
TBATE - The Diversion

Agrona's first experimentation resulted in an accident that managed to let a soul seep out into Dicathen. But what if that experiment that failed never was meant to pull Grey but Cecilia? What if Grey reincarnates in Alacrya? And who is going to take Arthur Leywin's place? John Reya, a 15-year-old webcomic reader who was interested in the webcomic called "The beginning after the end." get reincarnated in that world. Using that information from the webcomic he tried his best to live like Arthur Leywin but noticed that things are changing to another story path after Grey disappearance. What will happen to the already crazy twist when the "instruments of Fate" get introduced into this story?

ajoka01 · Book&Literature
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16 Chs

CHAPTER 10: Training


I saw the future. I saw it. The whole future. Asuras floating in the air watching us die. Some got captured, and the others died. I need to build something to stop them. A relic Something never seen before. An instrument to fate. And I'm gonna use it to save my race. I'm their only hope.


I awoke from a strange dream. Ever since I got this beast will, I always had dreams about strange purple men with golden tattoos but I always forget what they were doing.

I just realized I was in an unfamiliar area. The room was quite spacious and looked more like a royal bedroom. But why am I here? I never got on good terms with elves since Tessia got captured. Right. Tessia is gone.

I removed the covers and saw myself in new clothes. Did someone take my clothing in my sleep? That's creepy and weird. I exited the room and saw a long hallway with two guards that were standing next to the door, almost as if protecting a treasure.

"The Eralith family has requested your presence. Follow us." I wanted to protest but it would've been better to follow them. After a long awkward walk in silence, we arrived at the giant double door. Both of the guards opened the door.

"Is that the guest?" Alduin said. "Yes, it is," Rinia said. Why is she here? I thought that she went into hiding in fear that she would change the future.

I bowed. "I'm Arthur Leywin from a humble town in the kingdom of Sapin. Son of Reynold and Alice Leywin and I have been told from the guards that your majesty has summoned me." Everyone stopped to look at me. They were shocked at how a 4-year-old can be so polite.

"Despite claiming to be from a humble town, you seem rather mature and well-educated, Arthur Leywin. Very well, I'd like to hear how you ended up in the elshire forest?" Alduin said.

"I was separated from my family by a bandit attack and somehow ended up here. The last thing I saw was a woman who was covered in blood."

"So you didn't see the slave traders?" he asked. I nodded my head in denial.

"I see. It will take about 7 years for a portal to be ready for Xyrus." I widened my eyes. "If it isn't rude for me to ask. Why are you allowing me to stay? I thought that humans weren't allowed in the kingdom of Elenoir."

Alduin pointed his hand to Rinia. "You have her to thank for."

"Thank you-." I let out a slight grunt of the pain in my core. "Sorry for that. Thank you." I need to let Virion help me with my will. "hmmm..." Virion thought at my pain from the beast's core. "Hey, how about you becoming my disciple?"

Rinia anticipated it but Alduin was in pure shock at what he said.

"What?" I stammered. "Why do you wish for me to become your disciple, Elder Virion?"

"The woman you met is Aya Grephin in the forest. One of the two personal guards of the eralith family said you used magic that has never been seen before. Absorbing mana while moving." He said.

"But..." I grabbed my t-shirt in pain.

"Do you have that pain frequently?"

"Yes, It's becoming worse and worse for some reason."

"Do you not know what a beast will is?" I nodded my head in denial and he sighed.

"I have some idea but I don't know how it works exactly."

"I won't pry in how you've gotten a beast will but the fact that your will is doing more harm than good"

"Do you also have a beast will?"

"Yes; I'm a beast tamer. A title that you can obtain once you've fully conquered the beast will inside you."

"But, I need to come back to my family."

"I understand that but the power of your will is too potent for your immature body and is slowly breaking down from the inside out if you don't control it soon."

"You mentioned that you wanted to see your family?" Rinia said. I nodded. "I'm what you call a diviner. Magic of nature varies from user to user but I'm quite capable. That means there isn't much someone can hide from me once I choose to pry in. For example, there is a path in your life that even I can't see. But these eyes have seen both your past and future. But you aren't interested in my clairvoyance ability, you want me to let them know that you are alive." I nodded. Please, I don't want to hear that old lady ramble. "Good."

"I don't have the equipment to do so you need to come with me to my house."

"Okay." Somehow, everything went well. I really thought I was going to die. And everyone believed in my acting.

"Well, follow me."

A/N: Long time I uploaded two chapters in a day. I just really want to write part 4 of this story.