? Why are the three of them together?" Helen of the sylph race asked, as the others nodded their heads.

"Why don't we just ask them. Hey you pantheon child why are you with them? Don't you hate them?" Reynold asked.

"And why are you here Noah? I'm sure my brother have so many pawns to send, why are you here yourself?" Alice added.

"First of all, we don't hate each other." I said as they looked at me confusedly.

"Hahahahaha. Don't hate each other? Sending an elite group of Asura to kill your whole clan. And you said you guys don't hate each other? Nice joke." Adam said laughing.

"Adam that's enough! Let the child continue." Reynold ordered and Adam shut his mouth. "Continue what you're saying Noah."

"As I said, we don't really hate each other. What happened back there was all planned by your father and all leaders of great eight, uncle rey." I said as Reynold looked at me confused.

"What do you mean it was all planned? And why only the leaders only know it?" Durden of the titan race asked.

"Do you guys remember the djinns?" I asked as they all nodded.

"You mean the lesser race that was given a title of Asura? And was annihilated centuries ago because the dragons think their rank was being threatened? No offense Rey." Helen inquired, Reynold said it was fine, and waited for us to answer.

"Yes, but you're half right, They weren't killed because of the dragons." Taci replied.

"What do you mean? There's a proof that they were killed by the dragons order. Alice said Noah's father had the proof." Angela of the sylph race asked.

"No it's just a lie that the great eight used. Since they already know the perpetrator, and we need to prepare an army to deal with them." I replied, all of them asked me to continue.

"Since us the Vritra are mainly scientist. We are the one that is tasked to create a trouble worthy for the other Asura to believe, the same time create an army that we need. That's why we started interbreeding with the lesser being in Alacrya. And started our 'torturing' and 'experimenting' them. The great eight make sure that only the Vritra and few trusted Asura who know the plan, can visit Alacrya. The Vritra really didn't do those bad things that were reported, since they asked the people in Alacrya before they interbreed, or start their experiment on them. It last until the Vritra created an army who we call lessuran, Caera here is one of them. And you know what happened next right?" I explained as they nodded.

"Yeah. My father's loyal dog, windsom reported thirteen-years ago, while we celebrate your first birthday. That the Vritra are inhumanly experimenting the lesser in Alacrya. And it's caused the Vritra had an argument with other races, and the Vritra were exiled from epheotus. The Asura of epheotus then formed an elite group of Asura to kill all the Vritra. And our group joined them along with my sister, without the other Asura knowing it. The Asura of epheotus then confronted the lessuran and the Vritra, while our group didn't encounter them. Because we take different way after we arrived, and find Alice and we go to Dicathen to hide, while my sister find your father to warn him." Rey narrated.

"That's what happened on your side but, something bad happened on the others." I said and they all looked at us shocked.

"After you left, the Asura of epheotus being lead by mordain of the Phoenix clan meet the Vritra and the lessuran being lead by my father, Agrona. Then another group showed up." I said and they looked at me shocked.

"D-dont tell me, t-they were." Angela stuttered.

"Yes. The mortal enemy of our race, and the one who killed all the djinns and the one who owned the other two continents. The demons." They all looked horrified.

"So what happened to them? Did lensa survived?" Helen quickly composed herself and asked.

"What all of us didn't expect. Since we know the demons were good at using illusions and had the same mana arts as we Vritra used. So we only send those Asura's that can fight against illusions, And our lessurans to fight against them. The fight broke out and it was a total chaos, the Asura on epheotus didn't get any respond from any of them as the battle started. The one who lead the demons and their lower breed on the fight, is the second strongest in their race. Mammon." Their face darkened as they hear the name.

"It seems like the demons also did the same what the Vritra did, but they started it a century before us, and unlike the Vritra they did it without consent. So they also have lower breed we called, spades. Like our lessurans they can also used the mana arts that the demons had.

They first targeted the djinns since they know they can control aether at their will and they lived far away from the other Asura. But since they are all pacifist, the djinns didn't stand a chance and were annihilated by them. But they managed to kill a large number from their army." I explained, as I heard them sighed in relief, since they know that the dragons aren't the one who killed them. But also sad since the djinns died without the Asura knowing it.

"As the battle started, mother also arrived and she was put in illusion by mammon and was hit by a decay magic, and the thing she know is that father was the one who inflicted the wound and she fly away. Mordain, Lensa and father tried helping mother but their was too many demons and spades, so they could only watch my mother leave. Mammon second in command Cato followed my mother to kill her, but was stopped by lensa. Mordain fought against mammon with father helping him, the time they killed mammon, mordain was severely wounded, but my father only had a few. But lensa was killed by Cato, and Cato already left to follow mother, father also left to find mother leaving mordain and the others. Mordain lose his mind after he saw his daughter died, and he didn't sense that one of the demon was preparing a spell aimed at him. Aldir and windsom saw it and tried to intercept, but he didn't arrive in time, so lensa and his father mordain died in battle." After I finished. they were all crying, I was told that the twin horns except jasmine. Were childhood friends, and lensa was one of them.

