
Tangled journey in Harry Potter.

WARNING- The author its not an English native-speaker, sorry about the grammatic errors. We are following our MC in his rebirth in the HP world, but with a much more complicated world that in the cannon, with a priviliged mind, eidetic memory and the previous knowledge of his previous life as his goldfinger.

MordredIVV · Others
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26 Chs

That cunt sack of bones!

(Recommended song for this chapter: Really Slow Motion-Event Horizon)

Now Harry let's go to your family vault.

They stood up and sit in a miner's wagon/roller coaster, they goes through hundreds of tiny vaults until they arrive to the VIP section here there was less quantity of vaults and they are bigger and have more security than the tiny ones they were still traveling until they arrive to Potter's family vault and Vilbot help us open the vault with the key.

-Little masters the Head told me to give you this magic poach with this you can acess to your money from the vault without coming here, first you will need to bleed a few couple of blood drops over them to gives it your signature so only you can acess to the poach, and that's all I will leave you here I will be outside if you need me.

-Thanks Mr. Vilbot!

-Wow bro you are loaded!! Look at those huge piles of gallons!

-Not more than you prat!

They just break in laugh, and focus on searching through the vault there were some books, artifacts and some documents in a corner of the vault.

-Harry here is your parents will, come here right now!

Lily Potter (Evans) last will.

Harry, dear, if you are seeing this then I am dead and I am sorry for leaving you, I dont know how many years old yo have now so I am going to be direct, did you have a girlfriend?

You need to tully meditate about it becausee there are people that will approach you with bad intentions like you can see the Potter's family is one of the richest magic families but you might not know that it's also one of the most powerful ones, your ancestors were founders of the Wizengamot among a few Most Noble and Ancient Houses, so you have a permanent place in their ranks also you have a permanent place in the ICW (International Confederation of Wizards) so anyone with political ambition will aim to being close to you even maybe they will order their daughters to marry you by any means possible so be careful with your choice.

I have a lot of expectations for you my little boy if you are reading this letter before going to Hogwarts you have to take Flitwick as your master he was mine, he will teach you charms and he is also the best at dueling, you will also need to be good in arithmency and rune magic in this dangerous times almost all wizards work really hard to be proficient in those ones because they can help you in the most perilous occasions.

I also forbid even if James told you to do it, to make jokes, I cant look at McGonagall in the eyes if a new Marauders born from the ashes!

I will always love you.

-Harry I think that we need to make sure that your mother to be proud of you.

-Yes bro we have to be the most powerful wizards ever and we also have to be careful around witches.

James Potter last will.

Harry, pup, if you are looking to this then I am dead but dont worry I am sure that I drag a lot of them with me, I am sorry to leave you on your own, I am sorry for not teaching you how to become a true heir of the Most Noble and Anciet House of Potter you need to learn that yourself and quickly dont easily trust the wizard families they were all just go for the profits, being financial or political means.

You also need to have your properties in magical and muggle sectors well taken care of, we have also a lot of artifacts in the family vault and some of those are really powerful ones, the most powerful one the Potter's heirloom and also one of the Death Hallows: the invisibility cape, you need to take care of it, you will need Potter's ring to acess all your magical properties.

If you are seeing this letter before you go to Hogwarts you need to know that they will ask you to bring a magic pet: an owl, a cat or a toad, but most of the magic families give their childs a battle magic pet there's no rule that you can't bring any other pets to Hogwarts, now its an important decision to make because those battle magic pets will fight along you, so your first magic bond has to be with your battle magic pet, you also might buy an owl for message purposes, but your true partner has to be the battle magic pet of your election (go to Magical Menagerie that's the ideal shop to buy a battle magic pet).

Love you pup.

-Well we both need battle magic pets Harry!

Crap this is the first change that I notice from the cannon and is a major one, if all the magic families have a battle magic pet fighting along them then pretty much all the Death Eaters have one and that's going to complicate things, Harry read the last page of his parent will.

In case that Lily and James Potter are both dead.

In case that we both died our son will live with someone in the following list and the candidates are in order of importance being the first od the list the one that we want the most to raise our son if we aren't there.

1. Sirius Orion Black (Most trustful friend and godfather of Harry).

2. Anyone of the Longbottom family.

3. Minerva McGonagall.

4. Filius Flitwick.

5. Andromeda Tonks.

6. Rubeus Hagrid.

By any means take Harry to Petunia and Vernos Dursley they are the worst human beings I ever saw, Lily sister's brain just broke when she wasn't allowed to go to Hogwarts from then she hates her and anything related to magic, and his husband is a violent pig.

-Now you know why I dont trust that cunt sack of bones!!!

-This... Ian why that old man do this to me?!!

-I dont know Harry but we are going to found why he did this, now Harry the thing that you aren't gonna like is that in summer and winter vacations you are going to pass some time with the Dursley's, I know this is crazy but in those seasons Dumbledore is free to do whatever he wants and maybe he is going to see if you are still living with them, now I have a spy in his ranks that's going to tell me of his whereabouts but I dont know if he does something spontaneously so we better have caution those times, you will always be guarded by Scott.

-This I hate them Ian, but I know that I have to do that, to avoid the suspitions of that motherfucker of Dumbledore and also to protect you, mom, dad and grandpa's.

Then they search for the Potter's propierties among them they have at least one building in each magic alley around the globe, they also have a manor, and a big quantity of muggle buildings in a lot of capitals around the world, they search for the artifacts but they weren't anywhere.

-Well bro now we need to go to Ollivander's first and tell him about our "wands" then we have to go for a storage store for something to keep our stuff and then search for the most useful information I think that the bookstore will be the perfect choice we need to search for some combat robes or some way to adjust a more useful design with magic materials also we need information about the magic battle pets, we need to know how a wizard normally fights in this era and make adjustments in our plan with that information.

Both of them go out from Gringotts and they go to a shabby place it might be the oldest and less careful building in the whole Diagon Alley it says Ollivander's Wand shop.

Ey guys a little bit late but I update the chapter today, tomorrow I am going to update at least 3 chapters stay tuned!!

Remember that all the constructive criticism and new ideas are welcome in this story.

Thanks and enjoy!

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