

It was like hundreds of caterpillars swarming on a single tree; the hands of hundreds of students were moving on the notice board in search of their names.

"yeeeaaahhh! I made it"

"Shit it was my last chance"

The atmosphere around the notice board was filled with different emotions; joy and happiness of the ones who got selected, anger and sadness of the ones who failed to get enlisted on the notice board which were accompanied by the sighs of relief of the ones who barely manage to be selected.

The notice board contained two section of names; one which mentioned the names of the students whose points exceeded 200 and another one mentioned of the ones whose points exceeded 100.


A sound of a impact came from the school ground but no one paid it any mind Maybe students were too busy searching their names on the notice board. No. Their facial expression told something else. It was as if they were disappointed.




More sounds followed the first one but they didn't seem to be interested in it. The atmosphere slowly grew silent and students started looking at each others face.

"Cheh , what losers."

A harsh voice filled with disappointment broke through the silence and more followed it.

"I know right."

"If they want to do something like this why won't they go to SP or something."

"I knew this was going to happen."

Their rebuke only grew fiercer. Jake who had finished viewing his result walked towards the nearest window from notice board which was five meter away. The window had stains but the view was still clear. There were the bodies of students in the ground which was surrounded by something from head to toe. Blood. The scene before him was obvious.

Suicide. According to the dictionary suicide is an act of killing yourself deliberately. Jake's expression wasn't of the one which who was surprised. It was as if natural for him to see suicide. Why wouldn't it be natural? Suicide was not rare but a common occurrence there.

Though discrimination that poor suffered before ended ,it didn't make any huge changes. Everyone got equal opportunities but it didn't make situation any better. It was believed at first that giving equal opportunities would solve problem of suicides but it had the opposite effect when the suicide rate doubled within one year. It was because the government created a new rule.

Talents . The students whose points exceeded 200 were deemed as talents which created the undisputed rule of hierarchy where talents were sponsored by government itself in every field while the ones who didn't exceeded the criteria had to live a hard life.

Jake's eyes slowly turned towards the building's roof.

One. Two. Three.

There were ten other students preparing themselves at the roof. Jake just watched them as five of them fall towards their death.






The sickening sound upon the impact rang throughout the school. Jake again shifted his gaze at the roof and furrowed his brows.

'Why? Why die? If your results are bad then shouldn't you try harder next time?'

While his eyes were focusing on the roof , a soft hand touched his back. It was Christa his classmate. Christa was one of the beauties of the class he was studying in. Though she was poor her academics were good and she was also the one who confessed her feelings to Jake but because of his family problems Jake refused to be in relationship.

"Why do you look so serious? Chill out."

But no response came from Jake which made her feel uneasy. Slowly she turned her gaze to the roof as well.

"I see," She spoke with a bit of sadness in her voice "Why do you always watch them fall to their death? Why don't you help them?"

"Help them? How? "

Jake answered the question with another question. Christa not hoping for such response was dumbfounded.

"Like talking to them-"

"Talking to them about what?"

"Like about not to suicide."

"What if they do not listen to me and carry on to the task?"

Christa was loss for her words when she heard his response. Without her awareness she had changed the subject.

"How many points did you acquire?"


He turned his face towards her and started pondering. She confused asked again,

"How many?"

" I am enlisted as talent."

Her lips bent slightly.

"I see, lucky you."

Her answer made him flinch.

"Lucky me?" the words made him anxious. "Don't tell me-

"You're right. I failed." Her voice was filled with sadness but her smile made him worry about her even more.




He gulped in hesitation to ask which made his mouth dry. But he finally spoke what he wanted to ask.

"Are you, are you to going to-

Her index finger touched his lips.

"Shhh," She said with a smile "I am not going to do something like that."

She slowly pulled her finger.

"Did you know brother Sylen got selected as perfect."

"Perfect! Brother Sylen really is something else. I knew it from the start that he was going to be selected as perfect. You knew it too, didn't you Christa?"

