
tasting room for ff

Golden_Exprience · Urban
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64 Chs



~~~~~~Half Year Later~~~~~~


The 98 Emperor Charles Zi Britannia was staring through his office window deeply in thought, last year and a half made him realise just how quickly things can get out of control, with the appearance of that brat, His mighty Empire will need allies if he wishes to engage in next war.

Such an idea a few years ago was utterly preposterous Holy Britannian Empire Never needed allies before!

But, now just to go to war he will need to ask that damnable brat what his take on it if he disagrees with it, his Empire's economy which he worked so hard to make independent will collapse.

'Just thinking about that brat makes me want to strangle him!' An angry scowl appeared on the aged Emperor's face, he remembered all the humiliation he already experienced from that brat!

"Your Highness, Second Prince has arrived." One of the Imperial Bodyguards notified the Emperor, who turned around and faced the doors.

"Let him in..."

The guard saluted and opened the doors.

Moments later blond man in his late twenties entered his office, few moments later he dropped on one knee.

"Your Highness, you asked of me?" He asked with a voice neither too submissive or arrogant, right in the perfect middle.

"Schnitzel, tell me what do you think of the current situation in the world?" Emperors question got the Prime Minister of the Britannian Empire off guard for a moment.

He thought for a moment and Emperor himself was not rushing.

"If I may, Your Highness, speak bluntly?"

The Emperor snorted at that, why not? he is interested in the Prince analysis after all he is the Prime Minister.

"You may Schnitzel..." The Emperor motioned to speak up what he thinks.

The second prince gathered his thoughts before speaking up.

"The Valeron Industries..." Schnitzel noticed the sheer fury the Emperor had just for saying 'Valeron'. "...Have become the Overlord of Earth through nothing but trade and technology, imposing a status quo to our world..." Schnitzel finished and noticed that the Emperor had similar thoughts, he returned to his seat and motioned for Prince to take a sit as well.

The second prince quickly followed his command.

"It pains me to say this Schnitzel, but we need that brat on our side..." Schnitzel was expecting this, while he doesn't want to admit it, Valeron Industries have forced the world into certain peace a 'Status Quo'. Where everyone has to think more than twice before they have to think about engaging in a war, because of certain repercussions of making a certain person unhappy, sounds unreal. But, this is what kind of world they live in now... a peaceful one, even if it's an illusion. After all, they are at mercy of single person's whims.

While a certain Schnitzel half-sister was quite happy when she learned about this 'peace'. sadly he knows his royal father far too well, he will do anything to expand the Domain of Britannian Empire, Schnitzel doesn't know why, but he will eventually find out.

"What about assassination? With him gone we might be able to salvage his technology." The Blonde Prince offered a solution.

Charles only snorted at that.

"Already tried 47 times... last time OSI operators came back, and attacked our Headquarters killing off half of our staff..." Schnitzel eyes widened from sheer disbelieve after hearing that! When did this happen? Why he was not informed!?

It was obvious why… since the 'Headquarters' were Geass Order and it was completely nuked from space, not that the Emperor will tell that...

'He brainwashed them? By God! what kind of technology is this man hiding? OSI are the special ops of the Britannian Empire! Yet, they came back to kill their own?!?'

The Second Prince was in shock, but Emperor didn't stopped.

"I already tried every possible method to become independent from that brat's company! None of our tries to reverse engineer technology or medicine worked! The companies we created went bankrupt before they could even learn how to crack open any significant technology!" Schnitzel continued to listen to The Emperor's rant the more he heard the more he realised how dependent they became of Valeron's technological marvels!

"The 'Alliance' is the very last option! And I want you to make that happen! By any means necessary, Schnitzel! Marriage, nobility, land I don't care! I Want this done by half of the year!" Schnitzel nodded slowly, he already came up with several ideas on how to deal with this.

"It will be done, Your Highness." The Second Prince seriously said that.

Emperor nodded in turn, the man knows he will have results if he puts Schnitzel on this mission.

"Good, you free to go... " The aged Emperor waved his hand casually motioning him to leave.

Schnitzel stand up and did a small bow and left the Emperor's office.

The very next moment when Second Prince left, several documents were sent flying from the Emperor's desk.

"DAMN YOU BRAT!" Emperor roared with fury, the Royal Guard already got used to it. So, they didn't pay mind to another of the Emperor's outbursts. The word 'Valeron' was forbidden even to be spoken inside the Palace, Schnitzel was quite lucky nothing happened to him!

