
tasting room for ff

Golden_Exprience · Urban
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64 Chs


A portal opened, and the body of a teenager flew out, seconds later gravity kicked in it started falling.


"Ufff!" Moments later the teenager crash-landed on a sandy beach, right after him 6 different stones landed right on top of his head.

"Uhhh, what the fuck just happened?" He slowly pulled himself out of the sand, and looked around, he can see palm trees, not a too big mountain not far away, green vegetation of tropical kind was growing all over it.

He then turned to the other side and saw the beautiful cerulean sea, it was warm, really warm to the point that the Teen had to take his hoody off.

"How did I ended up in here? " He said to himself as he got up on his feet and looked around once more, and then he noticed something, the six shiny stones on the ground...

"Wait a sec... are whose what I think they are?" He slowly picked up the shiny blue stone, he could feel unlimited power rolling from it.

"Yes, it is one... but... How... can I hold it like that?" he said to himself, then the wind blew a piece of paper right into his face.


"What the…"

He pulled it down and saw something written on it with elegant letters.

Why Hello there!

I can see you happily made it there and found my gifts to you! These six stones are quite different from the ones you known since the original ones will be too strong for you in this reality. So, I did few temperings and made sure they will work with what you love most!

Technology and Mechas! Not bad right?

While the other powers will be there, they will only work to a certain extent!!!


And have fun!

The paper disintegrated after reading it...

"Did... I Just got ROB'ed?" The teenager looked with utter shock at his hand, try to process what just happened to him.

Few moments later his gaze went the blue stone in his hand. There was some sort of reaction that made the stone release a wisp of energy and the stone started to sink into his hand!

"What's going on?" Moments later, it was in his body, a small shockwave washed over him, and he could feel that he can be anywhere!

"This is the power of Space Stone ?" He checked his hand, he could feel power pulsing through his body!

"Holy shit..." he tapped into it, and took a step, Blue clouds surrounded him and he disappeared, and appeared twenty metres away from his last location.

"This is so cool!" He took a step back and reappeared in his old location, and picked up a purple stone, its energy washed up in the same way, then it sunk into his body, purple energy washed him up very next second, amplifying his power several folds...

He felt like he could do anything now!

"So, this is POWER!" He clenched his hands for few moments before pointing his finger at the palm tree in distance, slowly the tree started to morph and a black hole appeared in its trunk, slowly the tree was sucked in leaving only an uprooted piece of wood behind.

"So, this is the might when space and power work together. It's much weaker than in Marvel. but, it's enough for me..." He smirked to himself and then went to pick up the next stone which was the yellow one

"The mind stone let's see the perks it gives me..." The stone slowly sink into his hand, and yellow power washed his body, he felt like in his mind flood gates opened washing him over, making him understand things, releasing the limiters of his brain, making him achieve full potential.

"I see... Impressive... eidetic memory? Full recall, as well as mind partition? Damn, I am like the smartest man now with this..." With a single hand wave, other stones started to fly around him.

He already understood how to wield Power and Space!

This time orange stone floated to his hand, then it started to sink into his body, washing up with its power, filling him with self-confidence…

"Oh yes, the soul stone..." He chuckled, the amount of confidence he has now is staggering, he doubts he would even blink if someone would point a gun at him!

Nonetheless, he then summoned the green stone to his hand, just like the previous ones it started to sink into him, moments later the power over time washed him over.

"And now time is my bitch!" He continued to chuckle, trying its power for a second, the most simplest idea was to one gaze into the past.

And he was not disappointed as he could do that with ease! No matter the period, he even saw the time when the island he was on was underwater!

After playing with time for a bit he decided to get the last stone! The reality stone! With a casual hand wave, the stone floated into his hand.

"Yes... the most import one... the Reality stone..." The red stone sunk into his body washing him with the power of bending reality itself.

Then rainbow glow surrounded him and settled down...

"With this, the power of snap is here... but I... can feel that I can't do it... I see... so, that is the limitations... but even so, I have pseudo-Godhood with this..." He flexed his hand with a smirk.

"Time to find out where I am..."

And depending on where he is he will have his amusement! finally! no more boredom!