

Seven days had passed since the incident. Being enlisted as one of the talents Jake was given a house to stay, maids to fulfill his every wishes, even foods were provided by the government. Jake was sitting in the brown rocking chair and coffee on his right hand which he had been staring for long time instead of drinking. Seeing as his gaze was on the same place for a long time a maid standing beside him with a tray on hand said,

"Forgive me master, but do you not want to drink the coffee today."

Hearing that Jake was startled. He then put one of his fingers in the coffee which had lost all its heat. He then realized how long he had been frowning and apologized.

"Sorry, but can you make me another one Linda?"

The word sorry made her flinch. It wasn't a word to be said to anyone and most importantly who were chosen as Talents which made situation even more complicated for her because if some heard him apologize to a maid ; the one who was a high-class individual, the situation would definitely result in punishment for maid for making her master apologize. Fortunately no one except the two of them were present there. The maid sighed in relief.

"As you wish master."

Linda carefully took the cold coffee from Jake hand and when she was about to leave for the kitchen the door opened with a bang.

"Little master, please you need to go to school."

The voice was obviously of another maid who was suppose to accompany Jake's little brother to school but hearing her voice at the door meant that

"Did you run away from school again?"

Even without looking at the door the situation was obvious for him. His brother bunked his school again. Jake stood up from the chair, wrinkles on his white shirt disappeared and the outside light that came from the door made his brown pant a bit black.

"How many times do I have to tell you that you shouldn't run away from school."


Jake was astounded hearing his little brother who was only four years old say something like that but he hid his surprise in front of Harry and asked,


"Its becad yu becam a Talent. Befor this everything was well. I got to play, I didn't have to wolly about anything but now becad you becam a Talent I have to think before doing everything because evelyone says if I did this it'll ruin your reputation, if I did that it'll luin your reputation , then what am I supposed to do to not luin your reputation? Do I have to stop playing? Or do I have to live like yu?"

Those words weren't something that a four year kid would say, it was the people around that made him say something like this. Why would a kid in his years of laughing and playing saying such words? It was because of current society they were living in.

Harry was surely walking towards Jake but because of his tiny legs he seemed rather slow. His eyes hinted the problem he had been facing and anger was on the tip of his nose which had become red because of rather cold weather.

"Sometimes I wish... Sometimes I wish..."

"Wish what?"

Harry's voice became sharper than before which was filled with anger.

"Sometimes I wish that you should have just died in SP that day, if you had died that day I wouldn't have to listen to all these naggings."



A hand landed in Harry's cheek which left a mark red in color. It wasn't Jake who hit him but the hand which slapped Harry was rather small compared to Jake's. It was Linda. Though hitting a Talent was worthy of a punishment but hitting a non-talent was not much of a concern for anyone. Harry was talented as his brother was.

"Little master if you say another word the consequences won't good as this."

Being hit his eyes poured out river. After facing problems any child would turn to their family and Harry's only family there was Jake on who his eyes gazed after being hit but seeing as his brother standing there doing nothing but smiling as he wept shattered his heart to pieces. Harry wiped the tears which was pouring like rain but it was too much to be wiped.

"Now I don't even have the right to say anything id that it?"He said as he cried "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you Big Brother."

Harry was sobbing as he left for his room. Jake didn't stop him but he exchanged his glances with the maid who was to accompany Harry. The maid understood what he meant and started following Harry. Jake then turned his face towards Linda. Linda's face turned pale as his eyes gazed at her. She quivered in fear.

"S-Sorry master, I didn't mean to hit little-

"Thank you!"


"If someone hadn't hit him he wouldn't have realized what to say and what not to say. I guess it'll open his eyes and he will think before he says something like this to others. So, Thank you."

Her Pale face became colored. She smiled.

"Don't worry master it was my job."



"You forgot to get my coffee."

She then turned her eyes at her hands. The tray was there but the coffee wasn't .

"The coffee cup was broken when you slapped him."

She was embarrassed that she couldn't fulfill her duty.

"Sorry master I will get a new coffee right away and clean this mess."

Jake sat again at his chair. He let out a sigh out of his mouth and frowned.

'Kids these days'

The coffee he wanted had arrived and as he took a sip Linda started wiping floor with a piece of cloth.



"Is Drake waiting outside?"

"Yes master he is waiting outside for an hour."

Jake slowly finished his drink and stood up. Linda who had finished cleaning was standing before him to take the cup. Jake handed over his cup and said,

"Tell him that if he wants to do something he can do whatever he wants, he doesn't have to worry about ruining my reputation."

