
Tangled journey in Harry Potter.

WARNING- The author its not an English native-speaker, sorry about the grammatic errors. We are following our MC in his rebirth in the HP world, but with a much more complicated world that in the cannon, with a priviliged mind, eidetic memory and the previous knowledge of his previous life as his goldfinger.

MordredIVV · Others
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26 Chs

New type of wand.

(Recommended song for this chapter: Marika Takeuchi-Time)

-Ammm... Ian are you sure we are in the right spot? This place looks like its going to fall anytime.

-Well we are in the right place maybe we can add to fix his store to the deal...

They enter Ollivander's Wand Store and inside is probably worst than outside, there were a mess of boxes, dust and cobwebs everywhere, there is no living room or place for you to wait, its something that you will need if you delay in giving the wizard his right wand and there is no staff anywhere you have to wait to the old man to attend you.

-Good evening little wizardshow can I help you?

-Mr. Ollivander I presume? I have a business proposition for you.

-Mmm how rare, well I am listening Mr...?

-My name is Ian Ward, and I want you to make a new type of wand for myself and my brother, we already went to Gringotts and we convinced the goblins to make us 2 sword and 2 long knife artifacts but we want these artifacts to also be our wands we are going to cover all expenses and when the wands were ready we are going to give you 1 million gallons per artifact and 1 million extra for your handwork, we are also going to repair your shop, make a living room and give you at least one wizard to attend the clients while you are gone and another one to keep the store clean, all of this is not going to cost you anything and we are also paying the staff their salary.

-I was already bought when you mentioned new type of wands and when you told me that you already convinced the goblins I almost jumped in joy, well then I will be delighted to make this wands but I have to advice you that they might not chose you.

-The goblins told us that they need a liter of our blood for each artifact and this ensure us that the artifacts are only ours.

-Marvelous maybe I can make wands the same way... Oh and what kind of magic cores you want for your wand we use all kind of heartstrings, hair of magical races and creatures.

-We want that the sword artifacts have powerful dark magic cores they have to maximize the power and make charms and dark spells easier to shoot, and the long knife artifacts we want the most powerful light magic cores they have to maximize the power of transfiguration and healing spells.

-So that with the combination of both you can have an all round wand what an amazing idea Mr. Ward you and your brother will be great wizards!! And what about the design of both of your wands?

-First we are going to provide you with the material, we are going to make some connections with magic families to speed those materials for you I think that in a week or two you will have all the materials necessary to start the experimentation and then we are going to tell the goblins our specifications, also tomorrow they are going to come and repair your shop, and you can start interviewing potential candidates for your staff.

-Well happy cooperation!

Ian and Harry search for a storage store until they found Bell Magic Suitcase Store, in the cannon they didn't say where did Harry bought his suitcase so this is new.

-Hello kiddos, how can I help you?

-Sir we need 2 magic suitcases as big or bigger than Newt's Scamander suitcases can that be possible?

-If you have the money of course!

Ian have travel around the world allmost all his present and his past life, he remembers the design of his travel suitcase from the past life he loves this design for the sturdiness, mobility and security.

-Then we need 2 black suitcases that follow this design its a muggle design called Sindermore anti-scratch trolley luggage here is the security design it has 3 locks and a key security system.

-Mmm yes we can do it, what materials and runes would you need?

-We need to make this the most sturdy as possible without giving it too much weight and for rune magic I dont know anyhting about that could you explain to me what kind of rune magic you could apply to it?

-Well we might make your suitcase from ukranian dragon belly skin and then give it a featherweight rune applied to them, we have a lot of magic runes if we apply a clean as new rune, the exterior and interior of the suitcase will remain clean, a location rune to make all your stuff neat, obviously a space and enlargement rune if you want to make it as large as Newt's suitcase, a security rune that will open your space only if it recognize your magic signature besides your security design, space replacement rune if you want to make it a muggle suitcase, a hard iron rune if you want to make it the most sturdy suitcase from outside and from inside for other rune I need to know what are you going to place in your suitcase.

-We want all of those, we are going to need 2 space replacement runes, one for muggle purposes, another one for Hogwarts and the last one is the main one we need it to have a library section, and apothecary section, a place for our magic pets, another one with six greenhouses 1 for each season, one for a dark environment and the last one for acuatic herbology, a wardrobe, a kitchen section and for the last one we need it to have a cell for magic animals and for wizards as well.

-Well you have to be quite rich Mr...?

-Oh yes me name is Ian Ward, how much woul it be?

-Your welcome Mr. Ward I am Nuctus Bell, well it's at least three times as large of Newt's suitcase one as large for magic pet purposes another one for the greenhouses and the apothecary section and the last one for the remain of things you want it also add a lot of runes, climate rune for your greenhouses, a conservation rune for your potions and another one for the kitchen, a space replacement for your magic pets section, we dont want them to eat each other, right? and another more complicated ones for the cell, if we add all of that to your hadmade design and the materials it will cost you around 100K gallons each suitcase and i will finish them in 1 year.

-Then you can start doing them here is 100K the remaining we are going to pay you after you give us our suitcases.

-Great! Then come here and we sign the contract.

-It's a pleasure to do business with you Mr. Bell also we need 2 book and 2 apothecary suitcases for the time being.

-A plessure indeed, you can have them for free Mr. Ward.

In the searching for the storage store Ian and Harry saw a lot of bookstores in its way there was the famous Flourish and Blotts, Obscurus Books, Second hand bookstore they decided to go to Flourish and Blotts first.

Flourish and Blotts established since 1454, this is the place that the majority of wizards bought his books also in here is where little Ginny Weasley get's Voldemort horocrux or where the dumbass of Gilderoy Lockhart do an autograph meeting.

-Harry let's go I am going to talk with the manager and you go and find the books that we need, search for everything related with the last war especially how did the fight, apothecary books if you can some clothing books to see if they have something like a combat magic robe and all the realted to battle magic pets and it's classification.

-Hi, little wizard are you searching for any books in specific?

-No I need your help with something.

-How can I help you?

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