
Tbate - knowledge is power

Kuuro_6988 · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Dire situation

Arthur Leywin POV

As I continued creating footholds with my earth magic, my mind delved deeper into the mystery of the markings on my neck. The runes seemed to hold a key to understanding the relic I had encountered. With each passing moment, the pieces of information I had acquired started to interconnect, forming a cohesive picture.

The revelation struck me like a bolt of lightning. The rune on my neck was providing me with invaluable insights into the relic's true nature. It acted as a conduit, allowing me to channel aether into the artefact and gain a glimpse into its inner workings. By focusing on the intricate pathways within the relic, I had managed to unlock fragments of knowledge, enabling me to somewhat replicate its powers.

The word "Spatium" resonated in my mind, as if it held the answer to my inquiries. It began to dawn on me that the relic, on its own, couldn't possibly contain such immense quantities of mana. However, with spatium, a form of aether, such a feat could become possible. It appeared that the relic utilised spatium to create a subspace, akin to a dimension ring, where vast amounts of mana could be stored.

The implications of this revelation were staggering. With this newfound understanding, I realised that I possessed the potential to harness the powers of spatium and create my own version of the relic's abilities. It was as if a doorway had been opened to a realm of possibilities, offering me a glimpse into the true depths of Aether.

The relic I had stumbled upon must have been an artefact left behind by the ancient mages, its true purpose and power shrouded in mystery. As I reached the pinnacle of the hole, panting from the exertion, I couldn't contain my curiosity any longer. It was time to put my newfound knowledge to the test.

With a sense of anticipation, I extended my arm before me, preparing to activate my second phase. The memories of the initial encounter with the markings resurfaced, and I sought to recreate that same sensation. As I did so, several of the runic symbols etched on my neck radiated a brilliant golden glow, and the surrounding mana began to surge towards me, flowing up my arm and seemingly vanishing into the intricate rune on my neck. The connection was tangible, the mana merging with the runic power within me.

However, the influx of mana had its limits, and after a few seconds, it reached a saturation point. Yet, even within that brief period, I was astounded by the results. I had absorbed an astonishing amount of mana, nearly half of my core's reserves were stored in this rune. The implications of this revelation left me awestruck, realising that I possessed the ability to amass vast quantities of mana at an accelerated rate. It was an incredible breakthrough.

Although the magnitude of this discovery excited me, I also pondered the importance of balance. While absorbing massive amounts of mana was undoubtedly advantageous, I knew that understanding how to expand my mana capacity would be crucial in the future. Nevertheless, for now, I wanted to explore the opposite of what I had just accomplished.

Once again, I extended my hand, summoning all the mana I could muster. Aether enveloped me, pulsating with raw power. As if opening floodgates, the mana surged forth from within me, cascading in an unstoppable torrent. With focused intent, I directed the torrential flow downward, channelling it into the pit below.

What followed was a cataclysmic release of pure mana, a devastating blast that tore through the earth, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. The force of the unleashed mana rent the soil apart, obliterating anything in its path. The sheer raw energy that emanated from me was both exhilarating and humbling, a glimpse into the awesome power I now wielded.

Overwhelmed with awe and exhilaration, a laugh escaped my lips, echoing through the ravaged landscape. The sheer power bestowed upon me by this singular relic was nothing short of extraordinary. It ignited a fire within me, fueling my ambition to unravel the secrets of the other relic I had acquired from the auction house. Perhaps in due time, I would be granted similar insights and abilities.

But for now, I refocused my attention on the present moment. The rune on my neck beckoned me, reminding me of its capabilities as a wellspring of mana. It had become like a second core, a backup supply that I could tap into whenever needed. Determined to harness its power to the fullest, I invoked the rune one last time, channelling its energies to replenish my mana reserves. It was a comforting notion, knowing that I had this additional well of strength to draw upon.

With my mana stores replenished and my body fortified with mana, I set my sights on reuniting with my team. A surge of concern coursed through me as I wondered about their safety. Fueled by the pulsating energy within me, I propelled myself forward, my steps infused with enhanced speed and agility. Through the dungeon's chambers I dashed, clearing room after room with ease. It was evident that these areas had been recently traversed, explaining the scarcity of mana beasts. Others had passed through here not long ago, leaving a trail of defeated foes in their wake.


Alea Triscan POV

As the end of the dungeon drew near, a sense of impending finality gripped me. I could feel it in my bones, the subtle shift in the atmosphere indicating our approach to the climax. However, amidst this anticipation, a troubling absence caught my attention. Note, a member of our team, had always possessed a remarkable talent for suppressing his aura, making him difficult to detect. Yet, even with my heightened senses, I could no longer sense him at all. It was as if he had vanished into thin air. A shiver ran down my spine as I silently prayed for his safety, hoping that he would reappear unharmed.

But I couldn't allow myself to dwell on the uncertainty. There were only a few rooms left to traverse, and the mission demanded my unwavering focus. Pushing the thoughts of Note to the back of my mind, I rallied my team, their unwavering loyalty reflected in their nods of understanding. Together, we pressed forward, inching closer to the ultimate goal of the dungeon.

