
Tbate - knowledge is power

Kuuro_6988 · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs


Alea Triscan POV

Note... he was gone. He sacrificed himself for us. I'm the leader. It should have been me. On top of that, he looked like he was just a child. Shorter than I was with round ears, he was definitely a human. With that voice-altering mask, it was all the more plausible.

As I stood there, grappling with my guilt and the weight of the situation, one of my team members approached me, breaking through the silence that hung heavily in the air. "Captain..." they began, their voice filled with both concern and reassurance.

"Hmm?" I replied, pushing my swirling thoughts to the back of my head, desperate to find solace in their words.

"He said he'd be fine. Let's at least put some faith in him. He saved us after all," they said, their voice steady and full of conviction.

They were right. Note had assured us that he would be fine, despite the danger he faced. It was difficult to fathom how anyone could survive the tremendous magical storm that had engulfed him. I had never witnessed anything like it before, its destructive power reverberating through my very core. Yet, maybe, just maybe, Note had the resilience and strength to endure such a trial.

In the short time I had spent with him on this raid team, Note had repeatedly shown me feats and abilities that even I, a white core mage, couldn't accomplish. He possessed an innate talent, a skill that surpassed his apparent rank. There was always something about him that made me believe he was stronger than I was, an unexplainable aura that surrounded him.

"You're right," I finally admitted, my voice laced with a mix of hope and determination. "Let's pray for his safety and hold onto the belief that we will reunite down the line."

The rest of the party nodded in agreement, their eyes reflecting the same blend of emotions that consumed my own thoughts. We all shared the same sentiment, an unwavering faith that our esteemed comrade, Note, the AA class adventurer, was still alive and would return to us.

"Now is not the time to dawdle around," I commanded, urgency lacing my voice. "Note took down the S class mana beast for us. But there is no guarantee there won't be another. Let's get moving!"

"Yes, captain!" came the resolute response from my team, their unwavering determination shining through their words.

We pressed forward, following the path that led us deeper into the labyrinth. These subsequent rooms offered a reprieve from the destructive mana storm we had previously encountered, but that didn't mean we were free from danger. Along the way, we encountered several AA class mana beasts, their formidable presence posing a threat to our progress. However, with the collective strength and coordination of our party, we swiftly dispatched these adversaries, relying on our honed skills and strategic teamwork.

I reminded myself that I could trust my team. Each member had earned their place among the elite on this continent, their talents evident as they neared the mid silver stage of their respective magical cores. Individually, they were more than a match for an AA class mana beast, possessing abilities that surpassed their current rank.

Suddenly, the voice of one of my party members rang out from the front of our formation, filled with a mix of alarm and determination. "Captain, it's another S class!"

My senses heightened, I extended my magical perception to confirm their words. Indeed, there loomed an S class beast before us, its imposing figure casting an ominous shadow. However, this time, it appeared to be the sole threat we faced.

"Formation B!" I swiftly commanded, my voice cutting through the tension that gripped the air. My team members swiftly scattered, each assuming their designated positions, ready to engage in battle.

I locked eyes with the S class beast before me, recognizing it as an elder-wood guardian, a formidable opponent in its own right. My own status as a white core mage meant my magic held greater potency than even this S class beast. Yet, I knew that expending too much magical energy in a solo confrontation would be unwise. The true strength of our party lay in our collaborative efforts.

With unwavering resolve, I engaged the elder-wood guardian, my every move calculated and precise. However, I never lost sight of the fact that my team was by my side, their support and assistance essential in overcoming this formidable foe. Together, we would harness our combined strength, pooling our resources and talents to tip the scales in our favour.


After a gruelling battle that lasted a good third of an hour, the fight with the elder-wood guardian finally came to an end. Exhaustion weighed heavily upon me, as it did upon my companions, but we emerged from the encounter with only minor cuts and bruises marking our bodies.

"Everyone, let's rest here," I called out, my voice carrying a note of relief. "It's best we regain our strength while we have the chance. Another opportunity may not come."

The party settled down, finding a spot to rest amidst the rugged terrain. We knew that time was of the essence, but this respite was essential for us to recover and replenish our mana reserves. I spoke again, addressing my weary comrades, "Regain your mana during this time. This is a good opportunity. We will leave in an hour."

With those words, I turned my attention inward, focusing on my magical core. As a white core mage, my mana manipulation was a skill honed through years of training and discipline. As I delved into the surrounding environment, drawing mana towards me, my core began to emit a radiant, bright white light. I remembered the breakthrough, the moment when I ascended to become one of the illustrious six white cores. It had been a monumental achievement, one that filled me with immense pride.

