
Tbate - knowledge is power

Kuuro_6988 · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

The First Relic

Arthur Leywin POV

As I approached the group near the dungeon entrance, a sense of anticipation filled the air. There were approximately nine adventurers gathered, their eyes focused and determined. Among them stood an elf with lustrous light green hair and captivating light blue eyes. She extended her hand towards me, signalling her welcoming gesture.

Accepting her invitation, I shook her hand while discreetly applying a minute amount of my magic. Through a spell I had recently mastered, the magic intertwined with hers, undetectable to anyone else. This enchantment would allow me to sense her presence regardless of the distance between us, providing a valuable advantage. Although this spell came at the cost of a 15% reduction in my mana levels, I had a hunch that it would prove crucial, either now or in the future. There was something about this elf, Alea Triscan, that intrigued me, and I felt drawn to her.

"I'm Note," I replied, acknowledging my role as the vice leader of the raid.

Following her lead, I moved with the group and observed the other eight mages who were already assembled. It was apparent that they were all in the dark silver stage, indicating a considerable level of strength and experience.

However, Alea herself was an enigma. Despite my heightened senses and perceptive abilities, I couldn't discern her core, nor could I detect any signs of her wearing an artefact to conceal it. It was a mystery that intrigued me further, and I made a mental note to investigate further when the opportunity presented itself.

Alea's vibrant energy and unyielding spirit became evident as she addressed the group. Her vibrant demeanour contrasted with her apparent age, making me chuckle inwardly at the delightful paradox.

"I'm Alea Triscan, as most of you already know," she announced with a hint of eccentricity. "Today, I'll be leading the raid with Note as my trusted second-in-command. My specialisation lies in plant magic, and I currently hold the rank of an S-class adventurer in the light silver stage."

Her claim of being in the light silver stage puzzled me momentarily. I had developed the ability to sense the cores of others, even when they were in the light silver stage, ever since I had attained the light yellow stage myself. However, I couldn't sense Alea's core or confirm her level. It intrigued me further, heightening my curiosity about her true capabilities.

As each adventurer introduced themselves, I paid close attention, trying to gauge their capabilities and strengths. However, my focus remained on Alea. There was an air of mystery surrounding her, and my instincts told me that she was hiding something significant. If I had to hazard a guess, she might be concealing a white core—a rare and powerful attribute that could explain her enigmatic presence.

When it was my turn, I kept my introduction concise and to the point. I revealed my name as Note, emphasised my role as the vice leader, and disclosed my rank as AA class in the mid silver stage. I mentioned my specialties in wind and sound magic, keeping my true nature as a quadra elemental concealed by maintaining a triple elemental seal—a precautionary measure to prevent others from discerning my true elemental affinities.

With the introductions completed, it was time to delve into the dungeon. I rose from my spot, and the rest of the attack force followed suit, ready to embark on our mission. Alea, the enigmatic elf, took the lead, her steps exuding confidence and familiarity with the path ahead. With a sense of anticipation and determination, we ventured into the dungeon, ready to face the challenges that awaited us.

As we ventured further into the dungeon, the mesmerising sight of countless crystals strewn across the walls, floor, and ceiling greeted us. It was a truly enchanting spectacle, enhancing the aesthetic appeal of the treacherous place we found ourselves in. However, we knew better than to let our guard down, as the allure of beauty often concealed danger. Sensing the potential threats that lurked within, I summoned a blade forged from concentrated wind, ready to defend myself if the need arose.

Sure enough, not long after, a horde of mana beasts, ranging from B-class to formidable A-class, charged towards us with frightening speed. Our entire group swiftly assumed battle stances, mentally preparing for the imminent clash. The dark silver cores, the source of their formidable power, varied in their ability to withstand the onslaught, but both Alea and I refused to show any mercy to these relentless adversaries.

One by one, I mercilessly cut down the approaching beasts before me, my blade slicing through their bodies as though they were mere butter. It was a sight I had grown accustomed to, honing my skills to perfection. With every swing, I aimed for precision and strength, ensuring that even the blades I conjured possessed unrivalled sharpness.

Glancing beside me, I witnessed Alea employing her plant magic with exceptional finesse. She impaled the charging creatures with sharp tendrils or tore them apart with a flourish of her botanical prowess. I couldn't help but be impressed by the blade she conjured using her plant magic, which, in terms of sharpness, rivalled my own if not matched it completely. Her control and precision were a testament to her mastery over the elements.

Together, Alea and I forged a formidable duo, our blades dancing in perfect harmony, swiftly dispatching the mana beasts that dared to challenge us. The crystals that adorned the dungeon walls reflected the gleam of our weapons as we fought side by side, determined to overcome any obstacle that stood in our way.


After an arduous battle that lasted nearly a quarter of an hour, we finally managed to eliminate all the mana beasts that had assailed us.

Exhausted, Alea let out a sigh of relief. "Who would have thought we'd encounter such a swarm right from the start," she commented, her voice tinged with weariness.

"Well, it's better to deal with the weaker ones first," I replied, assessing the situation with a strategic mindset.

As my words reached the ears of the other adventurers, I noticed their curious gazes fixated on me. Their silent stares spoke volumes about their surprise and intrigue.

However, before anyone could voice their thoughts, an unexpected development unfolded. Suddenly, an AA-class mana beast, a Hades Serpent, emerged from the shadows. A startled voice rang out from the back of our group, alerting us to the imminent danger.