~~~~~~Two Weeks Later~~~~~~

It barely took any time for Schnitzel to contact the CEO of Valeron Industries, yet for his arrival, there was over two weeks of preparations, mostly with aftershock that the man responsible for such turmoil in Empire is about to arrive in person, how he spread out his Company in the Empire without showing his face even once made Schnitzel quite curious.

Second Prince alongside his two half-sisters and quite a big welcoming committee are waiting for Raynor Valeron to arrive in Royal Airfield in the Capital Of Britannian Empire, Pendragon.

"Are you sure he will arrive? There was no communication from flight control yet, Schnitzel?" Cornelia li Britannia asked, the Second Princess as well as General of Holy Britannian Empire.

She is infamous all over the world and is known as the Witch of Britannia.

"I doubt they will even notice that he is arriving..." Schnitzel said with a neutral tone, as he stared at the front."... remember, E.U didn't knew that as well, and yet he completely subdued the whole military base, and took a person from them..."

Cornelia snorted when she heard that and wanted to mention that E.U Military is much weaker than theirs, as well as less disciplined, their commanders are elected, she could rant on and on how pathetic they are...

Especially after that incident, the whole nation became laughing stock.

"Come now sister, we are about to meet a man who revolutionized medicine in the world, you should be more excited!" Cornelia's younger true blood sister spoke, which brought a smile to the older sister's face, while Schnitzel, gave her a faint smile as well.

Euphemia li Britannia was one of the first to learn who is about to visit Pendragon. Being one of few Imperial family members who care about common people, she did her research on the man responsible for such changes in society in barely a year. So, after learning about his arrival, and direct visit like this, she was first to approach her Half-Brother Schnitzel to allow them o participate, while her Elder sister hearing that just tagged along for her sister 'protection'.

"I am sister, but you should not forget your decorum, you can't act like a fangirl in front of him..." Cornelia tried to scold her but, seeing that happy smile on her face was hard to do...

"Your Highness we have picked up something on long-range cameras." One of the soldiers said to the Second Prince.

Schnitzel slightly smiled hearing that, what wonderful news.

'He is here...'

"My Prince, the radios just went silent!" One of the monitoring officers notified the Prime Minister, with a shocked and quite disbelief filled voice.

He heard rumours about the technology but this is just crazy!

"As expected, continue monitoring." While The Prince casually requested to continue monitoring.

"That one terrifying technology Brother " Cornelia said sharply, such technology would be quite advantageous on the battlefield, on any battlefield.

"Indeed, the rest of you tell Cameramen to switch to cameras send by Valeron Industries " The blonde Prince nodded at his half-sister's observation and ordered to switch cameras provided by the man who is about to visit.

"Yes my Lord!"

Moments later people heard a noise, unlike any engine heard before, two fighter like planes swooped in transforming mid-flight into humanoid machines.

"It's like swimming in water... it's like gravity doesn't affect them at all!" Cornelia said with awe, she never saw such a thing before! What else these machines can do! They don't even look like Knightmares!

"What a fascinating piece of technology... " Schnitzel said while thinking how he could acquire such a piece of technology for his faction and Camelot research group.

The two machines landed, soon the third one did too, but it was more like a plane, a passenger plane. It was an extremely modified design of one, having the same particle-like engine as previous humanoid machines and the wings of this plane are much shorter, it landed in between two Knightmare like machines.

The doors of the plane opened and stairs came out of the bottom, soon first figures can be seen which look like heavily armoured men, started coming out and forming a line.

'Those look like power suits which we were discussing in Camelot, fascinating, he has perfected them as well' Schnitzel thought for a moment as he finally saw Raynor Valeron coming out from Plane.

The Prince and his half-sisters were quite shocked seeing him being so young! They heard rumours about him being this young, but Britannian Empire always take such rumours with a grain of salt.

