

All credit's go to turtleme King Grey has unrivaled strength, wealth, and prestige in a world governed by martial ability. However, solitude lingers closely behind those with great power. Beneath the glamorous exterior of a powerful king lurks the shell of man, devoid of purpose and will. Reincarnated into a new world filled with magic and monsters, the king has a second chance to relive his life. Correcting the mistakes of his past will not be his only challenge, however. Underneath the peace and prosperity of the new world is an undercurrent threatening to destroy everything he has worked for, questioning his role and reason for being born again.

Amethy5t · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 28

Taci POV

I fucked up.

Why did I forgot about the bond?

Asura were bonded to their parents until they were twelve, or they decided it's unnecessary for them to have one.

When the young Asura reached the age of twelve, they will then choose if they want to continue their bond or not. But I already removed my bond with my mother even though I'm just nine.

But mostly they don't want to continue with their parents for some privacy. Or so they could be bonded to their partners.

If Ellie still have her bond with Prince Reynold, that means her thought were like an open book to him. That means he also know when I kissed her that time.



Ellie and I are about to end our patrol. And was walking back to the DC room. It's been six months since I arrived here and attend this school, making me the first pantheon to attend the school for lesser.

To which I didn't take a great pride, But rather was ashamed. But since this is a mission I didn't complain and just followed the order.

We pantheon are known for killing our emotions, to make us a better fighter. I was deemed as one of the rising prodigy the asura had, second to Noah, but now I know I'm the third one because of Arthur.

And I'm also a fast learner, so when I was five. I already finished the lesson every you pantheon would take, but just like my mother. I'm not good at killing my emotions, but since that was just one of our techniques, they didn't judge me for it.

I was put on the same lesson that Noah is taking, and we also became friends since then. I viewed Noah as a brother, and he also treated me like a little brother. He also taught me not to view lesser being as a something similar to a bug, and I should treat them normally.

When I was tasked by lord Indrath himself, to go down and attend as lesser school in Dicathen. I'm lying if I said I'm happy since lord Indrath trusted me with this mission.

If it was something else I would be happy. But to attend an academy for lesser? Why?

That's when I found out why Noah left after a year of our training. He was also sent to the Dicathen and is also going to attend the Academy I'm going to attend.

That's why when I arrived at the academy. I quickly find Noah, Leaving aldir and windsom to have a talk with the director, who is also a spade.

When I found where Noah was. I noticed there was a little girl beside him.

Who's that girl?

Every pantheon had what we call a mate. That's why we are known for being loyal to our partner, not like the other Asura are cheating tho.

My master told me what mate is when I asked him. And he told me it's meaning, and how will I find out if I have a one, and what's the consequences if my mate rejected me. It's not that it was something to worry about, since like our technique we will just lose our emotions if ever we are rejected.

But it will take effect only after we pantheons were rejected, or didn't confess after twenty years of knowing who are mate is.

That's why I knew the first time I met her. I know she's my mate I just need to win her heart.

"Ellie, do you have someone you like?" I asked as she looked at me confused why I'm asking.

"No I don't have, and I'm sure my brother would disagree If I ever had one." She replied, I felt a pang in my heart as I heard her reply.

"I see." I said looking down.

"Why did you asked? Do you have someone you like? And you're asking me for an advice, too bad I don't really have on." Ellie laughed.

"Yeah, I do have one." Ellie stopped laughing and she looked at me.

"W-who?" Ellie asked, and I saw something on her eyes that make me smirk.

Ellie you Liar.

Master also told me that there's a little chance that a pantheon is likely to be rejected. Since we can saw in our mate's eyes if they liked us too, And I saw it in Ellie's eyes.

I moved closer, as she stepped back hitting the wall. I then lean closer and whispered to her ear.


"P-pardon? Y-you like me, but I don't like you, I'm sorry. " Ellie stuttered.

"Liar. I can see it on your eyes, you also like me. Ellie you Liar." I whispered to her ear, and I saw her ears turned red.

"Well it's not like I will force you to accept it. I will wait for an answer." I whispered then kissed her cheek, and walked away.

*End of flashback*

Ellie accepted my confession, two months ago. And we started dating since then, but we keep it as our secret.