Without hesitation, I placed my hand on the hilt of my blade, Dawn's Ballad, and made a swift decision. Drawing upon the magic I had been diligently perfecting, I concentrated mana onto the tip of my weapon. I then cast a combination of sound and illusion magic, creating a deceptive aura around the area. Utilising my wind mana, I accelerated the unsheathing of my sword, propelling a condensed blade of pure mana toward the Hades Serpent. The appearance of the mana blade was cleverly masked by the previously cast sound magic, rendering it nearly invisible to the naked eye.

Upon impact, the Hades Serpent's heads were instantly severed from its body, a fatal blow that brought about its swift demise.

The other adventurers, which had been fixated on Alea until that moment, now turned their attention to me. Their eyes widened with astonishment and intrigue, unable to comprehend the nature of my spell and its flawless execution.

"How... How did you do that?" one of them managed to stutter out, their voice filled with a mix of awe and disbelief.

I shrugged nonchalantly, feigning nonchalance. "Magic, I guess," I replied, maintaining an air of mystery.

The group fell into a momentary silence, their expressions a mixture of astonishment and contemplation. Sensing the need to press on, I turned away and continued forward. Alea quickly snapped out of her daze and urged everyone to follow suit, refocusing our collective determination on the challenges that lay ahead.

As we ventured deeper into the dungeon, we encountered yet another wave of A-class mana beasts, their numbers seeming endless. The further we descended, the stronger and more formidable the creatures became. To our dismay, multiple AA-class mana beasts began to appear, their presence posing a significant threat to our group.

After several hours of relentless battles, we stumbled upon a peculiar room, unlike anything we had encountered before. At its centre, a massive gaping hole lay, seemingly capable of devouring anything with a continuous mana stream. It was an anomaly, even by dungeon standards, and we approached it with caution, fully aware of the dangers it posed.

Maintaining a safe distance, we hugged the edges of the room, treading carefully as we circumvented the treacherous pit. We fortified our bodies with mana, reinforcing our defences to resist the pull of the abyss.

However, as we neared the room's exit, an unsettling sensation washed over me, sending a chill down my spine. I instinctively turned my gaze toward the exit, and my fears were confirmed. Standing in our path was an S-class mana beast, a creature of unimaginable power. Panic welled up within me as I desperately called out to my comrades.

"Everyone, look out!" My voice rang out with urgency, echoing through the room.

One by one, their eyes widened with horror as they followed my gaze. The team braced themselves for the impending battle, their expressions a mix of fear and determination.

With unwavering resolve, I conjured a tempestuous gust of wind once again, not holding back any of my power. I made a split-second decision, knowing that hesitation could prove fatal. Propelling myself into the void, I became ensnared in its violent grip, the force of the magical storm pulling me towards the S-class beast with unimaginable strength. It was not a mere suction like that of wind—it was a cataclysmic maelstrom, dragging everything in its vicinity into its merciless grasp.

As I created multiple pure mana strings, they snaked their way around the S-class mana beast, binding it tightly and rendering it immobile. With a powerful tug, I pulled the creature towards me, drawing it into my reach. Determination surged through me as I summoned the strongest wind spell I could muster within the chaotic confines of the magical storm. With a single, mighty stroke of my sword, I severed the beast's upper and lower halves, bringing about its instant demise. However, my triumph was short-lived, for I found myself being inexorably dragged down into the gaping abyss alongside the vanquished creature.

"Go! I'll be fine!" I shouted, my voice filled with urgency.

Alea's expression twisted in horror, her instincts compelling her to rescue me. She attempted to employ her vines to snatch me from my perilous descent, but I swiftly employed my sword to sever them, refusing to let her be dragged down with me.

"Don't! If you try to save me, you'll be dragged down too. I'll find a way out. Now go!" I urged, my voice firm and resolute.

Reluctantly, the other mages, their faces etched with grim determination, departed as I plummeted into the seemingly endless void.

As the ground rushed up to meet me, I beheld a startling sight—a massive black cube adorned with intricate purple rune markings. It exuded an overwhelming presence, undoubtedly responsible for the malevolent storm that threatened to consume me. Activating the second phase of my beast will, the world around me transformed into monochrome hues, and I discerned the intricate interplay between the mana and aether particles. The aether, charged with potent energy, compelled the mana to converge upon the box, which absorbed it with an insatiable hunger. The sheer magnitude of the aether's influence surpassed anything I had ever encountered.

Determined to halt the devastation, I expended every ounce of mana at my disposal to decelerate my descent. Utilising what little aether I could muster, I attempted to disable the box, fully aware of the audacity of my endeavour. Desperation and pleading words filled my mind as I beseeched the surrounding aether to lend its aid. The level of aether manipulation I achieved reached unprecedented heights, pushing the boundaries of my capabilities.

My body screamed in protest as the strain took its toll. The sheer effort of resisting the inexorable pull and neutralising the box strained my physical limits. Nonetheless, I continued to channel the aether, directing its flow toward the box. Although progress seemed meagre, I had no alternative but to press on. Finally, with a thunderous impact, my feet met the ground, but I knew I had to maintain my distance. A slow, gruelling battle ensued between the obsidian relic and me, and to my dismay, the tides turned against me. Despite the power of my beast will, I found myself losing ground, inch by agonising inch.

Then, it happened. My body could bear no more as I let out a final cry, imploring the aether to aid me in my plight. My being was drawn into the heart of the box, a space no larger than the palm of my hand. The weight of its pressure intensified, crushing me relentlessly as I sank closer to the ground. I crumbled to my knees, my head drawing nearer and nearer to the accursed relic. Powerless and defeated, I succumbed to the inevitability of my demise.

In those final moments, with my head in contact with the relic, I braced myself for the grim fate that awaited me, a prisoner trapped within the confines of an ancient and enigmatic artefact.