
Tbate - knowledge is power

Kuuro_6988 · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs


Jasmine Flamesworth POV

As I watched Arthur effortlessly defeat Kaspian, a renowned AA class adventurer, I couldn't help but be in awe of his abilities. It was hard to believe that just five years ago, he was just a child, and now he had become a force to be reckoned with.

Reynolds had mentioned that Arthur possessed deviances in all four elemental magic types, making him a quadra elemental. However, despite this incredible potential, Arthur seemed to primarily rely on wind magic during his battles. This left me wondering just how powerful he truly was and what he would be capable of in the future.

As I compared my own accomplishments as an A class adventurer to Arthur's meteoric rise, doubt crept into my mind. Was I really qualified to accompany someone of his calibre? He had surpassed me in rank on his very first day as an adventurer, and his recent victory only solidified his superiority. It became clear that if anything, Arthur would be the one protecting me, not the other way around.


Arthur Leywin POV

I found myself sitting in the waiting room for my adventurer's badge, feeling a sense of satisfaction with my performance in the exam. Despite my seemingly inferior stature, my body moved with agility and grace, surpassing even my own expectations. The precision and elegance of my techniques surpassed anything I had achieved in my previous life. It became clear to me that the key to further improving my fighting ability would be to focus on all aspects, especially my beast will.

Just as I was lost in my thoughts, the receptionist's voice broke through the air, announcing the arrival of my badge. Jasmine, my loyal companion, and I made our way towards her as she presented the badge to me. Its golden outline gleamed, proudly displaying the letters 'AA,' symbolising my new rank.

"Thanks," I expressed my gratitude, reaching out to take the badge from her.

Just as I turned to leave, the receptionist called me back, mentioning that Mr. Bladeheart wished to speak with me privately in a few minutes. Her unexpected request caught me off guard, and I wondered if there was some additional paperwork or waiver I needed to address.

Nodding in acknowledgement, I walked back to my seat, contemplating the upcoming meeting. Lost in my thoughts, I accidentally bumped into a boy around my age, sporting short black hair and wearing black glasses.

"My apologies," I quickly apologised.

The boy responded with a deadpan expression, reassuring me that it was fine. However, my attention was soon captured by another voice chiming in from behind.

"An AA rank conversing with this lowly B rank? Perhaps you should direct your attention to me instead. You might even consider begging to be a part of my party. While I may hold a B rank, I have already reached the light orange stage," the boy named Lucas jeered.

As I felt an overwhelming surge of rage boiling within me, I couldn't quite comprehend why I was being consumed by such intense anger. True, the boy named Lucas was an insufferable, snobbish noble, but I hadn't anticipated feeling this level of malice towards him. When I glanced back, I realised that he had disappeared, which provided some relief from the building rage. However, I couldn't let this anger go unchecked, so I decided to confront him and walked past him, mustering a response, "No thanks."

His reaction was immediate, as he hurled insults my way, further fueling the anger already simmering inside me. Turning around this time, I made it clear that he needed to know his place. I unleashed a palpable wave of bloodlust as I spoke, aiming to convey my intense malice through my voice.

"Listen here, there are two ranks separating us. I don't need a pampered kid throwing temper tantrums every time things don't go his way, so do me a favour," I asserted, increasing the intensity of the bloodlust I exuded.

The force of my aura overwhelmed him, causing him to fall backward onto his ass. He struggled to move, his eyes trembling and his body practically paralyzed under the suffocating pressure I directed at him.

"Mr. Note, please tone it down. The other adventurers and receptionists are finding it hard to breathe under your oppressive aura," came a voice, and when I turned, I saw Kaspian, who had witnessed the entire scene. I let out a sigh, and Jasmine placed a comforting hand on my shoulder.

Calming the torrent of bloodlust I had unleashed, I replied, "I'll keep that in mind. But next time, I'll do a lot more than just releasing some aura."

Kaspian's sweat dropped as he nodded, clearly aware of the extent of my power. Attempting to change the subject, he continued, "Well, I'm sure you're still here because you're going to entertain my request. Am I correct in assuming that?"

I nodded in confirmation, and Kaspian guided me towards his office. A rush of guards swiftly swarmed around Lucas, assisting him to his feet, as his entire body still trembled with the aftermath of the overwhelming pressure I had exerted.

Despite the encounter with Lucas and the lingering anger within me, I composed myself and prepared to discuss Kaspian's request, knowing that I had to focus on the task at hand and prove my worth as an adventurer through actions rather than succumbing to base emotions.

As I entered Kaspian's office, he gestured for me to take a seat while requesting Jasmine to wait outside. I sat down, observing him carefully, pondering what he could possibly want from me. I had hoped to make an impression, but perhaps not to this extent.

"So, Mr. Note, I have noticed that you're quite a straightforward person who doesn't appreciate idle chat. So, I'll get straight to the point," Kaspian began, acknowledging my preference for directness. It seemed he already had a sense of my character. Intrigued, I encouraged him to continue. "Go on."

"Mr. Note, here at the guild, we would like to offer you our full support with whatever you may need, and in exchange, we only ask that you join a skilled raid party once or twice a year," Kaspian proposed, revealing his intentions.

A realisation dawned on me. "A skilled raid party. I believe I understand where you're going with this. I assume there have been an increasing number of high-ranking dungeons, and the guild lacks the necessary forces to effectively combat them," I deduced.

Kaspian simply nodded, confirming my understanding of the situation. It seemed my reputation had reached him, and he recognized the potential I possessed.

"So, you mentioned that you'd assist me in any way possible. Would you be able to permit and reserve B and A rank dungeons for me?" I inquired, testing the limits of the guild's support.

