

"I can't believe am this late," Sandra said entering her office. she knew she wasn't supposed to be this late, she had always been pampered by her parents most especially her father. she doesn't want people to see her has someone that can't do a thing without her parents. she was gonna prove that she doesn't need her parents help for her success.

Yeah, you are damm late, Kellen replied her. Kellen had been waiting for her arrival.

I'm sure if I haven't called, you will still be on that bed sleeping. Kellen said squeezing her face as she said those words.

Hey, I know am late but you don't have to make matter worse. Sandra said as she went to sit on her office chair. she has been visiting the office since child hood after the death of her brother but right now, she is here as maybe their new CEO since she isn't a permanent CEO for now.

Her father has promised to make her the CEO if only she prove to him how responsible she could be and if she could handle responsibilities.

I'm only doing this just to make my dad think that I'm responsible.

"My dad said I should carry out the interview but here I am." sandra cursed.

I guess he will talk some sense into me today. Sandra was sure that words will get to her dad that she got late. Even though he saw her leaving home a bit late and said nothing, he will still talk about she being late on her first day at work. Her dad was a no nonsense man that took his work very serious, so more things were expected of her.

I heard from the receptionist that Mr James is dealing with the last applicant. Kellen said looking at her pitiful face.

I need to go now Sandra said, running towards the door.

One more thing, Kellen said walking around.

Which is? Sandra asked impatiently.

You have to employ the applicant.

And why will I do that? Sandra asked getting pissed.

As a proof to your dad that you really carry out the interview. Mr James said.

Thanks about that.... she said and walked away.

I must say that you are very intelligent and I am pleased with your qualifications the interviewer said smiling.

The idiot finally acknowledged me, Daniel said to himself.

Mr James, you can go.... Sandra said as she walked in.

Okay then I guess I have to leave, Mr James said leaving.

Stopping by the door, he said "he is very good and should get the job" he said then shut the door walking away.

Well let's start shall we? Sandra sat down adjusting her top properly.

She was now ready to carry out her first task in the company. This task will determine how her father will rate her.

Daniel looked up to see his new interviewer only to get shocked.

what are you doing here?!!!, he yelled. What the hell!!, what can she be doing here? He asked himself.