
Tangled journey in Harry Potter.

WARNING- The author its not an English native-speaker, sorry about the grammatic errors. We are following our MC in his rebirth in the HP world, but with a much more complicated world that in the cannon, with a priviliged mind, eidetic memory and the previous knowledge of his previous life as his goldfinger.

MordredIVV · Others
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26 Chs

Diagon Alley.

(Recommended song for this chapter: Christian Baczyk-Embrace our world)

-Now Harry between this bookstore and that clothing store there's a shabby pub that didn't belong to the street.

-Leaky Cauldron it's a weird name for a pub Ian, now why all these people didn't notice or enter it?

-There's some magical wards that make muggles unaware of it existence and that ensures that no muggle can enter, let's think about it. you wouldn't walk through a wall. right?

-And why are we going to enter a pub Ian?

-Behind that pub it's the entrance of the Diagon Alley Harry.

They ignored the curious looks of the wizards in the pub, Ian told Harry to hide his scar from the onlookers so he is wearing a hat.

-Sir, we are looking for the Diagon Alley entrance will you might help us to open it?

-Of course kiddo but aren't you a little bit younger to go to Hogwarts?

-Yea me and my brother were both 7 years old sir, but we are looking for our parents they are wizards we were busy looking to the muggle bookstore besides the pub and the go ahead of us but as you know we dont have wands to open the Diagon Alley entrance.

-Well kids my name is Tom I am the owner of this pub and I'll be very happy to help you.

Then they went behind the pub to an inside yard were there was only a garbage can a huge quantity of bricks, Harry look at me with a smug face like he was trying to say "Beware of the mighty magic alley!" then Tom took out his wand and touch some bricks with it, the bricks start moving on its own and let us look the Diagon Alley ("Shut your mouth Harry or you are going to eat some flies!") I return the smug face at him and then Tom leave us saying that we need to taste the food of his pub when we were done.

-Well Harry first we need to go to the wizard bank I notice that they don't use pounds as currency.

They approach Gringotts shocking with the tiny little goblins that were looking at them like they were some filthy thiefs.

-Ian... what are those? says Harry with a tiny voice.

-Those grumpy little things are a magical race called goblins Harry and even if they are tiny they are pretty powerful so treat them with respect.

-Hello, I am interested in talking with the Head of Gringotts, I have some business proposition with him, also may your gold increase greatly!

The goblin glimpse ath these little wizard with astonishment and expenctancy in his 50 years of working in Gringotts he wasn't treated with respect even once.

-Of course little master I am going to talk with the Head, and may your enemy's blood drips through your sword.

They were waiting about 15 minutes when the same goblin comes through the door with another one that has some mighty aura around him when I try to look at him I suddenly change between sights and I peek at their auras, their magic auras, the first goblin were about twice as Harry's aura and the Head were about fouth times as him, then the look on the faces of the goblin change and that makes me a little nervous.

-Valbot did you see the same thing as I did?

-Yes Head this little wizard has magic sight, the last wizard that we know that haves it died 50 years ago.

-Well Mr. Valbot here tolds me that you have some business in mind, Mr..?

-My name is Ian Ward and I have 3 business propositions and 3 procedures that needs from your permission.

-Ok I am listening Mr. Ward.

-First I need a VIP vault here and the connection with all other Gringott branches and magic bank around the world, second I have huge assets so I need to know how much is the current pound conversion to magic currency?

-The first one it's pretty easy we have one vault besides the Peverell family vault but you will need about 10,000 gallons of savings to get it, and the current conversion is of 5 pounds equals to 1 gallon.

-I need that vault and also my family have liquid assets of 10 trillion pounds and 5 trillion of money, so you understand that if I inject 5 billion pounds through your bank conversion I might damage the conversion system, so I need you to acept my convertion without actually involves the currency system.

-To make a conversion off the records, mmm well I am ok with that then I will welcome the most richest man in the magic world to our bank also the first one with magic sight in 50 years!

-Magic sight?

-Yes our race is very sensitive to magic so when I enter the room we saw you use the magic sight on us, it's like two fireballs instead of eyeballs.

-But if you are going to inject that quantity of money then we need to do some adjustments to your vault, also how many keys do you want?

-I will need 2, one for myself and the other one for my brother.

-For the last procedure I need you to sit down, also Harry take out your hat.

-Ok bro.

-As you see my brother is the boy who lived, Harry Potter so we need full acess to his family vault and for that we need that you name Harry as Lord of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter, something that is in his right.

-But I can't name him Lord he doesn't have the age to be one.

-I know that, but I also know that it's not new that an underaged wizard claims his lordship, I know it's not common but it's not impossible If you do that then I will do the 3 propositions that will benefit you and your race.

-Mmm I am listening...

-I have 3 propositions of business, the first one is called insurance it's a practical business that happens in the muggle world I have the money funds to make it happen if a wizard dies of natural causes, gets killed, get's sick or if he dies from an experiment then we are going to pay him an amount proportional to the insurance plan and how much time he was paying his insurance, it might not sound profitable but what if the whole world community pays per person huge quantities of money per month, just in case something bad happens, there will be someone that might try to kill himself or injure himself those people will get nothing or even they will go to jail.

-The second one is lending money, as banks we can lend to wizards money that they dont have and put them some interests proportional on how much money they want and their time lapse to pay, if they dont pay you can wait for them and put more difficult interests or we can directly take out his possesions to pay their debts.

-The last one is that I want 2 swords and 2 long knifes artifacts similar to the Gryffindor sword

but those artifacts will also being magicals wands, We are going to talk to Ollivander to colaborate with you in the fabrication of them we are going to pay for all the materials that you might use and we will give you a million gallons per artifact and a million extra for your hard work when you finish them.

This was a decision that Ian and Harry made after I say to him that almost all the european wizards use a wand and they dont actually have close combat situations they were going to use the combat lessons from today until they were going to Hogwarts to train with Fencing and Systema as all the other martial arts, most wizards were more medium to long range, except Durmstrang and maybe other wizard academies around the world, but Hogwarts wizards only knew their wands and that's it so I convince him to make our wands that way killing two birds with one stone.

Guys sorry I have some private issues today and I dont update as many chapters as yesterday.

Remember that all the constructive criticism and new ideas are welcome in this story.

And I am looking at the book pic right now.

Thanks and enjoy.

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