
tasting room for ff

Nothing special in here go away shu shu

Golden_Exprience · Fantasy
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82 Chs



"Right let's see... how should I fish out information about this world?" He thought for a second and the best options would be the most obvious one, to see if there is reception and Internet...

To do that the best option is to use his powers over reality,

So, his body glowed red, an aura surrounded him and he focused on his dominant right hand, a phone slowly came into existence.

It was a phone he is quite familiar with, it was a Samsung S10 and it was a fully operational one.

He opened web explorer, a familiar sign of a web search engine appeared, but it was not google... something called Biglobe, with his supernaturally powered mind he quickly searched his mind and founded a match in his memory banks.

"I am on right track… and if this is what I think it is s going to be lots, lots of fun!"

He quickly entered the world's history in its web search, and he found something which makes him smirk instantly.

His guess was right!

The Holy Britannian Empire! It Exist in this place! That means he was in Code Geass! where mechs exists too!

"This makes so much sense...." He said happily to himself, he was so happy that he quite literally screamed his lungs out!

Now he knew why he was given such power!

'Very well, time to have fun!'

"Time to humiliate the greatest Empire on the planet..."

A plan popped into his head and he quickly walked a little bit deeper into the tropical forest, where a table with a comfortable chair appeared, he sat down and moments later fully operational Laptop appeared in front of him.

"Right time to create identity and company under myself..." He smirked for a moment and a rainbow glow appeared in his eyes, bypassing every single firewall with ease he created his ID in Britannian databanks, next was the stock market well as the National Bank of Britannia.

Becoming rich was so easy that it was even boring...

"Oh well, I thought I will feel something by becoming one of the richest men in the world but I guess I was wrong..." He said that with a bored voice, he thought he would feel something when multiple above six digits will appear in his bank account…

But, it wasn't so...

"I should probably take Starks Route in this one..." He used a web search engine and opened a domain under his name, then started working on establishing a company under his name. He 'won't' be making weapons officially. But he will be creating software, and electronics, clean energy and what ta not…

Cliche stuff for a 'good' company...

"Let's get to work, I have around two years before canon fun begins..."

~~~~~~Year Later~~~~~~

[Approaching Europia United Military base, ETA 1 minute…]

A plane like craft was moving through the air, the most striking thing was that it was quite big, around 10 metres long, and had no proper wings to keep it in the air. Instead, it had blue like particles coming from its back...

In this plane like craft pilot seat was the same person who appeared in this world one year ago.

[Visual in 10 seconds, sir.]

"Roger Ultron, time to have some fun, and acquire my first pet..." He said with an amused smile on his face, the last year was fun running the company as a CEO.

It was entertaining until you became a big shot, then people running states started to send invitations to their parties, balls and whatever else they have there.

He didn't go to any of them, as he was not ready, and wasn't that interested in the first place...

Instead, he made preparations for his company to become indispensable to the world. Meaning that even if he does something crazy, like abducting a certain strategist girl from E.U, and they won't be able to do anything to him, only gnash their teeth and nod... after all, if they banned his company then they will be at a massive disadvantage against Chinese Federation and Britannia, in software, medicine, electronics, that is only a few things his company has a monopoly on in the WHOLE world!

He made sure everyone needs his company...

And for competition in business? Well, let's just say their businesses went bankrupt before they get ground running.

Funny enough, Britannia was the very first one to try to fight back, which didn't go so well, with constant interference on the internet to technological discrepancies, his company crushed any opposition very quickly.

Even Emperor was ranting how this was happening to his empire, which was fun to watch it on live television, he never saw someone that furious, the all-mighty Emperor was incapable of fighting someone in business...

But, enough about last year. Time to reveal the real colours of Raynor Valeron...

~~~~~~Paris Main Military Base~~~~~~

The radios went silent, the very next second every single screen in the Paris Military base went blank with two golden letters indicating quite a familiar brand name to people operating consoles.

V.I standing for...

Valeron Industries

"Sir the screens just went blank and nothing is responding!" one of the operators notified his superior with a panicked look.

"Sir! The radios! they just went silent! " Another one said to his commanding officer, who was looking utterly shocked at what he is seeing in front of him!

He pulled out his phone and looked at its screen, it had the same blank screen with V.I on it!

'What in God's name is going on here!?'

Nonetheless, he snapped out and quickly started issuing new orders to waiting soldiers.

"Try restarting the consoles!"

Then he looked at other operators responsible for radios.

"And you! try switching to different channels!"

"Roger!" " On it!"

This didn't last long as an out of breath soldier run into the central command building and started speaking with hurried voice.

"Sir! Sir! There is Knightmare above our base!!!" The moment the commander hear that he snapped at the solder with an utterly shocked expression.

"What!?! Impossible! This is E.U capital base! HOW on Earth a Britannian Knightmare appeared here?!?" He said with disbelief and even in denial!

"Sir! It's not Britannian!" the Soldier said with a terrified expression on his face.

"When who?" The commander asked back quickly with a pissed-off expression. Who else can create a Knightmare?

"It has Valeron Industries insignia on its shoulder!" Commander was horrified when he heard it, he quickly looked back at console screens in the room connecting the dots.