Looking at prince Reynold. He really knew what happened during that time. Even if Noah didn't tell them I liked Ellie, he knew just by looking at Ellie's memory that we are dating.

As jasmine, Arthur, Sylvie, and Ellie came back, We moved to the training ground the Helstea had. Ellie noticed something wrong with my expression and asked me.

"What's wrong? You looked pale." Ellie whispered.

"N-nothing." I said shaking my head.

"Are you sure?" She asked and I nodded. "Okay. Just tell me if something was wrong."

"Taci come here!" Noah called me, as I make my way to where he is.

"Since all of us were augmenter, we will limit ourselves with just augmenting ourselves." Adam said as we nodded.

"So how will we decided the matching?" Noah asked, but I have a little guess who will we fighting against with.

"You will fight against Adam. While Taci against me." Prince Reynold said, as they nodded.

I knew it.

Arthur Leywin POV

As we came back, after jasmine bought the thing she needs. We saw all of them coming down the stairs.

They told us that Noah, Adam, Taci and my father will having a spar, and asked us if we want to join. I refused but jasmine was asked by Caera to had a duel against her, and she accepted it. While my sister asked Helen to have one.

As we made our way to the training ground. The male group will have their spar first, since they were the one who came up with the idea first, it will be Noah against Adam, and Taci against father.

Noah and Adam put a five-meter distance between themselves, and took out their spears from their rings.

"This will be an interesting match. Since both of them are using spear it will be a battle of techniques." Helen said as the others nodded.

Just like what Helen said. The match between them is an interesting one, they keep blocking each other's attacked, And then countering it after they blocked it.

As the battle reached it climax, the difference between them is being shown. With Adam having more experience than Noah, he showed that he had much more techniques and battle experience than Noah had.

The duel ended when Adam thrusted his spear rapidly, and noah was overwhelmed by the barrage of attacks he received. He then kicked Noah's feet causing him to fall, and pointed his spear at Noah's neck, signaling he won.

The other duels also end well except the one Taci had. My father beat him like a sandbag, it's a good thing that my mother is a healer or else. Taci wouldn't be able to go with us for tomorrow's dungeon dive.


The next day.

As we arrived in the academy. We saw the other students along with professor glory are waiting for us.

"Guys over here!" Curtis called us waving his hand. Grawder was behind him, with Lucas and Claire beside him. We make our way to them as we noticed that only Tess is missing.

"So how's your visit with your family? What about you guys? How's your day with the Leywins?" Claire asked.

"It's good. They are as welcoming as they were back then." Caera replied.

"Oh. Is it not you're first time visiting them?" Curtis inquired.

"Except Taci, it's our second time visiting them." Noah responded as they nodded.

"Sorry guys I'm late!" Tess announced as she arrived.

"It's good that you were here. Since your the last one we can now headout. Let's go!" Professor glory announced as she checked her students, after she counted it and make sure we are twenty we moved out.

After we exited the teleportation gate. The professor turned her head at us, and explained what kind of dungeon we are going enter.

"So we will split our group into four teams that had five students in each group. So step forward as I call you, and take one of this shawl since you will need it when you enter the dungeon." Professor glory said taking out twenty shawls from her ring.

"Okay so the first team will be; Curtis, Claire, Caera, Owen, and Marge. Next! Noah, Ellie, Taci, Delphine and Dorothy; you guys will make up the second team." Professor glory then motioned for them to pick up their shawl, she then called the next five students.

"And that leaves us with arthur, Tessia, Clive, Lucas and roland. I will give guys ten-minutes to choose a leader, then we will enter the dungeon." Professor glory announced.

They all voted me to be the leader since they know I have more experience being an adventurer than them, except Clive who voted for Tess.

"All right, since it seems like everyone is done, let's head in. Brace yourselves once we get inside, it's going to be chilly!" Professor Glory announced before stepping inside the entrance, which appeared to be a narrow stairway leading into darkness.

As we walked down the stairs, and arrived at the first floor of the widow crypt. I could sense a horde of snarlers are waiting for us ahead, I let it be thinking that professor glory know it, and thinking it was normal.

"Weird there should be some snarlers waiting for us not like this." I heard the professor said in low voice but I could hear it.