As we stepped into the next room, the sight that greeted us was overwhelming. Over two hundred A-class mana beasts prowled within, their intimidating presence casting a shadow over the space. However, I took solace in the strength of my team. Through relentless training and the absorption of mana cores, half of them had managed to break through into the mid silver stage, solidifying their prowess.

With ruthless efficiency, our collective force engaged the horde of beasts. I marvelled at the synergy we had developed, the seamless coordination in our movements. Swiftly, we carved a path through the room, unleashing our combined might upon our adversaries. Amidst the chaos, a few AA-class beasts emerged, their formidable power threatening to disrupt our progress. However, I reacted with swift precision, neutralising their threat before they could unleash their full force upon my team.

Drawing upon the elements at my disposal, I conjured sturdy vines from the ground, employing them as deadly weapons. They entangled the mana beasts, tearing them apart or ensnaring them beneath the earth, depriving them of precious air. Simultaneously, I summoned a gleaming blade into my hand, its razor-sharp edge cleaving through the remaining beasts with surgical precision. Each strike was swift and calculated, eliminating one adversary after another.

The room echoed with the clash of steel and the cacophony of the vanquished. Despite the odds stacked against us, our resolve remained unyielding. Together, we fought as a well-oiled machine, forging a path towards our ultimate objective—the end of the dungeon.

As the chaos ensued within the room, the situation took a dire turn. In a terrifying display, hundreds more mana beasts surged into the chamber, outnumbering us with their sheer numbers. The overwhelming onslaught took its toll on my teammates, as some of them began to sustain injuries in the fierce battle.

Realizing the gravity of the situation, I summoned every ounce of strength and determination within me. I amplified my mana output, pushing myself to the limit, and unleashed a torrent of vines from every available surface. They shot forth with unrivaled speed, impaling multiple beasts at a time, seeking to thin their ranks as much as possible. It became a dance of calculated destruction, as I tore through the horde with relentless ferocity.

Time seemed to blur into an indistinguishable haze as the relentless onslaught continued. Beast after beast fell under the might of my attacks, the room transforming into a battleground where havoc reigned supreme. With every move, I left a trail of devastation in my wake, unyielding in my resolve to protect my comrades.

After what felt like an eternity of relentless fighting, the tide of battle finally turned in our favor. The once seemingly endless army of over a thousand beasts was vanquished, but not without a cost. My team had emerged battered and bruised, nursing various cuts and bruises. It was a testament to their strength and resilience that they had weathered the storm, emerging with wounds that were merely surface level.

However, the toll on our mana reserves was severe. Exhaustion weighed heavily upon us, and our core levels were dangerously depleted. My own core, which had been full at the start of the encounter, now flickered dimly, almost drained. The same held true for my teammates, their mana levels reaching critically low points. We were once again running on fumes, relying on sheer determination to sustain us.

In the aftermath of the gruelling battle, as we caught our breath and assessed our wounds, a collective weariness settled upon us. But amidst the fatigue, a spark of resilience glimmered within each of us.


Realising the urgency of the situation, I swiftly devised a plan to replenish our depleted mana reserves. The fallen beast cores surrounding us became a valuable resource. Instructing my team, we took a brief respite to extract the mana from these cores, channelling their energy into our own. After a focused effort that lasted approximately 15 minutes, everyone's core levels were significantly replenished, nearing full capacity once again.

With our mana restored, I rallied the team, the weight of the final room's significance pressing upon us. As we prepared to advance, I emphasised the need for unwavering vigilance and alerted them to the palpable presence of an immense mana source within the last area. Each member nodded in solemn agreement, acknowledging the imminent challenge that lay ahead.

Drawing a deep breath to steady myself, I led the way forward, urging the team to maintain utmost caution. The final room, though visually captivating, held no allure for us beyond the completion of our mission. Suppressing our mana as much as possible, we ventured into the enchanting yet treacherous terrain.

"Diana, create a sound barrier around us," I commanded, assigning the task to one of our raid members.

In an instant, a protective sound barrier enveloped our group. From the outside, we would appear utterly silent, masking our presence from potential threats. With this added layer of security, we ventured deeper into the captivating forest, acutely aware of the danger lurking ahead.

But our journey took a chilling turn as horror etched itself onto our faces. A deafening cry shattered the serene atmosphere.

"A- A Forest Queen!" one of my team members exclaimed, his voice trembling.

Cursing inwardly, I immediately issued a retreat command, recognizing the dire predicament we found ourselves in.

"Everyone, get out of here now!"

Our mana had been restored, but the toll of the previous battles still weighed heavily upon us. Fatigue permeated our bodies, and facing an exceedingly rare SS-class mana beast, even in our prime state, posed a daunting challenge.

Without hesitation, everyone pivoted and sprinted towards the exit, driven by sheer survival instincts. However, our escape route was abruptly thwarted as dense, impenetrable vines blocked our path just before we could reach safety.

Instinctively, I conjured a blade, intending to slice through the obstructing barrier and create an escape route. But our adversary struck before I could break free. Reacting with split-second decision-making, I used my vines to hurl my teammates out of harm's way, sacrificing myself to absorb the brunt of the attack.

Pain seared through my body as the impact landed.. Though separated from my team, I knew they were safe for the moment.