"Sound the Alarm! Everyone battle stations!" Everyone quickly snapped out after hearing the order, the soldiers tried to do something! But, nothing worked! neither the alarm system responded, neither the console nor the radios!

'We are like sitting ducks here! What the hell is going on here!?'

"Tell pilots that they have permission to use Panzer-Hummel to take that Knightmare down!!!" The Commanding officer was at straws end and decided to order immediate action!

The soldier swiftly nodded and rushed out to notify the pilots to board their machines. But, it was utterly useless as the 'Knightmare' used its beam rifle to open fire on parked Panzer-Hummel with insane precision, destroying each with single-shot each.

And it was done the very moment the Commander ordered to start the offence!

People outside with horrified expressions stared at what is happened to their state of art combat units!

"Sir!" One of the panicked soldiers who didn't know what to do, looked at his superior officer, who had the same expression as the soldier on his face.

"I can see that Private!" He shouted at his subordinate, he was at the loss just as he is!

The Commanding officer rushed out of the main commanding building at stared at the sky where he saw the 'Knightmare'. His facial expression morphed into one of utter terror as well. But, he quickly hid it as gathered his courage and shouted at the machine which was floating in the sky.

"What is the meaning of this! Why are you attacking us?! Are you declaring war on Europia United!?!" He shouted at the Machine in the air.

"None of those I am afraid, it would be one-sided and boring. I am here to ask one of your subordinates to join my Company, she declined my invitation countless times before. But, I got tired of asking nicely, thus I came in person..."

Everyone on the ground looked shocked, terrified, and angry this guy came here and cause this mess because he wanted a single person!?

"And you think we will just hand over someone like that?!" The commanding officer just shouted with a pissed off expression, his eyes were burning with fury, such humiliation is something he won't going to lie down!

"I am not asking commander... I am telling what going to happen, I am a busy man, running the world largest company is quite a difficult job..."

"You! You are... Raynor Valeron!! The CEO of Valeron Industries!?" The fury disappeared from the commanders face as he realised that he was talking with the mysterious founder of Valeron Industries, the very same man who over a single year has put the whole world under his thumb!

'I see... so, that's how it is! He made the whole world addicted to his technological marvels, forced other companies bankrupt, and now he can do whatever he wants! Damn you!' The older man gnashed his teeth, after he realised what this means!

'If we ban him, other countries will use that to their advantage! His medicine alone can heal almost any ailments, and if our software is outdated, Britannian or Chinese hackers will use that to their advantage... DAMN YOU!'

"Correct... now then..." The machine pointed its rifle at the gathered people on the ground, and they finally realised that they are in danger!

"Hand over Leila Malcal, and I shall leave..." The commander eyes widened hearing the name of the person he came here for!

