
Tangled journey in Harry Potter.

WARNING- The author its not an English native-speaker, sorry about the grammatic errors. We are following our MC in his rebirth in the HP world, but with a much more complicated world that in the cannon, with a priviliged mind, eidetic memory and the previous knowledge of his previous life as his goldfinger.

MordredIVV · Others
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26 Chs


(Recommended song for the chapter: Really Slow Motion-Edge of Eternity)

-I am going to do a big purchase of books, are you the manager?

-No I am not but I am the assistant manager, the manager is not here he is dealing with a book purchase, b ut I can help you in anyway.

-Well I want to purchase every book in this store except for Gilderoy Lockhart books, all of the astronomy and fortune telling, all the muggle related books and all of Harry Potter stories, I am also going to need you to give me the invisible book of invisibility if you find it.

-Wow that's a huuuge purchase!

-Sir if you allow me to give you an advice, if you are this rich you might want to purchase a magic book called Grimoire.

-What benefits give me this Grimoire book?

-A grimoire it's a true magic book it can copy the content of other books and it can also help you to archive and scan specific words that were copied in it, its like having a whole library in one book and also with a librarian, it's a pity that there's no rune yet to copy the notes inside the book it only copies the original content, but dont be so sad because it also has the option to make your own notes in it, it comes with a security rune, a featherweight rune and a shrink rune, so anyone will think that it is a pocket notebook.

-I need 2 grimoires with all the books that I bought already copied, how much and how long will you take to get them done?

-There aren't a lot of people around the world that can make it, here only the boss could do it, but I know that it takes at least 3 months to make one he charge 50K gallons for it, and for the other purchase wait me a little bit.

-It's going to be 1 million and a half gallon for two copies of everybook and 100K for the grimoires.

-Well then let's sign a contract and also help me tell the manager that if any other interesting book came to his hands we can always make a deal.

-Of course, oh I forgot tou ask your name!!

-It's nothing my name is Ian Ward nice to meet you Mrs...?

-Oh my name is Katherine Reynolds but you can called me Kat.

-Ok ammm... Kat my brother is looking to some books related with the way of fighting in the previous war, some apothecary books and other ones related to battle magic pets, could you help me to tell me which one of them are the best?

-Of course Ian amm well for the last war we have some guide books, but I think the best that you can find is "Dealing with Death Eaters" by Rufus Scrimgeour he is the actual leader of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and he deals with a lot of Death Eaters in the war and in the present as well.

-For Apothecary there are three, "Magical Drafts and Potions" by Arsenius Jigger, this will give you the information you need for the first years in Hogwarts, "One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi" by Phyllida Spore, this will show you a huge quantity of information of the magical herbs around the world his uses and treatment and also what you need to do to take care of them or if you need to be careful of them and the last one "Advanced Potion-Making" by Libatius Borage this will give you the information that you need for the last years of Hogwarts, but if you want to be careful of a Potion master that's fighting with you then you need "How to combat poisons" by Gunhilda of Gorsemoor

and "Ancient Runes Made Easy" with "Introduction to magic wards" both written by Laurenzoo those are needed if a Potion master throws you a magic bomb.

-And what do you mean by a potion master?

-Anyone that pass his OWL is a qualified potion master but if they actually pass their NEWT they will be scary as hell.

Shit I need to put Snape higher in the blacklist this is getting more and more complicated I am thinking that Harry and I need to go far away and really fast.

-For Battle Magic Pets we have a lot of books about the treatment and what do they eat, or how to hatch them but the best book in the market about pets and its classification is "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" by Newton Scamander but we dont sell that book you can find it in Obscurus Books.

-Would you help me to give me two copies of those books I am going to find my brother.

-Of course they are already yours anyway it was a plessure Ian you can always come and say hello, also here's my adress if you want to keep in touch.

Ian look at this young witch she have around 13 or 14 years old she was 5 feet and 4 inches tall, green eyes and brown hair, she was very pretty and she seems to be pretty smart also well keep in touch with her might help me in the future.

-Of course Kat here's mine good bye.

Ian search for Harry all around the bookstore until he found him reading in some corner.

-Bro I was waiting for you what were you doing all this time?

Harry looks at Ian with a frustration look with a little bit teary eyes then I look at the book he was reading "Harry Potter and the Banshee" by Gilderoy Lockhart, oh I want to crush that fucking smile of him so badly!!

-Ian why they are saying that I do all this stuff it's not only Lockhart they are a dozen authors that say that I fistfight with a dragon or kill a dementor, or other stupid stuff they are trying to make the people think that while I was in the muggle world with my fucking relatives I was having a great time dealing with all this magic creatures and dark wizards.

-Dont worry Harry we are going to take them down the autors and the editiorials as well, now let's go we need to read a lot today we are going to come back in 2 weeks.

-Ok bro now I know what were you talking about me being famous and how tedious that will going to be I am thinking of wearing this hat all the time now.

-Dummy, shit we are going to be late for Scott training he is going to kill us!!

Ian and Harry faces drop as a shiver goes through their bodies they know that they fucked up and that hell is waiting them in the manor, they just pick their stuff and keeps running like if their lifes depended on it, they go out from the leaky cauldron and take out the first cab they saw.

In the manor an angry Scott and his friends were waiting for the little master, he and Harry went out without him and without any security bodyguard they are also late for their teaching session he is thinking of ways to make their lives hell right now, knowing the little master they were fine, but he doesnt need to put him and Harry at risk, he was talking with the other instructors to increase their training schedules when 2 little boys comes rushing throught the door.

-Little masters how wonderful that you glad us with your presence without mentioning that you went out with a body guard.

Ian and Harry look at each other "We are so dead", Ian look at Harry like he was saying "He doesnt know you like me, maybe you can make him have mercy" Harry just look at him back "I think that it's imposible to do that" then we both take a look at their instructors and they knew that they will be pissing blood this 2 weeks.

-Now we were talking about your training schedules...

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