

"Hey, why do keep watching them fall? Do you not want to save them?"

With a gloomy face he replied,

"Do you think I didn't try?"

"What? you tried? How exactly have you tried to save them?"

"I tried to persuade them."

The man sighed and replied with a calm voice,

" It seems you haven't grasped the way to save them."

"I haven't grasped the way to save them? Don't mock me! Why don't you some me then?"

He pointed at the man standing at the edge of the terrace and said,

"Try saving him."

The man sighed and replied,

"I can't, not right now."

"I knew it. You can't fool me, if you want to fool me, you need to be better than that." He said with arrogance.

"I said I can't right now but one day I will," One day I will definitely save them, all of them."


The body of a boy fell at the ground and soaked the ground red.

"You sure talk big when you can't even save one."

"A man should have greater ambition. What if I can't save one now? What if one dies now? If my plan succeeds many lives won't have to turn mud in the future."

"I will save them this. I will save them that. Let's hear what your plan is?" He laughed and said.

"I will practice hard and hard and hard and hard and one day I will become one of the Royals. You know what power Royals hold, don't you? And using the power and position of Royal I will make the system disappear completely."

He wrapped his hands hands around Jake's shoulder and said,

"By the way, my name is Sylen. What's yours?"

"Don't wanna tell."

He shrugged his shoulder and left the terrace. His body had hardly disappeared, a voice came from him,

"I will for that day and don't cry if you can't make it."

He waved his hands and his figure disappeared in darkness.

Sylen just stood there and sighed.


He was out of breath when his eyes opened wide. He gasped and straightened his back. The pain was still over his body.

He then glanced at the surrounding and sighed. A white bed he slept in, the air filled with smell of medicines, it was undoubtedly a hospital and judging by it's interior it wasn't some general one.

Upon regaining consciousness he found out that only his left arm was broken and sighed in relief. He was impressed that how prepared the guards were.

When he was falling he had lost all hope of surviving but when he saw a bag with him, he realized something. It was a bag that was given to him by the guards in case of emergencies.

A little end of a short rope was coming out of the bag and seeing as it was his last chance of survival he immediately pulled the rope without much hesitation.

The bag opened and a large piece of cloth fluttered in the air and the more he was falling , the more slower he got. But even with speed greatly reduced he was unsure about his landing.

He knew if he landed head on, he will die for sure. But never in his life had he used a parachute so he didn't know how to land. Only chance of survival was to sacrifice one part of the body.

He then moved his body in the air as his left hand became and scapegoat for him.

He wasn't bleeding when he landed but he wasn't fine either. His left hand was completely swollen and had turned blue. He was in agony but scream didn't come out of his mouth. His eyes were slowly closing while darkness was taking his consciousness away.

There was a pool of blood before his eyes when he trying his best not to lose consciousness.

The mouth of the body before him moved a little and forming a smile with his old lips he squeezed out the words using the u

strength left,

"I will be damned...

No words came out of his mouth after. He died with open eyes and smile in his face.

The voice of old man before his last breath was still lingering in his head.

"Damn! I thought I was gonna die." Jake laughed idiotically just in thought of surviving by a hair.

No words could describe how he laughed.

The door suddenly open and its sound echoed throughout the hallway. It was as if the whole hospital was empty and just arranged for Jake.

The figure entered the room with a basket of fruit and silently put it on the bed and casually sat on the chair nearest to the bed.

"You're energetic as ever."

"You heard that?" Jake gave the person a deathly stare.

"Heard what?" The man tilted his head in confusion.

"You didn't hear my laugh?" He asked again.

"What are you talking about?" He shrugged his shoulder and assumed 'I don't know anything' pose.

Jake sighed,

"So, you did hear it."

Sylen immediately said as he Jake's hair,

" It's nothing to be embarrassed about, life is always like this."

Sylen face then darkened and said seriously.

"I know learning things first hand are better but don't do something that may endanger your life."

Jake leaned against the bed frame and said,

"It's not my fault I'm here, I was pushed you know."

Sylen grabbed a Apple fro. the basket and said as he took a bite,

"What I meant was, be careful and avoid dying."

Jake was dumbfounded and called out in surprise,

" Wasn't that for me?"

"Mm," He only nodded as his mouth was full and could speak."Tell you wh.....

cough~ cough~

Jake shouted, "Don't talk while you're eating, you almost choked."

Sylen wiped his tears and gave him a thumbs up,

" Its my style of eating apple you don't have to worry."

Sylen finished his apple and said,

" Pass me another one."

Jake glared at him and said,

" It's mine and you ain't getting any. Just finish your sentence you were about to say before you choked to death and get the hell out of here."

" Since Christa is gone no one respects me. How much do I have to suffer before I hear you say brother again." Sylen wiped his fake tears.

"Just get to the point and don't bring up something that's long gone." Jake said with a sigh.

Sylen faked a couth and said,

"Ahem...before I tell you what it is, I must ask of you not to be jealous."

"Why would I be jealous?"

"Tell you what I got chosen as an apprentice of a Royal. He will teach and train me so that one day I will succeed him, in other words its the same as inheriting his legacy. I will be starting from tomorrow."

"Good for you." Jake said casually.

"At least show a little shred of jealousy. My heart breaks only by thinking everyone got jealous but my junior who doesn't respect me didn't." He said ,

"You know what this means, don't you?'

He then stood up and walked at the door. He grabbed the handle and said,

" This is farewell."


"Let us meet again in the future when we both have become Royals."

"Yeah" Jake said as his lips curled up.

Sylen closed the door and left for his house.

After a moment, Jake stood up from the bed and watched Sylen leave through the window.