
TBATE - The Diversion

Agrona's first experimentation resulted in an accident that managed to let a soul seep out into Dicathen. But what if that experiment that failed never was meant to pull Grey but Cecilia? What if Grey reincarnates in Alacrya? And who is going to take Arthur Leywin's place? John Reya, a 15-year-old webcomic reader who was interested in the webcomic called "The beginning after the end." get reincarnated in that world. Using that information from the webcomic he tried his best to live like Arthur Leywin but noticed that things are changing to another story path after Grey disappearance. What will happen to the already crazy twist when the "instruments of Fate" get introduced into this story?

ajoka01 · Book&Literature
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16 Chs

CHAPTER 11: Training


For the first time in my life, the purple and black motes didn't fight but unfortunately, that moment was short-lived. The cute dragon looked at me while I held it. I turned my head sideways and the dragon responded by mirroring my action.


"You are a dragon?" I asked. It was clearly a dragon, a little tail with little wings. Small little stubs that resembled horns. But I couldn't believe it lay in my hands.

"KYUU..." The dragon sounded happy. "Hehe... aah what the..." The little dragon jumped out of my hand and bit my left forearm. It only left a mark.

"Kyuu..."(Mama), I looked around. Only Seris stood behind me but I don't think that the little dragon was referring to her. "Kyuu" (Mama).

"So you can talk inside my mind. Also, I'm a boy, so please call me papa at least."

"Kyuu?" (Papa?)

I pet the dragon and the dragon purred. For some reason I could feel it. Our emotions were connected. It seems that this little symbol connects me to this dragon.

Hehe. 6 years old and I'm already a father with a tattoo—what a rebel.

"She got attached to you really quickly," Seris said. "Put this around the mark that she left you." She offered the feather. I put the feather around it. Surprisingly it clung to itself like an armband. "And please never take it off."

"So you brought me here for a pet?"

"Kyuu." (mean)

"Of course, I'm not complaining but it seems out of the ordinary for you to bring me a pet?."

"No, it was to test a theory and see how she got released and acted. I was right."

"Right in what?"

"We have time but first here..." She threw me a bag. "Put her there. We can't just have her out in the open." I put the dragon in the bag, leaving only a tiny hole in it for her to breathe.

'KYUUUU..." (Papa, don't leave me there. It's dark.)

"I'm sorry," I said to the dragon.

"Right, but again why are you doing this?" I asked. "Aren't dragons our enemies for this continent? I can't just carry a dragon through the continent, can I."

"You can see it already, can't you?" Seris said. "See what?"

"This continent."

"Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?" Seris narrowed her eyes.

"The suspicious amount of propaganda and the corruption in this continent? The abnormal amount of focus on relictombs? The disgusting act of breeding to produce half Vritra and human weapons like me?

"I didn't know you knew all of that. It seems that your mother has taught you well."

"How did you know that my mother taught me?"

"It was my request to inform the truth."

"Oh?" I asked. "Why would you wish for someone as young as me to know that? I just hit my 6th birthday."

Seris formed a small smile. "That is assuming you were some 6-year-old," she said. Don't tell me- "I know about the reincarnation that Agrona has been experimenting with."



"Kyuu..." (Why is it so quiet?)

I stared at her. Longer than I should. "How do you know?"

"I overheard his conversation by accident once. His experiments to create more powerful soldiers. Even if they deemed you as a failure since you didn't awaken at birth, You still have greater potential than others."


"Ouch..." I said while putting my hand on the swelling that has been created when her wooden sword struck me there. "Can't you be a little gentle? This is borderline child abuse." I yelled.

"Shush boy, you need to focus more on your defense if you want to survive."

We were currently located in a grass field with no lakes and trees within a kilometers radius. Sylvie was there watching us while slacking off (which was reasonable since she was only 1-year-old) on her mana training. Since she didn't have a name, Seris gave me the honor of naming her and for some reason, Sylvie stuck to me.

"Again." We both stood in our position.

She swung her blade horizontally and I managed to dodge it by ducking under it. I expected her to swing diagonally like she always does but it didn't arrive.

"Kyuuu..." (Above)

My instinct kicked in and I narrowly dodged the vertical attack but it was quickly followed up by a kick from her on the stomach. I was flung away by the recoil. "What the hell was that?"

"You can't use your Sylvie to assist you." She scolded me while gently tapping her wooden sword on my head. "It's Sylvie's fault since I didn't ask for her to do so."

"Kyuu." (I'm sorry.)

We continued to spar till it became nighttime. The bruises were already healed by my healing factor.

"Seris, when are we going back to the Denoir's residence?" I said. I never visited the Denoir's or met Caera.

"Tomorrow." She casually said.

"What are we going to stay here till tomorrow?"

"We?" She said while grabbing her tempus warp. "Make sure to survive. I have a great gift for you waiting at the Denoir's residence." And she disappeared, leaving me in the dark with Sylvie. The only thing that was able to be heard was the sounds of crickets, Sylvie eating some small meat, and the wind rustling over the grass.