"Professor there's a horde of snarlers ahead of us!" Noah and I notified her immediately, as expected he also knew it.

Professor glory and the students were shocked after hearing our warning. They quickly took out their weapons, except Clive who didn't believe us.

"Do you expect us to believe you commoners? There's nothing in front of us." Clive spat. But after he finished his words the snarlers show themselves and attacked us.

"Guys get ready! I will be the vanguard, Roland and Clive you will behind me. Lucas stay in the middle, while you protect him Tess." I ordered as they nodded except Clive who clicked his tongue.

"Arthur! Bring your team on the Left side. Claire your team take the right side, Noah bring your team in the middle, Last team follow me!" The professor ordered as we nodded our head.

I bring my team on the left side as professor glory ordered. We then started our slaughtering, we killed snarler after snarler, but their number didn't dwindle but rather it increase.

The only one who still have some fight left in them are, me, Noah, Caera, Taci, Ellie, Tess, and Lucas. Except us the other couldn't take it anymore, so I brought my team where professor glory is.

"Professor! Their numbers aren't dwindling, what should we do?" Claire asked.

"You guys bring your team with you we are going out from here!" Professor announced, and we nodded our heads.

As we fall back, the whole cave shook. Turning our head we saw two queen snarlers arrived.

"Why are they here? They supposed to be in the lower floor!" Professor glory said frustratingly.

I also think it's weird for them to leave their place. And I already felt two presence fighting below us. I removed my concealer to broaden my sensory, and was shocked on what I found. Alea is fighting someone similar to Kai, but much more stronger than kai.

'alea! Get out of that place quick! Come to us we're at the first floor.' I sent a message using sound magic.

"Caera! Lucas! Tess! Take the students with you and protect them for a while! Taci, Ellie you block this snarlers and protect us, while I create an exit for us. Noah go and help the professor deal with the queen snarlers, make it quick and don't hold back. We have someone we need to fight after it." I ordered as they looked at me confused after they heard the last part but followed my instructions.

I then called Curtis and delphine for help. I told them my plan and we put it in motion. After we finished creating the exit, Noah and professor glory also killed the queen snarlers, Taci and Ellie also killed the remaining snarlers with Lucas, Caera, and Tess killing those who passed them.

I'm about to give an order for us to leave, when sounds of footsteps interrupt me.

"Shit!" I cursed as I saw Alea with her team running away from their enemy.

"Arthur help!" Alea shouted as I dashed forward, blocking a ball of black fire that was about to hit her.

"Hoho.. what a surprise and here I thought I'm having a fun with the elf here. But now looking at my new toys this will be more interesting that I thought." Their enemy stepped out from the shadow. "Greetings the name is flan."

Flan is as seven foot tall, with a five inches horns protruding on his forehead. He had a creepy smile etched on his face, as he walked confidently.

"You bastard! What are you doing here. Do you realized your breaking the treaty after you attacked a Lance of Dicathen?" Noah shouted. It seems like he forgot about the other students after seeing flan.

"Of course I know, Vritra prince. You should know that are kind didn't really acknowledged any treaty. And we are beings, who didn't really follow any rules." Flan replied. The title Noah had shocked us all. Prince of Vritra? What the hell is that!!

"So you're saying your race don't care even if you break the treaty?" Taci chimes in.

"Are your kind, stupid or something? I just said we don't care and you're still asking? Is the thyestes clan becoming more dumb?" I could see a vein mark appeared on Taci's forehead as he heard flan remarks.

"What's going on? What's a Vritra and thyestes?" Ellie voiced out everyone's thoughts.

"Hoho.. it seems like you yourself didn't know your origin. Too bad you're going to die without knowing it." Flan said, he launched a ball of soulfire at Ellie.

Taci blocked it with a swung of his spear, I saw Taci's core now back being a mid-silver. Meaning he removed his concealer.

"Hoho.. it seems like little pantheon care for the little girl." Flan said grinning madly.

I Burst stepped in front of him and punching his gut. Catching him off guard sending him to fly away, and hitting the wall.

"Noah, Caera, Ellie, Taci, and Alea help me deal with this creature, professor glory go and take the students away." I ordered as they nodded.

'sylv, come here we're going to need your help to deal with this thing.'