
Tbate - knowledge is power

Kuuro_6988 · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs


Alea Triscan POV

I moved with lightning speed, my body a blur as I darted through the chaotic battlefield. The thick tree logs, formed and hurled by the immense beast, came hurtling towards me, but I skillfully sliced through them, each strike precise and calculated. With every swing of my blade, I carved a path through the onslaught, determined to reach the heart of the battle.

My magic crackled around me, weaving in intricate patterns as I attempted to defend myself from the relentless assault. However, despite my best efforts, I could feel my magical energy waning, unable to match the overwhelming power of the creature. I knew I couldn't keep this up for long; I was being pushed to my limits.

But then, I remembered my advantage. The towering trunk of a massive tree shielded my main body, leaving only my head exposed. This gave me increased agility, allowing me to dodge and evade attacks with greater ease. Exploiting this opening, I sharpened my blade to its utmost sharpness, the metal gleaming ominously in the dim light of the forest.

With renewed determination, I propelled myself forward, slicing through whatever obstacles lay in my path. As I closed in on the beast, I could hear the distant voices of my squadmates, their spells echoing through the air. They were doing their best to weaken the creature, but I knew they were in grave danger if they ventured too close.

"Get back!" I shouted, my voice carrying a sense of urgency. But it was too late. The massive tree trunks, entwined with snaking vines, crashed into my squad, crushing them under their weight.

Despite the turmoil and grief that threatened to consume me, I knew I couldn't falter. I was the designated light silver core, the one responsible for leading and protecting my squad. There was no time to mourn; I had to act swiftly to ensure their survival.

Summoning my formidable powers, I shot upwards, my vines extending from my body to swiftly encircle the fallen members of my squad. With careful precision, I reeled them in, drawing them close to me as I ascended. Together, we ascended towards the sky, seeking a brief respite from the chaos below.

I spotted a narrow crevice in the ground, a temporary sanctuary amidst the battle. Time was of the essence as the creature launched another vicious attack, its massive form descending upon us. Without hesitation, I hurled my squadmates into the crevice, narrowly saving them from the creature's onslaught.

The force of the attack sent me reeling backward, but I managed to regain my balance just in time, narrowly avoiding the full brunt of the blow. The ground shook violently as the beast's assault collided with the earth, sending tremors through the battlefield.

Taking a deep breath, I stood at the edge of the crevice, my blade raised high. The battle was far from over, and I knew I had to push past my own grief and exhaustion to face the creature head-on.

Summoning every ounce of strength within me, I pushed back against the relentless assault of the forest queen. With sheer determination, I managed to create a small window of opportunity, giving me a chance to disengage and draw the creature's attention away from my vulnerable team. In the midst of the chaos, I swiftly flew away, leaving a trail of swirling magical energy behind me as a distraction.

Aware of the urgency of the situation, I urgently called for backup from the other lances, knowing that their arrival was uncertain in this timeframe. However, I couldn't rely solely on their aid; I had to continue the fight on my own for the time being. With unwavering resolve, I soared through the air, launching one attack after another at the monstrous mana beast. Its strength and immense mana pool were staggering, and it posed a formidable challenge.

As I observed the beast's movements, searching for any possible weaknesses, my mind wandered back to the memory of Note, the renowned lance who had effortlessly defeated an S-class mana beast in the past. His technique of conjuring razor-sharp wind blades resonated within me. Despite not being as skilled as him in this particular discipline, I realised that it didn't mean I couldn't utilise the same concept.

With intense concentration, I focused all my energy, compressing vast amounts of wind mana to conjure my own version of those lethal blades. The air around me crackled with power as the blades materialised, spinning with deadly intent. In a swift and fluid motion, I launched the attack towards the beast, hoping that this unorthodox strategy would yield results.

The strain of the battle was taking its toll on me. Pain coursed through my body, a testament to the numerous gashes and bruises that covered me. My ribs ached, some of them broken from the exertion I had put into that last attack. Despite the agony, I remained steadfast, determined to continue fighting until my last breath.

