

Frrhhh!!!, the car came to an halt. Young man, we are at the destination, the taxi man said.

Thanks so much Daniel said coming down from the taxi.

Here sir, Daniel said stretching his hand to the man to give him some notes.

No, dont worry young man, the taxi man said rejecting the money.

Success young man!, the taxi driver said and drove off.

Now here we are, Daniel said looking at the tall building.

Hello, Daniel said greeting the young lady who seem to be the receptionist.

Good morning young man, she replied looking at him, probably accessing him.

Please, I'm here to apply for a job, am sure am in the right company right? Daniel asked the young lady who eyes was still fixated on his body.

Oh, yeah you are in the right company, that's way she said pointing.

Thanks so much Daniel said with a smile.

Entering the interviewers office, he adjusted his tie.

Good morning sir, Daniel greeted.

Morning, the interviewer said without even looking him.

Still fixated on what he's doing, so what are you here for? he asked .

how can he ask me such ridiculous question? Daniel said too himself.

Well am here for the inter.... he wasn't done when the interviewer chipped in.

"Interview... you can seat down, he said without looking at him."

"Can I have your CV he said looking at him?"

Here sir, Daniel said stretching out his CV to him.

Let's see if you are good for the job the interviewer said scanning through his CV.

You attended Yale university? he said looking at the CV.

Yes sir, actually it was through scholarship, Daniel said looking confident.

"Summa Cum laude" He said finally looking at him.

Yes sir, Daniel replied. I guess he finally saw that am not a pushover Daniel said smiling in his heart.