However, the euphoria of that accomplishment was soon overshadowed by a bitter reality. Despite my status as a white core, I quickly discovered that I was the weakest among the six. It wasn't even a competition. My specialisation in sensory magic, while unmatched within our esteemed group, didn't provide me with an edge in combat like it did for the others. In terms of raw power and combat proficiency, I fell woefully short. I had trained diligently to improve my attack spells and combat abilities, but the gap between me and the other white cores seemed insurmountable.

It wasn't as though I was the only one training and striving for growth. Each of the other white cores dedicated themselves to their craft, some even surpassing my own efforts. The distance between myself and the pinnacle of power continued to widen. However, amidst this realisation, I had managed to find a semblance of acceptance. Yes, I may be the weakest white core among the group, but I was still a white core—a member of the revered six strongest mages well I guess I can say seven now. There was something about Note, an intangible quality that hinted at his strength surpassing my own. Perhaps, if he were still alive, he could offer assistance. I had to banish the doubts and fears that plagued my thoughts. Note had made a promise, and his swift defeat of an S class mana beast with just a few attacks served as a testament to his capabilities.


After a focused period of time, my core had fully replenished, a testament to my proficiency as a white core mage. After waiting a little while longer the same could be said for my companions, as they too regained their strength and mana reserves. My own injuries, inflicted during the intense battle, had all but vanished, thanks to the regenerative capabilities I had acquired upon attaining the status of a white core.

Rising to my feet, I brushed off specks of dirt and debris from my attire. With a sense of purpose and determination, I approached the fallen elder-wood guardian, its lifeless form a reminder of our victory. I carefully retrieved its core, a valuable source of magical energy, and securely stored it within the confines of my dimension ring.

"Everyone," I called out to my team, my voice carrying an air of authority. "It's time to head out. I hope you all cherished that break because we may not get another one."

A resounding chorus of agreement echoed through the air as my comrades responded in unison, their unwavering loyalty evident in their words. "Yes, captain!"

With renewed determination, I turned on my heel, facing the path that lay ahead. My eyes scanned the treacherous terrain of the dungeon, its labyrinthine corridors stretching into the unknown. Yet, I remained undeterred, my mind set on the task at hand.

"Let's go," I declared, my voice laced with a mix of confidence and urgency. It was time to forge ahead, to face the challenges that awaited us. With each step, we would move closer to our goal


Arthur Leywin POV

What am I going to do? Panic and desperation gripped me as my second phase remained deactivated, rendering me immobile and trapped with my head firmly stuck within the confines of the mysterious relic. The realisation dawned upon me that if I didn't take action, this enigmatic object would be the death of me.

Summoning the last vestiges of my strength and determination, I mustered one final attempt to channel aether into the relic. I activated my second phase once more, the motes of aether coalescing and cautiously entering the artefact. With each surge of energy, I pushed more and more aether into the relic, causing it to emit a vibrant purple glow. Something was undoubtedly happening.

As I continued to gather aether around me, an increasing torrent of this ethereal energy rushed toward the relic. Its luminosity intensified, and suddenly, an alien energy surged into my body. Instinctively, I shut my eyes, focusing solely on accumulating aether. The strain on my mana-reinforced body was immense, threatening to collapse upon itself. I knew that if that were to happen, survival would be impossible.

The newfound energy swirled around me, seeking a place of refuge within my being. It settled at the lower left-hand side of my neck, flooding my mind with a surge of knowledge that I had never possessed before. Yet, in my desperate pursuit to free myself, I pushed aside the influx of information, choosing to focus solely on gathering aether and directing it toward the relic. However, as I opened my eyes, I was met with an astonishing sight—both the relic and the massive storm of mana had vanished. I could move freely once again. What had just happened? Could it be connected to the influx of energy that had entered my body?

Curiosity piqued, I unsheathed Dawn's Ballad, my trusted weapon, and peered into its translucent blade. A mild reflection of myself stared back at me, and to my amazement, I discovered intricate golden markings, resembling arcane runes, trailing down my neck and extending onto the top of my shoulder.

"Heh, another tattoo, and I'm only ten. I'm such a rebel," I mused, unable to resist a moment of levity despite the dire circumstances that had consumed me just moments ago.

Taking a much-needed respite, I laid down, allowing myself a few minutes of rest. I focused my thoughts, gathering mana to replenish my core. After it was a third full, I rose to my feet, continuing to engage in mana rotation to steadily replenish my reserves. However, my primary objective remained clear: to reunite with my team. I retrieved and carefully fixed my mask upon my head, surprised to find it had sustained very little damage, a testament to its durability.

Rising to my feet, I cast my gaze upward, taking in the sight of the colossal hole into which I had plummeted. Well, it seemed that I was faced with a formidable ascent ahead, one that promised to be an arduous and lengthy journey.

"I suppose I should get a move on." I muttered, an audible sigh escaping my lips.