The dust settled, revealing the forest queen's main body, standing atop the severed tree that had once served as its shield. In an unsettling moment, the creature's form seemed eerily human-like, but its piercing scream shattered any illusion of humanity.

Overwhelmed by pain and exhaustion, I sank to my knees, feeling the weight of the battle and the impending defeat bearing down on me. Thoughts raced through my mind, contemplating the possibility that this could be the end of my journey. Yet, even in the face of defeat, a flicker of resilience burned within me. I refused to succumb without a final stand, determined to make every moment count and leave a lasting impact on the outcome of this harrowing encounter.

"CAPTAIN!" I heard a shout, and when I looked over, my heart skipped a beat. All eight of my team members were running towards me, forming a protective shield around me. I couldn't believe it. They had just narrowly escaped danger, and yet here they were, willingly throwing themselves back into harm's way for my sake.

"What are you doing? Run!" I pleaded, my voice filled with a mixture of desperation and concern. I couldn't bear the thought of them sacrificing themselves for me.

They glanced back at me, their expressions resolute and determined. In unison, they spoke, their voices carrying a fierce loyalty and solidarity that touched me to the core.

"We either all come out of this together or we all die together."

These brave individuals were ready to face the impending danger head-on, refusing to leave me behind. I couldn't allow them to shoulder the burden alone. With newfound determination, I rose to my feet, channelling every last bit of remaining mana within me.

However, my eyes widened in horror as I witnessed the forest queen compress an immense amount of wind mana. The green sphere she created seemed to radiate pure, concentrated power.

Time seemed to slow to a crawl as I watched the queen unleash the attack—a blast of destructive energy hurtling towards us with unstoppable force. My teammates closed their eyes in preparation for the worst, but I couldn't tear my gaze away. I stared, paralyzed with fear, as the devastating beam surged closer.

Then, as if by divine intervention, a masked figure materialised before us in the blink of an eye. In that split second, the entire beam collided with the outstretched palm of the mysterious man.

My jaw dropped in astonishment. The attack had been completely neutralised, dissipated by the masked man's power. The others opened their eyes, their disbelief mirrored in their expressions as they beheld the enigmatic figure standing before us. His hand, now lowered, bore the marks of the intense impact, visibly burnt and seemingly charred. Yet, he seemed unfazed by the pain.

In the next instant, my teammates collapsed to the ground, overwhelmed by an indescribable sense of dread. The air grew heavy with an oppressive pressure, and a primal fear enveloped us all. Even the formidable SS-class mana beast took several steps back, instinctively recognizing the immense power emanating from this mysterious figure.

With his back turned to us, the mask fell from his face, revealing features that were now bathed in golden runes. The enchanting marks spread across his entire body, and his hair transformed into a brilliant white, tipped with a radiant golden hue.

A palpable aura of pure rage and bloodlust emanated from him, unlike anything I had ever encountered before. It was as if the depths of his being had been consumed by a vengeful fire, burning with a fierce determination to obliterate anything in his path.


Arthur Leywin POV

The absorbed mana surged within the rune etched on my arm, its containment reaching its limit. The charred skin and the pain were reminders of the tremendous power I had harnessed, kept in check only by the protective aetheric barrier enveloping my limb. The aether's ethereal energy granted me temporary usability, but it would still take time for my arm to fully heal.

Gazing up at the imposing mana beast perched atop the towering tree in the heart of the chamber, I couldn't help but feel a thrill of anticipation. The power pulsating through my veins, fueled by the indomitable will of my inner beast, enhanced my natural healing capabilities and heightened my physical prowess. Although my arm was not yet at its peak, it was strong enough to engage in the imminent battle.

A mischievous smile played on my lips as I contemplated the opportunity to test my newly acquired aetheric ability in an actual fight. Raising my charred arm, I pointed my palm towards the mana beast, a gesture of both defiance and challenge.