'What does he want with a girl who just recently graduated from Military academy!?!' That was the only question that came to the Commander mind!

~~~~~~With Leila~~~~~~

What's going on? Why everything went silent? I walked out of my barrack room which I share with my fellow graduates, and looked around.

It was quiet, far too quiet!

The base was utterly silent, no noise was coming from the room adjacent to my one, the outside is far too quiet as well, usually they have some practices happening.

Then, I looked through the window and noticed that people have gathered outside and they were are staring at something in the air.

"Leila, what's going on?"

I turned around and looked at my friend who was just as confused as I was.

"I don't know Anna, and it's creeping me out!" I said back to her as I approached the windows once more and looked closely at what everyone was looking at.

Then I saw it in the Air...

"What is... that thing!?!" I said with utter shock, why was no one notified that something big was happening? Without thinking much about this I started running towards outside where most of the Army is gathered.

When I was outside, I was able to have clear look at the machine, it was around 9 to 10 metres tall, with dominant white colour on its mainframe, and secondary colour being blue and red, what most stands out is the machines head which took inspiration from Japanese Samurai helmets.

The other thing was the ability to fly, there are no propulsion devices or wings, the only thing that comes to mind is those blue particles coming from its back...

"Hand over Leila Mall, and I shall leave..."


He is here for me!

Oh my God...

The emblem of Valeron Industries...

In a way, I am flattered that someone of such a massive corporation will come in person. But, this is in the realms of terrifying...

I did received several proposals to work for Valeron Industries with a very generous salary, but by then I was on my way to finishing Academy.

I didn't put much thought when I rejected the offers...

"Ah, Leila there you are! I thought I will need to rip every single roof of this base to find you..." I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard him happily talk about ripping rooftops off! This guy is utterly dangerous!

Most geniuses are, this one just takes the cake!

"Here I am Raynor Valeron!" I put a brave front in front of him, all of the military personnel were looking at me, I am not big of a fan to be in the spotlight, but this is necessary.

"Indeed! Now then have you thought about the propositions I send to you the other day?" I have to think before I answer otherwise who knows what he will do!

"I did! And I have to decline my place is in the military!" I already have decided that there is no going back, while the rest of the soldiers around looked quite pale after hearing my answer.

"I see... Even if I am offering freedom from the Malcal family and closure for your birth family? "

How does he know!?! This is...

"Please, you expected I came here unprepared? You must realised something...."

Then I heard the sound of rocked launcher releasing its rocket at the Flying Machine


It was a direct hit, I was shocked as well as relieved, and disappointed...

But, it was short-lived as Purple Laser beam hit the place where the rocket came from!

Oh God, he killed several soldiers with that shot!!! This is getting out of hand, I can feel Anna starting to hug one of my arms, she was scared so was I.

"I do hope people should by now realise that common weapons don't work on me..."

The voice coming from the machine starts to get irritated, that doesn't spell anything good for the E.U military

"Leila dear, What is your answer? I hope you realise that I will be disappointed with E.U if they will keep you in the Military..."

"I don't like threatening people, since it usually affects more than one individual, while I am trying to keep the effects as small as possible, but it doesn't work this way..."

I see...

I have no choice then.

I looked at my best friend who was in utter shock at what she is hearing, even the rest of the military simply don't know what to do... guns don't work, rockets don't work either, anti-Knightmare rounds are out of order, and technology is simply off…

The CEO of Valeron Industries has the most defended base of E.U in its hold, without much as a fight!

"Very well I accept..." I said with tired sight, Anna gasped at me.

"Leila what ta hell you think you're doing! You can't accept that!" before I can answer, that machine landed in front of me, and the hatch on the chest piece opened, I saw that machine is operating on its own, Anna next to me was surprised to point that she nearly squealed from awe!

"It has its own A. I!" That term was unheard of for me, and it seems my friend noticed my confusion.

"A. I is a term used for Artificial Intelligence, the technology on that machine is at least ten years in front of ours! Probably is even more than that!" Anna said as she almost went into her geek mode.

I looked back and saw the machine hand moved towards its hatch and a person came out of it and stepped on the machine's hand, then it moved a little bit forward.

Why is he showing himself like that!?

The very next moment one of the angry soldiers opened fire on him, only for the bullet to stop mid-air, in front of the CEO of Valeron Industries!

Everyone were shell shocked, the one who shot even lowered the gun from disbelief! He was not the only one, I was one of those too! So was my best friend!

Is that some sort of mental power? Like telekinesis?

"Really? A bullet? What's next to an arrow? Or maybe a javelin? you need to improvise a little bit more..." The CEO said al that with a mocking voice before he motioned for the bullet to turn around and then he sends it back! but, thankfully the shell shocked soldier quickly jumped out of the path of the bullet.

Then the machine went on one knee and put the infamous CEO on the ground, the sheer gall and fearlessness of this man was absurd, not only he was not afraid to be in the middle of the enemy most protected base, he didn't even acknowledge anyone expect me with his gaze.

"How did you do it?" he just stopped bullet mid-air without even touching it!

"Telekinesis... I will teach you later, Leila " His casual acting threw me off the loop, doesn't he understand where he is !?!

He is surrounded by hundreds of armed men!

"Stop right there! " Base commander pointed his handgun at Raynor Valeron, he was tired of all of this...

"I don't think so..." The CEO waved his hand at the Commander and the gun appeared in Raynor's hand.

"Interesting use of electricity. But, Beam technology is better... " He then literally squeezed the gun with his hand, breaking it into pieces.

Several gulps spread through the base, I was one of them, maybe he knows what he is doing?

"So, Leila say bye to your girlfriend for few months, you won't be seeing her. but, I will help you to keep in touch with her." He then pulled out something similar to the phone and walked over to us, he handed it over to terrified Anna who overcame her fear when she saw some piece of advanced technology.

I could only roll my eyes at her, who overcame her fear like this!

"Here sweetheart with this you will be in touch with your friend..." after giving the phone like device to Anna. He turned back to me and gave me his hand.

I was reluctant to accept but, my instincts were telling me to accept otherwise bad things will happen to her country.

What a terrifying thought… threatening a superpower like this, just how much firepower he truly has?

So, I accepted his hand, and a warm feeling washed me up, realising that it will be very interesting from now on!

We walked on the machine's hand and it went up on its feet and it started to fly.

"Valeron! At least tell us why you need Private Malcal!?" The base commander shouted at him from the ground, he sounded quite defeated.

"You underestimated her talent for strategizing, while not at the level of Second Prince Schnitzel, she is quite close... " My eyes widened, I am that good?!?

"Impossible! She didn't score that much in her tests!"

The CEO snorted at the commander's outburst.

"Whatever floats your boat commander! Let's go Leila dear! We have a date to prepare! " He said that with a massive smile as he pulled me closer.

W-What!?! What this man is talking about!

I barely had time to react as he pulled me into the cockpit of the machine, it was completely spherical, complete 360 view, and there was no buttons only the control sticks and pedals! Everything else was just screens!

'Incredible, so much more advanced than Panzer-Hummel...'

Then I realised that there is only one seat...

"W-wait a second !" without telling anything he got me on his lap, as the cockpit sealed itself, and the machine started to accelerate yet I could feel any of that, I could that from how fast we were moving!

"Well my dear Leila, we have few hours to learn about it each other..." why in all holy names I am feeling like a teenage girl in love!!! he probably did something to me and yet, I can stop smiling!!!