His eyes widened slightly, surprised by the magnitude of my request. "Mr. Note, that's—"

I interjected, a tinge of annoyance creeping into my voice. "You can't do it?" I challenged.

"No... I can get it done. It will take a month or two, but I assure you, I will be able to do so," Kaspian assured me, his determination shining through.

"Good," I responded, extending my hand towards Kaspian. "It seems we have ourselves a deal."

He reciprocated, shaking my hand firmly. "I look forward to working with you, Note," he said, expressing his enthusiasm.

"The feelings mutual."


Jasmine and I left the bustling guild hall, making our way towards the serene Beast Glades, a place where adventurers often trained and honed their skills. The air was thick with anticipation as we walked side by side, and eventually, Jasmine broke the silence with a question that I knew was coming.

"So, what did you two talk about?" she inquired, her curiosity evident.

I took a deep breath before responding, "Well, I managed to secure us access to some high-ranking dungeons for training purposes. Kaspian offered anything I wanted in exchange for participating in a few raids with a carefully selected squad. And, of course, you're more than welcome to join as well."

Jasmine's eyes widened in surprise, and she immediately questioned my decision. "What?" she exclaimed, her voice laced with concern. "Do you understand how dangerous that is? You can't—absolutely not. I promised I'd protect you, and I can't let you go into something like that!"

A single tear escaped from her eye, and I found myself at a loss for words. Her reaction revealed a side of her I had never seen before—raw and fiercely protective. I reached out to comfort her, removing my mask to reveal my face, and locked eyes with her. My piercing gold gaze met her deep red eyes, searching for understanding.

"I'll be fine," I assured her, my voice calm but resolute. "I know you promised to protect me, but if I can't push myself to become stronger, then what's the point of being an adventurer? We can both grow and become stronger together, Jasmine."

She looked at me, her tears now being wiped away, and slowly nodded in acceptance. "But if we ever find ourselves in extreme danger, I'll make sure to take you out of there," she insisted, a hint of determination in her voice.

I smiled gratefully at her, appreciating her concern and her willingness to compromise. "Thank you, Jasmine. I promise I won't take unnecessary risks, and we'll always prioritise our safety. Together, we'll navigate these challenges and come out stronger on the other side."

"Who knew you could be such an emotional person." As I made the remark about Jasmine's newfound emotional side, I was suddenly blasted by a gust of wind, causing my hair to flutter and dance in the air. I couldn't help but chuckle at the playful retaliation.

"It seems it's not nice to tease your elders, huh?" Jasmine responded, a mischievous glint in her eyes as she playfully sent a small gust of wind my way.

I grinned, acknowledging her point. "You're right, Jasmine. I apologise for teasing you. It's impressive to see this side of you, though. It shows how much you care."


-1 Year later-

As Jasmine informed me that she couldn't join me on today's raid, I found myself at a loss for words. Confusion momentarily clouded my mind. She had been with me on the previous raid a few months ago, and we had both made significant progress since then. I had broken into the mid silver stage while she had reached the light yellow stage, a testament to her growth as a powerful adventurer.

"The Twin Horns have asked for my help," Jasmine explained, her voice filled with a sense of duty. "I know this is something you promised to do. I spoke with your parents, and they understand that you'll be part of a large party, so they're allowing it if that's what you're worried about."

A sigh of relief escaped my lips. That was exactly what I had been concerned about. Over the past year, I had been making rapid progress in various aspects of my abilities, and I was determined to fulfil my role in this next raid. I had heard from Kaspian that some incredibly skilled mages were also participating, making it an important and exciting endeavour.

"Okay, Jasmine," I replied, gratitude evident in my voice. "I'll let you know how it goes."

She smiled at me, patting me gently on the head, and wished me to take care of myself before leaving. With her departure, I found myself truly alone for the first time in a long while. It offered me a rare opportunity to reflect on the progress I had made since our last raid.

I had advanced two core stages, which was a significant accomplishment. My burst movement was becoming more natural, and I could execute it with precision. However, the most notable change had occurred within my beast will.

I could now sustain my beast will for extended periods, far longer than before. Not only that, but I had also gained the ability to see a fifth colour—a purple particle. It represented a force that I had always been able to sense, but now I could see it with my own eyes. It was a substance known as aether, or at least that's what my instincts told me. It was distinct from mana, which I likened to water in a cup.

I had discovered that this aether couldn't be controlled in the same way as mana. Instead, it could be influenced and guided, albeit weakly, through careful coaxing. It held immense potential, and I was eager to explore its capabilities further, to uncover its true nature and understand the depths of its power.

As I delved deeper into my thoughts, the realisation struck me. Whenever I coated my blade with the mysterious aether, it felt as if I were slicing through the very fabric of space itself. The sensation was profound, like cutting through the world with each slash. There was a name for this phenomenon, a term on the tip of my tongue, but it remained elusive, shrouded in darkness or perhaps partially erased from my memory.

What I found intriguing was that I could utilise this aether even without tapping into my beast will, although its power was not as potent in that state. Nonetheless, I couldn't complain. The combination of aether, my enhanced beast will, and my newly solidified silver core mage status made me certain that I stood among the strongest mages in all of Dicathen.

Snapping out of my introspection, I glanced up at the sun, its position indicating that it was nearing noon. I realised that it was time for me to rendezvous with the raid team. I swiftly rose to my feet, gathering my gear and preparing myself for the imminent challenge ahead. It was an AA class dungeon known as Devil's Mouth, a formidable and treacherous place that held untold dangers and hidden treasures.

With determination in my eyes, I set out towards the dungeon, mentally bracing myself for the battles to come. I knew that the path ahead would test my abilities, but with my newfound powers and the support of a skilled raid team, I was confident in my capabilities. I was ready to face the unknown, conquer the obstacles, and emerge stronger than ever before.