


Ring!!!! the phone kept on ringing until it was picked by a lady.

Good morning Sandra!, Kellen said over the phone.

Good.. morning..... Sandra replied stretching. She just woke up, and maybe if it wasn't for the call, she would still be sleeping.

Don't tell me you aren't dressed? kellen asked. She knew her friend just woke up by, and she could tell by her voice. Maybe if she hadn't call, she would still be sleeping by now.

"Your call woke me up... Sandra said in a low tone." she was still feeling sleepy and one could know by her voice.

Hope you know that you are supposed to be at the company by now!, Sandra yelled.

Hey, relax okay... it's no big deal because I own the company. Sandra said while playing with her fingers.

Scratch that.... Kellen replied. "You don't own the company and could even be denied the title of the CEO because of your non challant attitude." Kellen said over the phone.

You know you have to be there right? She asked Sandra over the phone. she was always looking after her wellbeing even till now. Sandra couldn't live a complete life without Kellen. Maybe she could but maybe a failed life.

I have heard you, I will take my bath right away, she said dragging herself from the bed.

I think I need to tell you that you need to hurry up. Kellen faint voice could be heard.

ouch!, Sandra groaned. I can't believe I'm feeling hungry. shock was written over Sandra face when she saw the time.

oh no!!!, time is really gone, she cursed.

Sir, Daniel said flagging down a taxi.

where to young man? the taxi driver asked.

George Leo he replied sitting comfortable.

ready? the taxi driver asked.

yeah, Daniel replied smiling like someone who won a jackpot.

I see you are dressed like one looking for a job?

Yeah, I am actually in need of a job, Daniel replied looking through the window. I need to take care of my little sis since my parents died, thereby leaving us alone.

I'm really sorry about that... the taxi man said feeling sorry.

Well, I don't need a big job, I just need a job that will be sufficient for our needs. he replied with a faint voice.

Well, it's fun working in an office but very stressful because you may not have time to look after your little sister, the taxi man said as the car came to an halt.

Are we there? Daniel asked looking through the window.

No, I think the car is faulty, it won't take long let me fix it quickly. the taxi man said coming down from the taxi.

Oh God, time as really gone, I hope I get there before they start. Daniel said looking down

Well, we're done the taxi man dusted his hands as he entered the taxi.

Shit!, time as really gone Daniel cursed. It was his first day and he supposed to be early for his job interview.