Then they saw another figure coming after him which was a woman, quite a famous one thanks to her 'abduction' by Raynor. which turned into several weeks of debating, which is what usually Europeans do…

It was quite amusing for Schnitzel to watch all that it was his favourite pass time activity before it ended, its always amusing to watch how democrats tried to work diplomatic way to get their soldier back who has a knack for strategy, if it's true then it was a massive loss for E.U!

'And much better for us, when we start offence on E.U front.' Schnitzel thought with a smirk which soon disappeared from his face as the guests have arrived in front of him.

"Raynor Valeron we finally meet in person." Second Prince offered a handshake which Raynor accepted.

"Prince Schnitzel thank you for the invitation, I was started to get bored back home..." Raynor said with a smile he heard a cough from behind, getting his attention.

"But it's true Leila!" Raynor said back to the girl behind him.

"Are you saying that working on terraforming technology for Mars is boring?" Leila asked with sight.

"It was interesting until I founded how to do it... " Raynor rolled his eyes, which should it obvious.

"I have to apologise for Raynor behaviour, Prince Schnitzel he hasn't switched his thinking gears yet..." Leila elbowed Raynor slightly, as they were not alone!

"It's alright, It seems space travel is not an unreachable goal for you Mister Valeron?" The Prime Minister of the Britannian Empire was quite intrigued to hear that Raynor already has space travelling in the works!

"None of that Prince Schnitzel, call me by my name, when you call me Mister I feel old!" Raynor said with an exasperated voice, it does make him feel old!

"Very well then, then you can call me by name as well." The Prince used such opportunity to get closer to the genius, the more friendly he is the more information he can get after all.

"Now, let me introduce you to my sisters." Second Prince motioned towards his half-siblings." The Second Princess Cornelia li Britannia, and Third Princess Euphemia li Britannia." Both Princess approached Raynor and Leila.

Raynor did a proper bow before he kissed the Princesses knuckles. For some reason, even Cornelia had a little blush on her cheeks, while Euphemia almost passed out when he kissed her knuckle, Schnitzel noticed how his younger half-sibling was reacting to Raynor, he was satisfied with what he saw, his small test proved more than he has expected!

'Maybe we won't lose much from this deal if my analysis of Raynor's character is correct...' Schnitzel thought for himself, maybe it will be easier than he thought.

"Princess Cornelia nice to meet you I have heard your prowess inside Knightmare, very impressive." Raynor comments earned proper blush from always cold and stoic Princess after he kissed her knuckle her breathing turned erratic and it was hard to control it!

'What's wrong with me!? Since when did I fall for simple flattery!? The older Princess thought with some internal panic.

"You have my thanks, Sir Valeron..." Cornelia automatically spoken back.

"None of it Princess, call me by name, I insist " Raynor said that with a disarming smile.

This made her blush even more.

"I will try, but no promises..." she said that by turning away and looking somewhere else.

"That all I ask..." After saying that Raynor turned towards Euphemia who was blushing up a storm just by standing next to him, after all, she is in front of a man who enforced peace and saved thousands of people from different diseases, and stopped few civil wars! For Euphemia, it was a perfect example of peace she wants so much!

"Princess, may I have an honour of?" Raynor gave her his elbow, Euphemia's blush increased but she was able to link her elbow with his.

"Of course, My Lord..." She said barely hiding her borderline squealing voice.

Cornelia shook her head seeing her sister like that, while Schnitzel was satisfied at what he saw.

"Well, lead the way Schnitzel!" Raynor motioned to move on.