"Of course I knew it."

Jake's mood seemed to be lightened up after hearing that Sylen was chosen as perfect. A bright smile appeared in his face.

"Why don't we go congratulate him?"

Jake nodded in agreement and both of them starting walking towards upper floor. The crowd at notice board were as lively as before. They conversed as they climbed the stairs.

"Hey Jake! "


"About before, were you worried about me?"


"You were worried because you love me right?"

Jake blushed, "No, no. Its nothing like that. I was just worried because it was your last chance."

"Was that only it?" Christa asked.

"Yes it's only that and nothing more."

As if disappointed she blew air into her cheeks and pouted. Jake avoided her eyes and started climbing. They reached the second floor but Jake stopped his feet seeing Sylen surrounded by teachers. Her foot automatically stopped after Jake.

"I guess we shouldn't disturb him for now."

"I agree." Christa agreed to Jake's words.

Sylen who was surrounded by teachers suddenly saw Jake and Christa few meters away from him. He waved his hand at them as if greeting. Sylen then got past the crowd that surrounded him and walked towards them. When he reached near Jake Said,

"Sorry for ruining you moment."

"Its fine. You don't have to apologize instead I need to thank you for saving me from the crowd. Thanks man."


"Yeah! You know how bad I'm with crowd."

"Anyway congrats on being entitled a perfect."

"You give me too much credit. You know how far off I'm in comparison to them."

"Now you're being modest ,"Christa said "I mean getting above 300 points is no small achievement."

"Yeah! You're just being modest." Jake supported her claim.

Sylen was surprised seeing them like this. He then asked with a smile,

"What do you two want then?"


"Yeah party"

"Party?? I'm going to give party anyway. I mean everybody is demanding it."

"Then party for only two of us" Jake said.

"Okay, it is viable," Sylen rose his left hand and gazed at his watch, "It's 9 a.m. now so let's meet at 2 p.m. after school at the gate."

"Ok let's do it."

Time flew like a sparrow. It was already 2 p.m. Jake met with Sylen at the gate.

"Jake where is Christa?"

"She told me that she can't make it so she will take her share of party some other day."

"Already 17 but still acting like a child, It's Christa for you." Slyen said "Let's go to a restaurant then."

They were walking towards a restaurant when Jake realized something. His bag was lighter than usual. When he touched his bag he realized that he forgot his umbrella at the school.

"Ah brother Sylen I forgot my umbrella at the school, I need to get it so will you mind waiting for me."

"Don't worry we can go together. Actually I forgot my note at the school as well."

"Haha, how clumsy of you brother Sylen."

Sylen sighed, "You're the one to talk."

They again returned to school for their belongings and fortunately it was still there. They both took their belongings and met at the ground. Jake's eyes glanced at the ground which was stained with blood but no body of students were there. Seeing his face an officer standing in the ground said,

"Pay them no mind we'll clean it by tomorrow."

"O-ok" Jake answered hesitantly. Seeing Jake's troubled face Sylen patted his back.

"Don't worry about it."

Sylen shared same ideas as Jake so he was the first senior Jake looked up upon and admired. His wards made him comfortable.

"I see. Let's go."

As their feet reached the gate a sickening sound of which all were familiar with rang again.


This time both Jake and Sylen stopped and turned back and looked at the body. The body was covered by the pool of blood. The redness in the head was more as if it fell head first in the ground. The limbs didn't move like it had no power. The shape of the body was awfully familiar to them. The one who died there was no one else but Christa.

Upon seeing her body the first thing that appeared in Jake's mind was her words.

"I'm not going to do something like that."

'She lied.'

Jake who was shocked slowly turned his pale face towards Sylen. Sylen easily grasped the situation and he knew that if he broke now, Jake who admired him would break thousand times. He calmly wiped tears from Jake's eyes which even Jake hadn't realized was pouring out. Sylen then said,

"Don't turn your head. We shouldn't falter, not right now, if we falter now the dreams we dreamt will become unattainable ."