"Ok master I'll deliver your message."

Jake walked outside and before his eyes was Drake waiting for him to make his appearance in front of the car he was about to drive. When Drake saw Jake, he greeted his master formally and opened the car's door.

Jake said hesitantly,

"Um, Let's not go by car today. Let's walk to the venue."

Drake following his master wish closed the door and locked the car. He was a butler who was assigned to attend to Jake by government. He was as trustworthy and caring as one can be. A butler who was about the age of 25 was assigned to a 17 years old boy which showed the difference in service for talents as compared to the ones who are not.

Drake then checked his watch and said,

"Master it takes about 30 minutes if we go to the venue by foot and master Sylen's party starts at 12 in noon, you'll have to wait at the venue for at least 1 hour before party starts."

"Don't worry I have my plan before going to the party."

"If you say so I will not meddle any further."

They started walking outside as the gate to their mansion became smaller and smaller and finally disappeared before their eyes. Then a surprise was seen in Drake's face when he saw Jake taking a turn.

"Master that's the wrong way."

"Don't worry I have some business here and after its finish we'll go to the venue."

Surprised Drake couldn't help but gulp in worry.

"You know where you are heading in don't you , you shouldn't enter SP, not after getting selected as talents."

SP; was a term created by people of that place which was short form of 'Suicide Point'. Suicide point was not a cliff nor anything of nature created but a building which was 20 floors high and was surrounded by walls on three side of the building including its ground except its entrance which was guarded by government personnel.

'Before I didn't got the chance to go inside but now I can see what's inside.'

Jake turned his head towards Drake,

"Let's go in."

Drake who was unable to question his master's desire followed his master inside the SP. Soon their eyes showed them three people at the entrance of the building who were wearing black clothes and whose physique reminded them of the military. They were in charge of whether letting a person in the SP or not. Because they were not far away they could hear the conversation between them.

There were not much of a conversation except for the argument between one child who seemed to be of 10 years old having an argument with one of the guards.

"Let me in."



"You need to have money to enter the place. If you want to enter then come back when you have the money to enter."

Yes. Even for ending their own life money was needed. Death of a commoner was just like an extra income for them. So those who didn't have money choose to die outside of SP. Jake who ignored the argument asked the guard,

"Can I go visit the building."

Just by his tone of conversing guard found out he was one of the Talent. He then took out a golden device which seemed to be like a notebook and asked his name. Jake immediately replied,

"It's Jake."

"Only Jake?"


The guard then typed his name in what seemed as search bar and added his record of visiting the tower. But the guard seemed in a bit of a worry so to relieve his worry he handed a bag to Jake.

"Just in case carry it with you all the time it may help in an emergency."

Then the guard turned his head towards Drake.

"And who are you?"

"I am his butler."

"Sorry but butlers cannot accompany their master inside the building."


"Sorry but rules are rules."

Jake was given permission but Drake had to wait at the gate for his mater's arrival. Jake took the bag and carried it in his back and went inside. The Door which had sensors opened at Jake's presence and closed when Jake went in. The outside was rather lively.

"Why was he given the chance to enter even without money?"

"It's because you can't compare to him, come back here to visit for free after you become a talent."


"Yes come back after enlisting yourself as a talent."

"Ok mark my words, I William Jones will come back here after being enlisted as a talent."

The kid with a anger in his nose left the vicinity. Jake was about to reach the roof through the lift. But the surrounding had a smell in it which he was familiar with. The scent of blood. Whole vicinity was covered in such thick smell and it was worse when he arrived at the roof. Not because there were dead bodies at the roof. No there were no dead bodies at the roof. The smell came from below ,from the ground which was 20 floors below. The roof wasn't empty either there were people preparing for suicide.

Their expressions were different from normal people but everyone had similar emotion inside them. Fear. Fear of death . But what made them decide to suicide when they were so afraid of losing their breath.


Jake then walked towards the edge of the roof. When he reached the edge he crouched and looked below. Below him the ground filled with numerous corpses of people stared shaking before his eyes. No it was not the ground that was shaking but it was his legs which trembled seeing the ground which was several feet below him.


When he was afraid of the height a voice came from his back, which was a voice of a old man in line after him to jump from the roof.

"Kid when are you going to jump? it's getting late."

Jake who got asked a question bent his lips a little and started turning towards the old man behind him.

"I am here only to visi-

But before he could turn around and finish his sentence he was pushed in the back by a big old hand.

"Here let me help you, kid."