"Very well, the Limousine is waiting for us ..." Second Prince motioned to follow him.

~~~~~~En Route To Pendragon Palace~~~~~~

"Britannians to know how to build their castles..." Raynor commented as he saw Massive Pendragon Palace in distance, it dwarfs everything else in the vicinity!

"That we do, it's our way to remember our heritage from Ancestral Home in British isles " Schnitzel looked at the Palace himself.

"And does Britannia has any plans for getting Isles back to its proper owners?" Raynor question got Schnitzel to narrow his eyes for a moment, the question had several layers of meaning this makes the Prince realise that Valeron is not just an eccentric genius.

"That depends on today's meeting..." Prince said in his always present smile on his face.

"I see, then it will be interesting...." Raynor hummed with an interested voice.

"Since there is time why don't you tell about that incident in E.U?" Euphemia asked Raynor, she was sitting next to him, all the time she was holding his hand and she didn't even notice and neither did Raynor even mentioned that to her, it's just that more interesting.

"Are you interested in how I bulled one of the world's superpowers? " Raynor asked that with a curious smirk, Euphemia only blushed she was more interested to learn the reasons, not how he bullied them!

"Indeed it was all over new for few weeks it would be interesting to hear from the ones who caused such incident..." Schnitzel put in his own two bits into this conversation, after all, he will learn even more about him from this story.

Raynor was more than happy to tell them how he bullied the EU…

"Well, it was like that..."

For the next 5 minutes he told an abridged version of his 'Raid' on E.U. Leila wanted to find a hole to hide after it, but for Schnitzel it was another moment to learn about Raynor character, which was the CEO's intention in the first place, the more he knows the better Britannia will behave, not that Raynor is afraid of this country, it will take centuries even with Lloyd's help and him being at research helm, to even to touch his technology.

Not to mention replicate his Solar Reactors, one needs to have a station at Jupiter just for the radiation it emits.

And most of all he is the Master of the Infinity Stones of Technology...

~~~~~~Pendragon Palace ~~~~~~

In one of the conference rooms Raynor and Leila were seated, opposing them was Second Prince and Princess as well as Third Princess.

If it was Schnitzels plan then the meeting like this would be a couple of days later but Raynor decided to 'work now, play later' approach for this. Meaning he wants to finish any business now and relax later.

"The purpose of this meeting Raynor is that, My father, the Emperor wishes to expand, by now you know that, the 'Status quo' you imposed is not to his liking. But, there is an issue, if we attack any other countries we might without knowing provoke your Company which will have devastating Consequences to our Economy..." Schnitzel finished the whole thing in one breath, smoothly-even.

What he said is already know to him, after all, the very first thing he did was put a bunch of bugs in this place for listening he had drones for that not only that but he knows what is happening all the time, and the computers they use are using his software too, nothing happens without him knowing first.

"I see... in that case you shouldn't worry too much, I won't snap without telling someone first. I will lower the prices of medicine for Britannia and its opposing nation for the time of war. " Schnitzel eyes widened for a second, what the hell? He misread his character!?

'He wants war?!'

Euphemia's eyes widened for a second as well while Cornelia only raised an eyebrow at this!

"You wish for war?" Euphemia asked with betrayed voice.

"War is a natural thing in life, like carnivore eating herbivore, and sun replaces the moon in the night sky, winter replace summer Euphemia, if we had peace on planet Earth ever since your first Emperor then our world would be dead by now, from overpopulation and toxic wastes." Raynor harsh words make Euphemia reel back, she needs to understand certain things.

"While I hate meaningless slaughter, I Don't walk away from a fight. Same time I like peace but not for too long, since peace bread decadence, ignorance, laziness, and above all the most dangerous thing boredom..." Raynor blinked once then realised that he started ranting… again.

"Did I just... " He sighed and looked at Leila who had deadpan look.

"Yes, you did..." She said back, already used to his ranting.

"I apologise..."

"No, it's fine, my sister needed to hear that, I didn't know you were in philosophy Raynor, maybe one day we can discuss it " The Second Prince said with a curious look, now he is interested, it seems this eccentric man can see both sides of things...

"Anyway, As I said, I will lower the prices and help the red cross as well on affected areas, allowing quick relief team to save soldiers." The Second Prince and Princess nodded they were quite happy on support on that end too.

'Now to put him on our side...' Schnitzel looked at Euphemia for a moment, while the Third Princess was still in deep thought trying to process the previous words.

"Such help is deeply appreciated, but Britannia would like to have Alliance with Valeron Industries." Raynor raised his eyebrow for a second, pretending to be curious.

"It depends what kind of alliance are you talking about?"

Schnitzel didn't beat around the bush " Marriage of course…"

Both Euphemia and Cornelia eyes widened from shock, Cornelia was the first one to put things together, she looked at Schnitzel with fury the very next second.

"Sir Valeron I would like a moment to speak with my Brother in private..." Cornelia said to Raynor with barely controlled anger towards her brother.

"Of course take your time..." He motioned to take him away for a talk and Cornelia nodded.

The blond already anticipated that and followed after her.