"Here, you can have this back," I taunted, my voice laced with a blend of confidence and amusement.

A beam of pure mana erupted from my outstretched hand, tearing through the air with unrelenting force. Its destructive path decimated everything in its wake, shattering the beast's defences in an instant. Yet, in my excitement, I had inadvertently expended a significant portion of the stored mana, utilising far more than I had intended. Mental notes about precision and control swirled in my mind, reminding me to refine this new ability in the future.

The mana beast, though battered, managed to rise to its feet, its fierce determination undeterred. My eyes shimmered with a deep purple hue as I channelled mana throughout my limbs, empowering every sinew and muscle with heightened capabilities. With a burst of incredible speed, I struck the beast square in the jaw, my blow connecting with a satisfying impact. In a seamless continuation of motion, I channelled mana for another burst step, propelling myself towards the creature, this time aiming a powerful kick.

However, the beast, driven by primal instinct, managed to react just in time, lifting its arms to partially block my attack. The sheer force behind the strike propelled the beast through the air, crashing into the side of the chamber wall. The resounding impact reverberated through the space, causing the very foundation to tremble.

As dust and debris settled around the fallen creature, I maintained a focused stance, my eyes locked on the beast's prone form. The battle was far from over, and while the outcome remained uncertain, the taste of victory and the surge of exhilaration coursing through my veins emboldened me.

The Forest Queen, despite its weakened state, displayed an impressive tenacity as it laboriously emerged from the massive crater in the chamber wall. I couldn't help but acknowledge its sheer determination, even in the face of imminent defeat.

However, the beast's resilience mattered little now. It was clearly on its last legs, visibly exhausted and vulnerable. With unwavering focus, I conjured a razor-sharp blade of wind mana, channelling the essence of Kaspian's air bullet spell. Drawing upon every ounce of my power, I compressed the spell to its utmost limits, creating a dense and devastating projectile.

Thrusting my sword forward with all my might, I propelled the concentrated wind bullet towards the Forest Queen in a split-second assault. The creature's reaction was too slow, unable to comprehend the impending danger. In an instant, the wind bullet pierced through its head, penetrating with lethal precision. The mana beast's life was snuffed out immediately, its body collapsing with finality.

With the battle now concluded, I deactivated my awakened beast will, the fierce power that had surged through me dissipating. To my relief, there was no notable backlash or adverse effects from suppressing the unleashed force. The calm that settled within me brought a profound sense of satisfaction and accomplishment, knowing that the threat had been vanquished and my team was safe.

Breathing a deep sigh of relief, I surveyed the aftermath of the intense encounter. The chamber stood as a testament to the fierce clash that had taken place, marked by the scars of battle and the remnants of the fallen mana beast. Yet, amidst the debris and remnants of chaos, a newfound tranquillity filled the air.

The thrill of my newfound aether ability and the overwhelming power of the wind spell I had unleashed filled me with an immense satisfaction. The realisation dawned upon me that I had tapped into a potential far greater than I had ever imagined. The extra compression I had applied had yielded astonishing results, surpassing even my highest expectations. It was a technique I vowed to explore further, for it held the promise of unlocking new levels of power in various situations.

Turning my attention to the fallen corpse of the Forest Queen, I approached it with purpose. With a deft hand, I carefully extracted the core from its chest, a prized trophy of our hard-won victory. The pulsating energy within the core reverberated with the remnants of the beast's formidable mana, a testament to the strength it had possessed.

As I turned around, ready to face my teammates, I was met with a sea of wide-eyed expressions. Their astonishment was palpable, causing an unexpected surge of self-consciousness within me. My voice cracked as I spoke, a momentary vulnerability slipping through the cracks.

"What's that look for?" I managed to utter, my tone unintentionally higher-pitched than I had anticipated. An awkward silence hung in the air, and my gaze shifted downward in embarrassment.