"The Asuras and lessurans who survived the battle. Reported what happened to the Asuras in epheotus. While father continue to look for mother, so he's right hand man scythe Cadell along with scythe seris. Manage the continent of Alacrya and reported what's happening in Alacrya every month till father came back. Father came back four years after he left with mother who's in bad condition. He stabilized mother's condition but she was still in coma." As I finished the story, There was silence as they processed the information.

"I-i see. So that's what happened." Uncle rey said wiping his tears. "But I want to confirm something, is Sylvie your sister?" He asked as I nodded.

"So the one who helped Arthur is my sister." Uncle Rey said nodding his head.

"What do you mean lady Sylvia helped Arthur?" Taci asked.

"When we arrived in the Dicathen we all put a restrictions and concealer created by Durden, so they couldn't track us. But it had consequences since we locked most of our strengths we only had the strength strong as a human. So when Arthur is four years old, Alice and Reynold decided to live in Xyrus. As we make our way to Xyrus, we are ambushed by bandits, and the carriage that carrying Arthur fell from the top of the mountain." Helen replied, and we nodded our head.

"So what's your plan?" I asked.

Alice stand up from her seat, and walked toward me the hugged me.

"Of course we're going back to our homeland. And spend time with my favorite nephew, since I only took care of you for a year. And I will tell Arthur and Ellie our origin after you guys came back from your dungeon dive." Alice said hugging me.

"That's good auntie! I'm sure Taci here is fed up being around 'lessers'. Since he will always throw a tantrum being around with the lessuran when we are kids." I said while teasing Taci.

"H-hey! That was before! I changed!" Taci yelled, as we laugh.

"For a pantheon who are known for killing their emotions, you're easy to be riled up." Adam said laughing.

"There's something you need to know." I said and they all looked at me, but the look they had concern me so I made a little joke.

"Taci like Ellie!" I announced pointing a finger at Taci, All of them laughed. While Taci, became red as tomato.

"Rey, it seems like you have your first customer." Adam said laughing.

"And here I thought it was something serious." Helen said shaking her head.

"H-how did you know?" Taci asked as he composed himself.

"It's pretty obvious from the start. Even Arthur know you liked Ellie." Caera deadpanned him.

"W-what? So that's why Arthur was always glaring at me. He was always looking at me as if I'm assessing me to be put in dead or alive." Taci said causing the others to laughed.

"It's not like I'm against it or anything, but you have your own when it comes to my husband and son." Aunt Alice said, as Taci noticed uncle Rey were looking at him like how Arthur looked at him.

"But there's really something you need to know." I said in serious tone. They all looked at me once again waiting for me to continue.

"A world war may start a few years later. And Dicathen may be the first one to receive an attack. " I announced as Their faces darkened.

"Why do you say so?" Uncle Rey asked.

"I know you also know it since you already met one of them. But Arthur and Noah fought one of their spade eight months ago. He was a spy and part of the committee we are in." Taci replied.

"And father said that they also found out they were taking a move. That's why the Vritra blooded humans were busy dealing with the spies, arriving at Alacrya. And he also said that the academy we were in maybe the first one to receive an attack as a declaration of war." I added as they all nodded.

"It's good that we trained jasmine and bring her to the white core. That means the Dicathen will have another white core to protect them." Durden said as the others nodded their heads.

"And don't worry, since I'm near if the academy were really targeted as agrona said. I'm just nearby so I can help." Uncle Rey reassured.

"They are coming back, I can sense them." Angela announced as the others nodded.

"We will end our discussion here. I will contact my father later to tell him I'm going back with the others." Uncle Rey said as we nodded.

"Uncle, I want to ask something." I said as he nodded allowing me to continue.

"Arthur and Ellie, who are they bonded with? Helen said earlier that Arthur fell from the cliff. And it looks like you didn't know mother was the one who saved him." I inquired.

"That's because it was blocked by your mother. Arthur was bonded to her mother when he was born, while Ellie with me. After they were bonded with us, Alice removed their memories, so they don't know that we were bonded. And we asked Durden to create something that will prevent them from transforming as a dragon." Uncle Reynold explained, looking at Taci who gulped. "But we will removed it later, since they need some privacy, especially Ellie."

"They are here." Angela announced.

"Let's go! Let's have some spar brats!" Adam said putting his hand around my and Taci's shoulder.

"Count me in." Uncle Rey said glaring at Taci.

"Sure." Adam replied.

Taci what did you just do?